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your first job!
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Female Performer Chat: your first job!
Honey Brown
Created by: Honey Brown

7/23/09 @ 7:46pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Hey I was inspired by "your first car" so I decided to start one about your FIRST job ever!

Ok (looks around) looks like Im first.

I had a shaved head in high school and multiple piercings in the small mormon town I grew up in so finding a job was difficult for me. All of my brothers and sisters had to pay rent when they started working so I didnt have my first job until I was 18 years old. I begged this fat italian guy to let me work for him in the back doing dishes at a little place called the "all-you-can eat taco house" sure enough he hired me. aaahhhhhh the taco house. good memories!

your turn.
Created by: cblguy

7/23/09 @ 11:49pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: West Coast

Grandfathers friends gas station when I was 14, cleaning the bays and pumping gas (back when someone actually pumped your gas for you!) on Saturdays. Under the table for like $2.00 a hour if I remember correctly. :drinkup
Created by: xxjdxx

7/23/09 @ 11:58pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Canada Baby!!!!
Posts: 235

a pizza guy :)

worked inside starting at age 13, moved to delivery when i got my license, quit at 18 haha
lotsa good memories, but lotsa bullshit really is true, the less you make at a job, the harder you have to work :D
Created by: lickau

7/24/09 @ 12:10am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

I actually did usually mow yards , shovel snow , and even had my own "Night Crawler" business before age 10

First official job at 15 was working in Grocery Store
Started with 1 section and bagging - was promoted to a assistant manager within 1 year :drinkup

Nice topic Miss Brown :thumbsup
Carla Lopez
Created by: Carla Lopez

7/24/09 @ 12:42am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

a pizza guy :)
worked inside starting at age 13, moved to delivery when i got my license, quit at 18 haha
lotsa good memories, but lotsa bullshit really is true, the less you make at a job, the harder you have to work :D

A wise man once said that you could always tell the difference between someone with a job and a career,,someone with career thinks there is never enough time in the day and someone with job thinks there is WAY too much time in the day!! first job was at an arcade and I ended up getting fired because I was giving away the prizes to the little kids for almost nothing..if they came to me and had 300 arcade points,,I would rather give them the beanie baby for 1000 points rather then 30 plastic spiders, 10 erasers, and 5 blow pops.
Created by: gallodelcielo

7/24/09 @ 1:51am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,477

I was helping in my dad's company since I was a child, but that I can't call my first job...

My first job was in my school vacations in a pizza house. I was doing the drinks. :drinkup

Hehe... It was called "Taormina". I remember that the owner gave the name of his hometown ti his restaurant.
Morgana Layfaye
Created by: Morgana Layfaye

7/24/09 @ 2:11am (EST) |UTC - 5:00 First Job was when I was 15. At the time I wanted so badly (dont remember why now ) to dye my hair Blonde... my father told me that the only way I could it was if I got a Job to pay for it. So I started Babysitting kids after school and during the summer.I was in the 9th Grade at the time and the Highschool I went to had a work/study program.. so not only did I babysit kids after school and during summer break, but I did the work study program... my 3rd period study hall I was a Library asst. and then my 8th period study hall I was an Office lady... got paid for both of them...instead of getting a grade.

Wow fun times.. use to sign my friends out of classes just to hangout with them back then Hahaha.
Created by: daltoc

7/24/09 @ 8:41am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 80

I started to work at 14 in my father's store but my first offical non-family job was a lifeguard at an outdoor swimming pool when I was 16. What a great job - did 4 summers as a lifeguard and loved every minute of it (as I remember now). There were about 15 lifeguards, 1/2 male 1/2 female, all fairly young. We had a blast.
Created by: Loona

7/24/09 @ 8:42am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Mmmm my first job?... Hard to tell. I am type of "working woman" so I seem to work always. Not always because of need of money - I only wanted to have my own independent budget.

When I was 4 I wanted to go with my mum to her shop to put in order chewing gums in boxes (then it was only help4free :winkwink). When I was 10-16 I worked in her shop regularly. When I was 15 I wanted to find smth by my own but my biggest pain was that I could be legally "employed" after 16. Awww I suffered mentially... :orglaugh Soooo halfly legally I was doing: picking the fruits, cleaning flats, art painting clothes, painting walls in flats, painting shops (I am really handy woman), selling things on ebay, ahh list is really long. When I was 14 I wrote essay from computer science for my older sister - she got A+ so I earnt icecream :orglaugh
When I was 17 I have sold my first webpage - my pay was... awesome mickrophone which allowed me to earn money as a dancehall singer :orglaugh Wow when I write this I am laughing but it is alll true.

I think that starting earning oney early helps to change temper into adult one. :thumbsup :thumbsup
Morgana Layfaye
Created by: Morgana Layfaye

7/24/09 @ 9:23am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Mmmm my first job?... Hard to tell. I am type of "working woman" so I seem to work always. Not always because of need of money - I only wanted to have my own independent budget.
When I was 4 I wanted to go with my mum to her shop to put in order chewing gums in boxes (then it was only help4free :winkwink). When I was 10-16 I worked in her shop regularly. When I was 15 I wanted to find smth by my own but my biggest pain was that I could be legally "employed" after 16. Awww I suffered mentially... :orglaugh Soooo halfly legally I was doing: picking the fruits, cleaning flats, art painting clothes, painting walls in flats, painting shops (I am really handy woman), selling things on ebay, ahh list is really long. When I was 14 I wrote essay from computer science for my older sister - she got A+ so I earnt icecream :orglaugh
When I was 17 I have sold my first webpage - my pay was... awesome mickrophone which allowed me to earn money as a dancehall singer :orglaugh Wow when I write this I am laughing but it is alll true.
I think that starting earning oney early helps to change temper into adult one. :thumbsup :thumbsup

