Adding insight into Mandy's postscript:
As the proud possessor of a well nurtured though perhaps spoiled penis, and as one who loves porn when in the right mood... I will confess to enjoying porn where there is a dude doing stuff to a dudette. I am very strongly hetero, just a natural by-product of my DNA string I'll bet. So let me state the obvious:
1) When a man is in that really hard core mood where he wants to do it hard, do it long, do it wild, and make that bitch outtahermind fucked... I believe he is more inclined to have that dude in the shot because he is feeling short on imagination and long on horniness.. It is the sex, the cum blasting out of his rod, that feeling of manliness and power that he is indulging.
2) When a man is more poetical and is merely looking for ultimate beauty, warmth, or in the mood to be more worshipful of the opposite sex, then he is only going to want a dudette in the picture, and will probably be very fussy about the exact dudette and the nature of the pose.
3) When the man is in a scientific and careful mood he may want another dudes penis in the shot to give it all a sense of scale, of proportion.
4) When a man is feeling a part of a bigger entity, or wanting to pass along something to his peers, he may want to encourage another man in his particular wrecking of the horny bitch in the outtacontrol fuck mood of 1.
For... you see... men are complex. You will never understand us, for our chemical soup and DNA string is different from yours. You can get hints from watching wolf packs and documentatries about Isaac Newton. But in the end we are that magnificent penis toting force that must be experienced and not understood. We are the lightning in the thunder filled skies.