5/31/15 @ 2:14am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
"You know nothing Ann Rain" he said, shortly before being cut in two by a Day Ranger's sword. He fell in two pieces while his penis still pulsed within Fenchurch's womb.
* meanwhile before the throne of codpieces *
King Smedley: You must kneel and give me your codpiece if you want to escape the executioner's axe.
Queen Regent: *rolling eyes* I think I'd rather have a new pike cover than see his hairy sonmaker.
Lord Swallow: *with gritted teeth* You'll get that pike cover milady... I'll never bow!
* meanwhile in the Blue Conference room *
Little Pecker: *shifting eyes left to right * heh heh Dear Lord Swallow didn't expect an ambush as he went to arrest Old Googly Eyes. That's what I call a "turd turnover".
Lord Late Reactor: You are too clever Little Pecker. Someday it will be your undoing. Chaos is a wind that cannot be controlled...
Little Pecker: Chaos is a rope waiting to be climbed by one without sweaty palms.
Lord Late Reactor: Yes a rope. A rope that you will swing at end of. In hangman's noose.
End of episode.... Go to music.....

5/31/15 @ 11:54am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Trafficker: No way dude. Our city is ruled by rock and roll!
Dannie Generous: Citizens I will let you listen to whatever you please. Throw off the drug lord and kneel before your queen!
Citizen 1: Mama Mia!
Citizen 2: Barry Manilow!
Citizen 3: Spyra Gyra!
Trafficker: Oh fuck...
Dannie Generous: ha ha ha That's right. Throw open the gates and execute the traffickers!
* meanwhile at the Great Moat *
Day Ranger 1: Yep it's a nor' easter all right. Winter is coming.
Day Ranger 2: I know. I can feel it in my corns.
Snow Snake: Yeeeeeeaahhhhhhhhhhharrrrghghhhh!
Day Ranger1: Wazzat?
* meanwhile in Bahamamamas *
Immortal 1: Heeeeeeeyaaaaa ha ha hiiiii!
Immortal 2: Yiiiiii! Sa sa sa!
Masked Mage: Ahhhhh very good. We are almost ready for Queen's Deep.
End of episode... Cue music... Quote

6/1/15 @ 12:24am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Day Ranger 2: Damn it has frozen. They are just walking across. I knew we should have built a wall.
Captain of the Day Rangers: Fall back! We'll fight them at Fortress Optimistic!
Ice Worm: Screawwwwwwghhhhhhh!
* meanwhile in Queen's Deep *
King's Father: That was very brilliant k1lling the Warden of the North. Now we must go to war.
King Smedley: I had to father. He insulted me.
Queen Regent: And doesn't he look good up there... on Criminal Wall. Never saw so many crows.
King's Father: What a curse to a father you two are. Now instead of enjoying peacefully my later years I have to trudge around the north winning your war for you.
* meanwhile in another part of Queen's Deep *
Eerion: I am the god of tits and wine.
Horion: I am your goddess.
Eerion: Oh it can't be good that I am in love with a whore.
Horion: Your father doesn't approve.
Eerion: My father barely tolerates me. I am lucky that I am not king.
Horion: Come here little man and see if you can reach my tits and my twat and the same time.
* meanwhile in Castle Pessimistic *
Lady Ursula: I am the priestess of the nine armed god! I demand a bl00d sacrifice.
Mannis: (aside) Biiiiiiiiig surprise.
Dogros: Don't do it sire. It will be your doom. Doom I say.
* cut to music, end of episode * Quote

6/1/15 @ 3:46am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
How many Dothracki does it take to change a light bulb?
None. When a Dothracki light bulb feels weak, it is challenged by another one. And the younger, brighter bulb will surely win the duel.
How many Starks does it take to change a light bulb?
38... because the flittering light bulb is really a Lannister trap.

6/19/15 @ 9:57am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Fred Stark: I'll have that changed in a jiffy. Whaa? Whooo? arrrrrggggghhhh!
Betty Stark: None of you big Stark men could do it. Let me have a try. Cersei wtf? yiiiiii!
Sally Stark: Where's the stool. I'll just slide it un... *GAAAAAAAAAAAAZAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!*
Julio Stark: Gotta mamba... mamba to the bulbarama.... eiiiiiiiighghhhhhhhhhaaaaarrrrr!
Lannister voice: We need cleanup on aisle 13
Morgan Stark: One changed bulb a commin' right up *ZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT*
Landshark Stark: Landstark. he he he. Now where's that bad boy. *yiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeiiiiiiiii*
Pauli Stark: All right all right, geez! I'll change the friggin' bulb. OMG! *KEEEERCHOP*
Rocky Stark: I dunno if I should change the bulb. What do you think Adrian? *CRUNCH*
Adrian Stark: You can't do it Rocky! You can't change the bulb! Here I'll ... eeeeeeyiiiiii!
Lorre Stark: Oh I see that there is a bulb that needs changing. Do not despise me for my bulb changing compulsion. Oh dear... however did I fall for it? *RATTA TATTTA TAT*
And so it went on until the room was referred to as the Red Room. Tune in next year for Season 6.

6/21/15 @ 10:55am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Bl00dy Arie: The man was on the girl's list.
Joaquin 2 tongues: The girl has stolen, the man means snarfed bb, from the many, more than two faced god bb.
Bl00dy Arie: Why does one man matter and another not?
Joaquin 2 tongues: To ask this shows, the man means in volumes bb, shows that the girl is not ready, not by a long shot, ready bb.
Bl00dy Arie: The girl is sorry for disappointing the man but not for taking the life.
Joaquin 2 tongues: The price of a life is a life bb, life for life bb. * drinks poison *
Bl00dy Arie: No! The man shouldn't do this!
Joaquin dulled tongues: *gasp* Be careful which girl, which girl bb, a man, a simple honest man takes under his wing, his guidance so to speak bb. *argggggggghhhhhhhhhh*

7/2/15 @ 4:09pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

As the bl00d oozed out, staining the snow, he rasped out "Muffy...Muffy" His dire poodle was nearby. As was foreseen, he would rise again in another form... a fluffy white form good for yipping.

7/2/15 @ 10:24pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
How'd you slee... OH FUCK!!!! BAD DOG!!! VERY BAD DOG!!!! The only way you are gonna learn is... here how's that smell you BAD BAD DOG!!
*whack whack whack YIPE YIPE YIPE YIPE YIPE*
You know nothing FiFi Snow...

7/3/15 @ 1:23pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Release the hound! ( the dire poodle comes out, sniffs each bowl, and then buries her nose in the right bowl )
Cut Cut! (lowly) Stupid animal. More steak in the middle bowl. Good. Noooooow action!
( dire poodle, muzzle already a little brown, sniffs the 3 bowls and buries her snout in the left bowl )
Goddammit cut cut! We are going to be here all morning. Get the vat of tar from the battlements. ( a brief wait and muzzle cleaning ) Good, now pour the tar all over the left and right bowls. That's right all the way up to the rims. Just don't get any on the sides of the bowls.
Release the hound! ( now the dire poodle, after a brief sniffing of the other two, finally guzzles down the middle bowl, the crew high fives in great relief )
You know nothing FiFi Snow...

6/22/16 @ 12:00am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
How many Lannisters does it take to capture a castle? None when Jaime is in charge.
How many Starks does it take to capture a castle? Nearly two. Surely one.
How many slavers does it take to capture a castle? All of them but one.
Greyjoys we've seen take but never hold. Losing not their whole but their most vital.
Yep you gotta take your keep and have it too.