Maybe if I said that Paris Hilton looked like her......

lol Quote

People ask me about Keira Knightly all the time.

People ask me about Keira Knightly all the time.

She gets bent? Fuck, I thought she did it on purpose!
I don't look like anyone...proof positive that I truly am destined for greatness.

1/22/09 @ 8:10pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
I wanna know who do you guys think look like celebrity look a likes??

Danielle -- A young Elizabeth Taylor
Sylvia -- Billie Piper
Kittie Turner -- Avril Lavigne
Kalikatt -- Sasha Alexander ( NCIS )
Candie -- Jean Bruce Scott ( Airwolf tv series ) or Nancy Allen ( Robocop) Quote

Every time i watch that movie i think of Noamy

1/22/09 @ 8:50pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: California, USA
Posts: 370

1/23/09 @ 6:18am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Normal, Illinois
Posts: 24
Maybe if I said that Paris Hilton looked like her......

of course the fact her name is Paris H might also have something to do with it? Quote

Kalikatt-Catherine Zeta Jones
Paris H-Paris Hilton ofc

Sheryl- Christina Aguilera
Saran I-Salma Hayeck Quote

Hey Kali,
when I first saw you I totally thought you looked like gina gershon! I own this movie called picture Claire and you totally look like her! So hot~.
People tell me I look like Nicole Kidman, a porn star named Sunset Thomas, and Some woman named gina wild. Not sure who that is! I think they are all wonderful compliments!! Quote

Sylvia -- Billie Piper
Kittie Turner -- Avril Lavigne
Kalikatt -- Sasha Alexander ( NCIS )
Candie -- Jean Bruce Scott ( Airwolf tv series ) or Nancy Allen ( Robocop)
Who are those people you say i look like?? I have never heard of any of them lol... Quote

1/23/09 @ 1:26pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
Airwolf was an old tv show from the 80's and Jean Bruce Scott played a police officer
Nancy Allen - Most famous for her role of Officer Lewis in the 3 Robocop movies
best bet is to goto Imdb.com and type their names into the search box or google search their pictures X Quote

Kalikatt-Catherine Zeta Jones
Paris H-Paris Hilton ofc

Sheryl- Christina Aguilera
Saran I-Salma Hayeck
Yeah,many members are telling me i look like Christina Aguilera ( and i tell them i am her lil sister) lol

when I first saw you I totally thought you looked like gina gershon! I own this movie called picture Claire and you totally look like her! So hot~.
People tell me I look like Nicole Kidman, a porn star named Sunset Thomas, and Some woman named gina wild. Not sure who that is! I think they are all wonderful compliments!!
hmm Candie I have never seen it - you should bring it over we can watch it together lol