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Forums / Female Performer Chat

Flirt History Thread
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Female Performer Chat: Flirt History Thread
Created by: dudley_do_ride

3/27/15 @ 12:50pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

It is fun to cast our minds back to the old days... when policies, software, technology was different. Do you have a memory you'd like to share?

There was a time before cam to cam. A time when curtains opened and closed. A time before boy / girl couples regularly appeared.

We had less memory, different operating systems, less bandwidth. Our icons were different, our colors.

Why... there wasn't even a forum at one time. How gauche. Epic words had to be saved for models' rooms.

Let's go back to yesteryear when men were men, models were models, and sheep were scared.

Created by: matdron1

3/27/15 @ 2:13pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 134

I joined early 2014, so maybe not missed much about the looks & functioning of the the new look though of the dashboard for the members :)
Created by: bud-fox

3/27/15 @ 3:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 4

sometimes in late 90s cant exactly say when , made my bones at peeks what memories that brings up hmm , legal issues , I ran business out my house with friends , making long drives , Colorado skys , u need car ? I got you , oh you need tools ok I got you , be right over , hey man why do you always pay for things in 2 dollar bills and wear fancy clothes this Colorado man not east coast , damn you have quick hands son and one those faces:) all is the ocean
Created by: dudley_do_ride

3/27/15 @ 6:13pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

I joined early 2014, so maybe not missed much about the looks & functioning of the the new look though of the dashboard for the members :)

Yeah I think the current design is pretty sharp. One feature that stands out is the ability to mouse over a model's room and see what's goin' on there before entering. This is a pretty new feature.

One thing that many models couldn't understand is why would members pop into a room and then quickly exit. I mean, sometimes members would be thrown to a room when the room they were in closed, or the model kicked them out. Then it made sense that many quickly went elsewhere after arriving. But there was also that subset who would pop in after clicking on the headshot and then say little and leave.

There were a number of reasons for this behavior. For example, not liking the loud music that was blaring in that room. So some audio, some visual, some psychological, some philosophical reasons for this.

So life is a lot better for both members and models when it is possible to preview the room like we are able to for both audio and visual issues. We still can't avoid that user we don't want to encounter maybe, or get some other cue from the chat itself, but big step forward no doubt.

A lot of stories have to do with those first moments of getting acclimated and then something unexpected happening...

Created by: dudley_do_ride

3/27/15 @ 6:18pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

sometimes in late 90s cant exactly say when , made my bones at peeks what memories that brings up hmm , legal issues , I ran business out my house with friends , making long drives , Colorado skys , u need car ? I got you , oh you need tools ok I got you , be right over , hey man why do you always pay for things in 2 dollar bills and wear fancy clothes this Colorado man not east coast , damn you have quick hands son and one those faces:) all is the ocean

I can't say much about this experience. But I can talk about curtain peeks. Used to be that when a model was taken private, the view was obscured by curtains. But only part of the time. The curtains would open and close at some rate giving glimpses of the action in the private. Members would hang out in the room to make comments, shoot the fat, and generally have a good time.

This was a controversial topic. You'll find many forum posts about it. Some felt their privacy was being violated. Some thought the curtain were swishing at a bad rate. Or wished they swished more than they swashed.

I don't know what they did with all the curtains. But I have no doubt some goat is happy with a mouthful of fabric.

Created by: ides-of-march

3/27/15 @ 7:37pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 3

goat r0ping lol cough , that's a older technology , ya that goat mmmm , just some goats had gold aureus then same goat had oil aureus much then the goat realize oh shit my aureus not worth the ground in carthage . If you think this nickname is true you are mistaken , honor always but I am no roman , how far back did u want go Dudely lol , Dudley don't worry about I got it covered :)
Created by: bud-fox

3/27/15 @ 8:10pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 4

Dudely I don't know about tech stuff man this watermelon is really good
Created by: matdron1

3/27/15 @ 9:44pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 134

Yeah I think the current design is pretty sharp. One feature that stands out is the ability to mouse over a model's room and see what's goin' on there before entering. This is a pretty new feature.

One thing that many models couldn't understand is why would members pop into a room and then quickly exit. I mean, sometimes members would be thrown to a room when the room they were in closed, or the model kicked them out. Then it made sense that many quickly went elsewhere after arriving. But there was also that subset who would pop in after clicking on the headshot and then say little and leave.

There were a number of reasons for this behavior. For example, not liking the loud music that was blaring in that room. So some audio, some visual, some psychological, some philosophical reasons for this.

So life is a lot better for both members and models when it is possible to preview the room like we are able to for both audio and visual issues. We still can't avoid that user we don't want to encounter maybe, or get some other cue from the chat itself, but big step forward no doubt.

