Your fan,
Ted Quote

4/7/15 @ 11:52am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Sunny South Florida - with a REALLY cool car :-)
Posts: 1,501

about a year now, hmm? I remember about a year ago that Putin began his annexation and invasion of Crimea and eastern Ukraine. Perhaps they were unfortunate enough and lived either in Crimea or east of the Dnepr River.... Quote

Ukraine's a home not just for the locals but the many foreigners too ...tourists, students, many more. My prayers for her peace and happiness. Shche ne vmerla Ukrayina! Quote

Your fan,

true esp. about the Latvians, two of 'em(Melisenta & Beverly Hill) are utterly butterly sexy...

Your fan,
Hello Ted!
I saw your thread and had to reply because I totally know what you mean. I was born there myself and am going back to visit family in about a month from now. The ladies really are amazing, which is exactly why I would say I am probably bi-sexual. They are works of art to be admired. I don't just mean the models though, but just the girls you see daily on the street are just exquisite. I would definitely recommend you visit the country - if you are male that is!
I am actually half Ukrainian and half South African, but consider myself a gypsy, mainly because I travel around a lot, have been raised by so many different people and cultures, and nobody ever guesses correctly where I am actually from!
I had a funny incident on cam just yesterday, while I was in public chat. See I am totally fluent in English with no hint whatsoever of any accent (other than my own unique South African one I guess lol) and so I was having fun, talking a lot, when some Russian dude decided to swear at me in Russian. He obviously assumed I would not understand a word and so I smiled and swore him right back (politely ofcourse).
He first went silent for a moment, then admitted that I gave him the biggest shock ever! So I preceded to speak to him in Russian some more, and advised him that next time he decides to get off on insulting models in a language they don't understand, he should at least be prepared to meet his match. I found this quite hilarious.
Hope you join my room sometime, will be great to chat with you.
Take care Quote