Welcome to Flirt Athena. Congratulations on receiving responses from Dan in Florida and Kertzum. Dan is one of the wisest men on Forums and Kertzum is an enthusiastic newcomer. Dan said straight to the point, be yourself. Kert gave good advice. I myself have been visiting Flirt for less than a year. A thread Open Chat Etiquette Redux by Suggs should be read by all users and is helpful to models.
I stopped because you are named Athena, I took Latin. Also I liked how you said "my whole performance", I may stop for the show.
Models have told me they had a lot of WTF moments in the first month or two, be patient. As one old user told me "it's just a wack-off site." That is why some people don't have patience for all the same questions from "newbies" Well, I am oldest in my family and if my siblings DIDN'T ask certain questions I got worried. Including "who put you in charge asshole" that one became a lawyer. LOL
So do your performance, remember it is YOUR room, and have fun. I don't care if you have a puppet show with beanie babies. A sexy lady laughing and making us laugh usually leads to good things. Good Luck