Boss: Guess what bb, marketing fucked up. You have to revive the old product bb.
Victim: Oh for fuck's sake, what's there to fuck up? No... no... sorry. Let me think a bit.
Boss: Let's see bb. It's 8:30 pm on Friday now, that gives you 2 full days this weekend before the demo Monday, bb.
Victim: Demo? Are you fucking insane? I don't even know how I am going to revive the old product. We moved on. We expanded. We are now, here bb.
Boss: The customer wants it bb. The customer is always right bb. We will be forever grateful to you bb. You are a hero bb. Plus you love it bb. I know you do bb. The drama bb. The chance to do what you love bb. It's why you chose your career bb. Maybe I'll show up for a half hour on Saturday with some donuts bb. You are getting kind of fat bb it might effect your ability to deliver bb but donuts from your boss don't glom onto your frame bb. You gonna wear the company logo shirt on the weekend bb? On the weekend you can play the radio unless the janitor complains bb. We love you bb. We value you bb. You aren't authorized for overtime bb. We will authorize you for carryover of your sick / personal time to next year bb...