HAHA diddy brace yourself I'm getting rdy to write a novel. I love talking about sex and sharing details (one of the many perks of this job) I can talk about my sex life / experiences and not have people be like why would you share that?
Ok so the first time I had sex, I was 19. Had no idea what I was doing have to say I've gotten MUCH better lol
First time I had anal.. there wasn't any real prep there which...hurt to say the least, I was 19 at my parents house (funny story...maybe I should post that in my blog?). My boyfriend basically was like hey would you be up for
anal me being new to sex was like hell yea, first time i didn't like it. It took alot of convincing for me to do it the second time. After the second time I found I loved it. It's gotta be the real thing toys don't cut it.
Advice for getting your girl to do anal. LUBE LUBE LUBE spit doesn't work!! If you want to do it invest in a nice lube. They make lubes specifically for anal, Ive never tried any so one of the other girls will have to step in and tell you guys how those compare to regular lubes. I use swiss navy it comes in a bunch of flavors too, and tastes like the flavor not lube!! (bought it in a porn store) love it. Its water based so its easy clean up, and you won't feel sticky afterwards. Oh also it doesn't break down fast like some of the other lubes I've used.
Ok so now that you guys know you have to use lube no ifs ands or (no pun intended) buts about it lol. Lets talk about getting her in the mood. If shes never done it before don't push her lol. I would suggest while your eating her out taking a finger and rubbing it on here opening back there. As long as she doesn't pull away and ask what the hell do you think your doing its ok.

If shes good with the rubbing over time stick a little bit of your finger in, just to the first or second knuckle, again if she doesn't pull away asking what the hell your doing keep going. Stick your finger in all the way, go slow tho. From here its up to you if you want to go in and out or do the "cum hither". Moving in and out if your not going at the right pace or shes new to the whole thing, it can be painful for her. If you want to be able to stick it in her ass with out it being ...well..a pain in her ass you have to listen to what she says. Even though you really want to just flip her over stick it in and go to town. If shes not a fan of it b/c your not doing what feels go to her, your throwing your future
anal sex life out the window. The "cum hither" would be easier to do if your eating her out less movement, this will also let her focus more on the sensation of it more so than trying to keep relaxed and focusing on climaxing. The secret of the cum hither lol very simple really. You know how you signal for someone to come over to you with your pointer finger? do that. This works for when your fingering your girl to. Hits perfect on he g-spot.

...what else what else what else? From your finger you would be able to use a toy on her at a later date no use rushing it right? get a thin toy, prob an inch or so in diameter, if it vibes thats good, it will help her relax as your moving it in and out. Then your going to want to work up to one slightly smaller than you. Then you can go for the real thing.
This is key for penetration ANGLE ANGLE ANGLE. You cant have her just climb on top of you and slide it in her first time. First off in being on top its harder to relax your muscles back there, thus making harder for you to go in thus making it no fun. There are two positions that are good for beginners first doggy, your able to hold her hips and go to town ( fyi I've found the faster you go = less pain, the slower = more pain) plus this gives her the chance to bury her face in the pillow and scream thinking why did i agree to this jk.

. Second pos. have her lay down on her back and push her knees up into her chest, this will open up that area for you and allow her to push against your legs with her hands to let you know if your hurting her, or going to fast. As far as exact entry angle, your going to have to play around with that one, or man up and talk to a buddy of yours who's done it and ask him lol. To re-cap. LOTS of LUBE, get in the right ANGLE, talk it out.
AND just for you girls relax your ass!!!
First threesome. I was 22. It was just one of those things that happened I was bi curious at the time, my boyfriend said hey there's this girl at work I've been talking to she really likes you would you ever want to do anything with a girl? Me being me was like hell yea so that was the end of that one.
ADVICE only do a
threesome if both sides are 100% confident that your relationship will make it through it. I've seen idk how many relationships fall apart b/c of this. Set up rules. kissing is ok tongue is not ect ect. Main thing to keep in mind as a guy, don't neglect your girl / fiance/ wife. That I have to say is one of te biggest mistakes. Also if your girl is the jealous type I would suggest opting out of this one. The normal saying about threesomes is someone always feels left out. If done right this won't happen =) One of my fav. things about threesomes is when the girl is bent over doggy eating me out and my boyfriend is doing her doggy. Idk why but I love it. Before my whole
threesome days I would look at a girl and be more reserved as to what I thought about her. Now I'm like I'd fuck her. So yea lol
Peeing....closest I've ever come to it, is shower with my boyfriend and the "waters warm and he couldn't hold it". He thinks its the funniest thing, I on the other hand hate it. So no advice for you guys there.
Bondage, I love being pinned down and everything else, so being tied up came naturally. Just don't tie anything to tight, there's nothing worse than having to stop cause you can't feel your hands or feet.
Role playing, I can make a costume out of a mash up of clothes that I have, you don't have to have your girl go out and buy something that shes only going to wear in the bedroom once or twice.For example, I have a black pvc corset top, pair that with a pair of fishnets, a garter and some heels and you got yourself a show =). I will dress up for my boyfriend every so often. If he really wants to see me in something he will pick out things for me to wear and lay it out on the bed so when I walk in our room that's the first thing I see and get the hint without him hounding me =) The thing that makes me do it, I feel sexy dressed up in something I normally wouldn't wear, and I love seeing his reaction to it
For me something that would make me step out of my comfort zone is stripping / stripteasing. I'm not a dancer never have been prob never will be. Any of you models that want to teach me lol I'd be more than willing to take notes as long as I get to touch too
hope this posts one the first attempt *crosses fingers*
Oh also, the things I've typed in my post, are things that have worked for me they are not sure fire things.