____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________

Loona I have to agree about starting to earn money at a young age helping to change ones attitude into that of an adult because it helps a child to understand the value of a Dollar alot better.
After I babysat and worked both Study halls for the school I had my own bank account at the time, by the end of the summer and it was time to go back to school I got my own school clothes for school and everything I needed for school, plus had money left over to do with what I wanted to, so I dyed my hair Blonde... which was the one thing I really wanted to do, then I went to the Blue Hill Fair in Blue Hill, Maine with my best friend at the time and I paid for everything for her and I. I loved it. I felt like I was Free.
Created by: suggs

7/24/09 @ 10:14am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

well if I go back to first EVER job -- delivering newspapers when I was 10

but first proper job was in a grocery store - 4 evenings during the week and all weekend to hepl suppliment me through college
Honey Brown
Created by: Honey Brown

7/24/09 @ 1:54pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I actually did usually mow yards , shovel snow , and even had my own "Night Crawler" business before age 10
First official job at 15 was working in Grocery Store
Started with 1 section and bagging - was promoted to a assistant manager within 1 year :drinkup
Nice topic Miss Brown :thumbsup

thanks! Really cool to hear all your stories. Thanks for replying.
Luckie Daye
Created by: Luckie Daye

7/24/09 @ 3:35pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Whoa, memory lane. My first job at 15 was sweeping the floor and emptying garbage cans at McD's, I quit after my retainer fell in garbage can. Then was at pizza place, dressed as their Mascot (that resembled a certain Italian Ruler), but after I was tackled by friends on a main road in sunny S. FLA, quit to move on to other memorable jobs ;)
Created by: d9itl8r

7/24/09 @ 3:46pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Practicing my Lotto 6/49 Happy Dance !
Posts: 3,143

Yeah I was a newspaper boy as a youngin. First real job was a full service attendant at a gas station. It was a fun job :thumbsup I had to work the graveyard shift and use to pump gas and propane for taxi`s and cops. I was 15 and I still remember when the older girls would come in after the bars and fill up :winkwink It was a blast ! We use to rent out cars there too and I use to take them for a boot even though I wasn`t driving yet. Those were the days :drinkup :drinkup :drinkup

Great post brings back the memories :)
Honey Brown
Created by: Honey Brown

7/24/09 @ 4:09pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

while I was working the "taco house" they transferred me to thier other shop, which was a pizza joint. I did the dishes there until the driver quit. By that time the way that I looked was no longer an issue because of my evershinning ESP. They asked me to become the new driver and thats what I did on and off until about 2 years ago. My car permenatly smelt of pepperoni and sausage (great way to real in the man meat) :) I can honestly say that I was the hottest professional pizza delivery girl. Its a very dangerous job for hotties. I was a witness to attempted murder kidnapping, was offered sex by really crazy guys, went to a skinheads house who commanded there dog to attack me, and was almost raped. This is by far way safer then delivering pizza.
Created by: stratos66

7/24/09 @ 5:38pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Fucking cars city

I did the newspaper delivering thing when I was nine.Had a huge route (357 customers) and for a 9 year old I was making good money but collecting money from adults was the biggest pain in the ass lol.Anyways that was my absolute first job :)

good topic :thumbsup
Brintney James
Created by: Brintney James

7/24/09 @ 5:47pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

i was babysitting before i was of age to babysit for 2.25 an hour. but first job on the books was for a local donut shop..... back when you actualy had to WORK to do the job. now it is all push button... my 10 year old could do it, and they still cant get the orders right.. lmao

first jobs are fun, when you bring home the first paycheck for 50-100 bucks and think you could own the world. than i got a real job and decided what i wanted to earn the rest of my life.. lol.
than again, the more you make, the more you learn to work, at least i did... because it ment the more i wanted and the more i felt i needed and in turn the more i bought. its a visiuose cycle....
Created by: lookin4t

7/24/09 @ 6:13pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Indianapolis, In
Posts: 622

My first job was at a full service gas station. I got paid $2.10 an hour and thought I was getting rich. The price of the gas was 34.9/Gal and I could fill my gas tank on my car for about 5 bucks. I was hired to cover for someone else for one day and he never came back to work, so I got to keep the job. I was there for a year and a half. I then worked at an Arby's. I liked that because most of the other employees were girls and few were HOT. I managed to get enough raises and work enough hours to put myself through school and put gas in my car for the commute. I was either working, sleeping, driving to or from school or studying. I didn't have any free time, but when I graduated I didn't have a loan to pay off. :) :thumbsup
Created by: oraemon

5/16/16 @ 3:28am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1

Mine was working as a part-time assistant to a counsellor at a small clinic when I was 23. I'd to sit facing away from the clients who'd share their problems(education, marital, finances, fears..) to the counsellor and write down briefly what they say & the advise he offers. Later I'd have to type them & file away. Some of the stories I've listened to were scary and it's marvelous how people don't give up & fight back when facing their worst fears. I was there for 6 months. From my first pay there, I think I bought a small gift for my parents, I felt so high!
Created by: oraemon

5/16/16 @ 3:32am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1

Grandfathers friends gas station when I was 14, cleaning the bays and pumping gas (back when someone actually pumped your gas for you!) on Saturdays.

Pumping gas for oneself is not here in India yet where I'm and probably in most asian & Middle East countries(not sure about the rest of the world).

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