It really, but REALLLLY happens?

Now you run my imagination - how to fake squirts... Having water gun under my ass and fireing it up in proper moment... Having bucket with water above my bed and when cumming moving my cam to make picture blurry - while pouring whole bucket on me. "Oh baby it was like explosion... yeah I have even my whole head wet"

...oh dear, thanks for making me smile from very morning (2pm)

1/21/12 @ 8:24am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

It really, but REALLLLY happens?

Now you run my imagination - how to fake squirts... Having water gun under my ass and fireing it up in proper moment... Having bucket with water above my bed and when cumming moving my cam to make picture blurry - while pouring whole bucket on me. "Oh baby it was like explosion... yeah I have even my whole head wet"

...oh dear, thanks for making me smile from very morning (2pm)

Hmmm - 1 other way of producing a false squirt needs nothing more complex than an old empty toothpaste tube filled with water. Just at the right time slide it in from 1 side under 1 of your arse cheeks and shifting weight onto it will cause a desired effect ( advantage is that toothpaste tubes come in a variety of sizes so cater for all demands)

hmm name for the false squirt - err umm how abouut the SQUALSE !! Quote

Hmmm - 1 other way of producing a false squirt needs nothing more complex than an old empty toothpaste tube filled with water. Just at the right time slide it in from 1 side under 1 of your arse cheeks and shifting weight onto it will cause a desired effect ( advantage is that toothpaste tubes come in a variety of sizes so cater for all demands)

hmm name for the false squirt - err umm how abouut the SQUALSE !!

And hm... Faquirting? Quote

1/21/12 @ 1:13pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
Thus spake the mighty Arwin9, Master of all that is moist, liege of the Holy Warm Body Waters!
Perceive his kingly wisdom borne of his perceptive and prolific postings. Read and abase yourselves, suffer his call to query! Humble yourselves before making offer of your witticisms, curiosities,evocative classifications, for he IS the MIGHTY ARWIN9!!!!!
Psstttt guards, remove that oddly misshapen hunchback in the corner from of our presence, her comedy precedes her.

seriously though, as a squirter myself, I'm scratching my head here as to how one could fake a squirt...
I once had a guy accuse me of holding a gallon of water in my pussy & wait for the right moment to release it, thus faking the squirt - honestly, how could I walk around and dance and put both legs behind my head and fit large toys in there all without disturbing the reserve, and come back from a 30minute squirt-a-thon private ready to go again without taking a break - I did a little wiggle dance without wetting my panties to demonstrate my point and he apologized...
I wish guys who question it could feel and smell my squirt... it's a very faint scent, almost odorless, slightly musky... it's usually clear, sometimes a bit milky... and even though it's thin like water, the viscosity is more slippery, it is a natural lubricant after all...
Christy Quote

seriously though, as a squirter myself, I'm scratching my head here as to how one could fake a squirt...
I once had a guy accuse me of holding a gallon of water in my pussy & wait for the right moment to release it, thus faking the squirt - honestly, how could I walk around and dance and put both legs behind my head and fit large toys in there all without disturbing the reserve, and come back from a 30minute squirt-a-thon private ready to go again without taking a break - I did a little wiggle dance without wetting my panties to demonstrate my point and he apologized...
I wish guys who question it could feel and smell my squirt... it's a very faint scent, almost odorless, slightly musky... it's usually clear, sometimes a bit milky... and even though it's thin like water, the viscosity is more slippery, it is a natural lubricant after all...
Rock on girl!

I really can hardly imagine how it can be faked. But if Dear Topic Foundator said so - it needs to happen sometimes. The idea moved my sick imagination for half of Saturday though.


1/21/12 @ 2:50pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
I wish guys who question it could feel and smell my squirt... it's a very faint scent, almost odorless, slightly musky... it's usually clear, sometimes a bit milky... and even though it's thin like water, the viscosity is more slippery, it is a natural lubricant after all...
guys? *giggles @ wiggle dance*

1/21/12 @ 2:55pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793

And hm... Faquirting?
hmmmmm perhaps fauxquirt, has that nice eerie franaisness to it eh?
*runs off upon hearing my lover's voice announce her presence* "NIIIIKKKIIIIIITTTTAAHHHHHHHHH"

1/21/12 @ 3:25pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
And, by the Rood of Snood, if you muuuuuust fake, why can't you at leeeeeeeeeast make it more interesting. Once, just once, I'd love to see green slime, or phosphorescent jets that light a dim room and cause halos on the cam lens.
I know of a number of models who dance around squirting multiple times while often in a standing position. Their deceptive skills are beyond belief. Unless you figure in the possibility of splicing false images into the video feeds.... yes.... spliced in.
I also recommend using substances that evaporate easily in the room air so that clean up is trivial. Just make sure that they are not combustible as just one slip against a metal edge could cause a very final finale to a great show...

1/21/12 @ 3:42pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
And, by the Rood of Snood, if you muuuuuust fake, why can't you at leeeeeeeeeast make it more interesting. Once, just once, I'd love to see green slime, or phosphorescent jets that light a dim room and cause halos on the cam lens.
... not combustible as just one slip against a metal edge could cause a very final finale to a great show...
uuuuuahauuuahahahuuuuuu (the.Girl)

hmmmmm perhaps fauxquirt, has that nice eerie franaisness to it eh?
*runs off upon hearing my lover's voice announce her presence* "NIIIIKKKIIIIIITTTTAAHHHHHHHHH"
.....that awkward moment when you realize your used-to-be favorite model just fo'quirt...

1/21/12 @ 7:54pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the Noosphere...and I'm nonlocal and atemporal
Posts: 28

I Laugh in this general direction.
Credit cards still pay out if it's called a squirt...
Even if it is sexual incontinence or just plain p*ssing ones self.
Lots of love to the ladies who show integrity,
and never fake it!

Rock on girl!

I really can hardly imagine how it can be faked. But if Dear Topic Foundator said so - it needs to happen sometimes. The idea moved my sick imagination for half of Saturday though.

My imagination's still rolling... I've conceived several insertable fake squirting devices, but the muscle control needed to operate such a thing.... it'd be a lot easier to just squirt for real
xoxo Quote

guys? *giggles @ wiggle dance*
well... I've never had a girl question it, only squeal with delight upon discovering my fountain-like talent ;)
oh, and I would Love to do my little wiggle dance for you anytime!
xoxo Quote

And, by the Rood of Snood, if you muuuuuust fake, why can't you at leeeeeeeeeast make it more interesting. Once, just once, I'd love to see green slime, or phosphorescent jets that light a dim room and cause halos on the cam lens.
I know of a number of models who dance around squirting multiple times while often in a standing position. Their deceptive skills are beyond belief. Unless you figure in the possibility of splicing false images into the video feeds.... yes.... spliced in.
I also recommend using substances that evaporate easily in the room air so that clean up is trivial. Just make sure that they are not combustible as just one slip against a metal edge could cause a very final finale to a great show...
the device I'm conceiving would hold any substance... as long as it isn't so corrosive as to eat through the walls of the device itself... hmmm, perhaps this be a weapon I am now inventing...
xoxo Quote

Haha! I've squirted one time when a woman ate me out and fingered me at the same time, it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! Quote