A lot of stories have to do with those first moments of getting acclimated and then something unexpected happening...

yeah, I like the room preview option too
Created by: uumm

3/27/15 @ 10:28pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 403

yeah, I like the room preview option too

it led me into temptation ...
Created by: kuzman

3/27/15 @ 11:08pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Michigan
Posts: 222

I can't say much about this experience. But I can talk about curtain peeks. Used to be that when a model was taken private, the view was obscured by curtains. But only part of the time. The curtains would open and close at some rate giving glimpses of the action in the private. Members would hang out in the room to make comments, shoot the fat, and generally have a good time.

This was a controversial topic. You'll find many forum posts about it. Some felt their privacy was being violated. Some thought the curtain were swishing at a bad rate. Or wished they swished more than they swashed.

I don't know what they did with all the curtains. But I have no doubt some goat is happy with a mouthful of fabric.

Yeah Dudley that was a blast in the chat room while the curtain was closed!
Bring back the curtain lol!!
But while going on you would chat with other people all over the world!
Laughing at jokes,picking on each other etc.!
Even the model would get on the chat after the curtain would go away!
Or even when the curtain was down lol
There would sometimes be what 100 people or even 200 hundred in a chat room!
It was fun your right!
Now when a model goes into private POOF EVERYONE is gone
Or now you have all these beggars in there!
I thought the curtain was a help to a model.
Might get a peek than maybe you would check it out a little bit!!!
or maybe even take that model into your own private?
Now in a model chat room it's even hard for her to say hello to you!
I am not talking about that auto-bot greeting either lol
Well,thanks for letting me vent
Good topic anyway

Created by: dudley_do_ride

3/28/15 @ 12:22am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Yeah Dudley that was a blast in the chat room while the curtain was closed!
Bring back the curtain lol!!
But while going on you would chat with other people all over the world!
Laughing at jokes,picking on each other etc.!
Even the model would get on the chat after the curtain would go away!
Or even when the curtain was down lol
There would sometimes be what 100 people or even 200 hundred in a chat room!
It was fun your right!
Now when a model goes into private POOF EVERYONE is gone
Or now you have all these beggars in there!
I thought the curtain was a help to a model.
Might get a peek than maybe you would check it out a little bit!!!
or maybe even take that model into your own private?
Now in a model chat room it's even hard for her to say hello to you!
I am not talking about that auto-bot greeting either lol
Well,thanks for letting me vent
Good topic anyway


Yeah a lot of the charm was in the chat. The models got into the spirit like ya said. Would pull a few jokes on the members. I think also more people played around with their usernames and wore grey on occasion.

I'm not saying things aren't fun now. It's just that when things weren't as well policed, when the hardware and software was more challenged, the atmosphere was different. Bad things would happen now and then. But hilarious things would happen too. Maybe it's kind of like Vegas, still a great place but different now the mob isn't running things. Or maybe it isn't at all like that but well... you know what I mean. Or maybe it's like Tombstone before the Earps... or.. I don't know... It's a little like the railroad is here now and Tonto's in the museum talking to the k1d. But in a bittersweet way. Like Butch and Sundance in Bolivia. Or...
Well none of it is quite right.

A lot of people have made this place really an impressive place. And look at how fun it is to play with all the bells and whistles! mmmmm and the women as deadly hot as ever. And so bright, and so sweet. : )

So I think that while we wax a little nostalgic we know in our heart of hearts that like other History... we are better off thanks to our ancestors.

Created by: caseheaddong

3/28/15 @ 12:47am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 22

Dudely reading what your talking about depresses me it reminds me of my own mortality.
It is said that what is called "the spirit of an age" is something to which one cannot return. That this spirit gradually dissipates is due to the world's coming to an end. For this reason, although one would like to change today's world back to the spirit of one hundred years or more ago, it cannot be done. Thus it is important to make the best out of every generation. from book Hagakure
Created by: dudley_do_ride

3/28/15 @ 2:40am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Dudely reading what your talking about depresses me it reminds me of my own mortality.
It is said that what is called "the spirit of an age" is something to which one cannot return. That this spirit gradually dissipates is due to the world's coming to an end. For this reason, although one would like to change today's world back to the spirit of one hundred years or more ago, it cannot be done. Thus it is important to make the best out of every generation. from book Hagakure

You were fated to feel this over and over countless times until Death finally cuts you down with his relentless scythe. It is the one truth and that is why it resonates so deeply.

The Earth will die. Every age will pass. The elves are leaving Middle Earth. It is... the Cycle of Life.

We nurture our seedlings lovingly and then one day they throw the last f1stful of earth on our graves. Regretting that their noonday fun must wait for a moment. That the black they wear makes them look a little fat. That both a wake and a funeral must be attended.

The eulogy seems so pointless. We are lost before it is ended. Only our names and the deeds that our peers deem immortal. What we felt. Our passion. The tides of our desires. Gone.

Yet... we love to return in our stories to those times. To learn a lesson... to remember a phrase. To see and remember something about our forefathers. To see... though faintly... imperfectly that Great Road our species is traveling steadily. To feel part of something despite our temporary frail natures. To forgive. To understand. To be more human.

