Seen a few very nice models recently that caught my eye and justthought share my thoughts with you all and maybe go check them out they seem a fun bunch..
Jayden Jagger ... i'f you like long haired brunettes with great personality and looks little like Angelina Jolie as some have noticed. But I think shes prettier then Angelina Jolie..
Alie May.... New girl you will see her in the Fresh faces section... Very pretty lady again from Siberia and her name is Alisa, amazing control of the English language and a great personality.. Loves to chat too and enjoying being here to meet new people.
Annelle... One that is hard to catch online but spot her name go take a peek , shes again amazingly pretty lady.. shes not really new been on flirt awhile it seems but hardly online, did see her online today and still looks amazing..
Avonny... new girl again , one to check out too seems very playful
Canny... like I said for Annelle above..
Chloe Roberts... Nice new girl think shes from USA or Canada ..
Jennelle .... Pretty Polish lady with amazing sparkling eyes and very pretty smile... not new but comes online normally in early Europe hours, so USA people may end up missing her.
Litanya ... saw her online one time, she seems to be one to watch for and seems a very nice catch for the site.
Obry... New girl again a nice catch one to watch out for.
Oriel... same as above .. seems little shy in open room, but I think just needs little time to settle and will be a great performer.
Roxenne I said for Annelle above.. but online more often, reminds me of one of the Olsen twins, maybe just me but very pretty lady.
Okay they are the ones that come to mind recently .. hope gave you same ideas who to check out, nice bunch all of them above and well worth popping in and saying hi.