Voyage... Laugh... And say goodbye forever...

Created by: caseheaddong

3/28/15 @ 5:23am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 22

Dudley I was trying be polite i didn't want say that your nostalgia was a person looking at their own mortality its almost like your biological lifespan is expressing itself through your statements in this post so i reflect the idea on to myself that your statements remind me of my own mortality i like reading your fuman chu storys think we got different peers:)
Created by: dudley_do_ride

3/28/15 @ 1:06pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Dudley I was trying be polite i didn't want say that your nostalgia was a person looking at their own mortality its almost like your biological lifespan is expressing itself through your statements in this post so i reflect the idea on to myself that your statements remind me of my own mortality i like reading your fuman chu storys think we got different peers:)

lol OK. And I was having fun playing up the whole death bit. It's my sense of humor ; )
Created by: dudley_do_ride

3/28/15 @ 7:47pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

It all started of course with smoke signals...

member: *puff puff puff... puff... puffitie puffitie puff puff puff*

model: *pfft pfff pffff pffftie pftfdie pfffffff *

Indians attacking fort: Yiiiiiii kiyiiiiiiii hiyi yi yi yi!!!!!!!


Created by: suggs

3/28/15 @ 8:42pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

Back in the day when I joined ( a decade ago) there was 3 models doing Group shows that were just rooms that every hour had a brief period of action but rest was just like normal room. Monthly contest for FOTM and all 12 were put in a FOTY contest ( none of the eleven million generic contests that we have nowadays.

Text was all grey even if you had registered a card except for VIP who were gold. site had staff roaming the rooms as monitors to weed out troublemakers.

No such thing as Premiere just basic 60cpm, no forums and feature shows were less frequent with big name pornstars such s Carmen Luvana, Tera Patrick, Gina Linn etc.

But time marches on and so does the webcam chat business so instead of wishing it was like back in the day i just go with the flow and look to the future.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

3/28/15 @ 9:28pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Prof Thorndike: One thing strikes me as I look back in the whirls of history... That is the different fates of those who had a sense of history and those who did not.

Wallace: Please continue professor.

Prof Thorndike: There were countless tribes that wandered Europe alone over the centuries. Many are completely gone, despite once having been of paramount importance. Gone. Lost from memory entirely. Yet there are a few who persist even as empires have come and gone, even as they have become absorbed into greater aggregates. The aggregates busted up and the component tribe, from bl00dy-minded pride in its past, remained.

Wallace: Yes that is certainly true. Some call it: national identity.

Professor Thorndike: It is nothing of the kind. It has nothing to do with nations It has everything to do with groups. It is group identity.

Wallace: So you are going to make assertions regarding the group dynamic at flirt?

Professor Thorndike: No I am merely going to state that every group has to decide whether it is worth caring about. Whether it needs to cohere and establish some historical permanence.

Wallace: You think this is done consciously?

Professor Thorndike: Yes I do. Institutions are created that become a part of its culture. By tacit agreement these come to define and solidify the group.

Wallace: I see. And do you see such forces gathering in the flirt environs?

Professor Thorndike: You'll have to read my book. It treats on all of the major issues of this age.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

3/28/15 @ 10:22pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Back in the day when I joined ( a decade ago) there was 3 models doing Group shows that were just rooms that every hour had a brief period of action but rest was just like normal room. Monthly contest for FOTM and all 12 were put in a FOTY contest ( none of the eleven million generic contests that we have nowadays.

Text was all grey even if you had registered a card except for VIP who were gold. site had staff roaming the rooms as monitors to weed out troublemakers.

No such thing as Premiere just basic 60cpm, no forums and feature shows were less frequent with big name pornstars such s Carmen Luvana, Tera Patrick, Gina Linn etc.

But time marches on and so does the webcam chat business so instead of wishing it was like back in the day i just go with the flow and look to the future.

heh heh that's right.

I don't miss the old group rooms lol. I tried them but the concept just didn't work for me.

lol at the contests. A don't care for me but a source of amusement at human nature.

My reaction to the innovations in private pricing still the same. A member's budget just gets divvied up a little differently for time and models.

Love it when we get the star to hang out here or do a show.

Other innovations that have had some effect: the bank for credits... the deals... the additional credit buying buttons in the action... the tip options.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

3/29/15 @ 11:26am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

So far it's been all about the interface. You don't think there has been a change in sexual taste? Or what people are actually doing in the rooms?

I think there was some shyness when couples rooms were first introduced. There were just a few of them, a lot of people went to check them out and the comments kinda showed that it was a novel concept for the crowd. heh heh but there's no such hesitation today. Plenty of rooms, lot's of action, and the chat is pretty normal looking.

I think there are quiet revolutions going on all the time. You have to look sharply to see them.

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