|--------------------------un rancard amoureux (huitime)---------------------------|
The dining room is well lit even without the roar of the light issuing from the villa walls onto the surrounding yards and gardens; the curtains are closed tight. The room is a stark study in black and white. The walls here, unlike those of the larger living room behind the closed doors behind us, are a glaring white and show recent signs of construction where new wiring connected to touch pads hang from utility boxes concealed within the plaster. The table is ebony, partially covered with a canvas construction cloth; the other furnishings in the room are only eight
ebony and black fabric chairs four of which, at this end of the table, are tucked tight against the table edge under the canvas. The curtained windows line the wall to the left side of the room and at the far end of the room. A stack of paint cans and a large rolled bundle, apparently a carpet for the room, are stacked in the left corner of the room, the bundle leaning against the corner wall itself.
The people in the room carry the black and white theme on. All are dressed in black. With the exception of the brunette, the
blonde and the green-eyed monster they all wear combat rigging and weapons packages. The green-eyed bodyguard sits at the head of the table farthest away from us. The
brunette sits at the first chair perpendicular to his left; beside her and closer to us sits her brother Philip; behind her on her left, and at the right shoulder of the body guard stand two tall males, stoic, composed, and very large. Both have closely cropped scalps and are unshaven, both with calm blue eyes. They are identical twins, the only noticeable difference between the two, the one farthest away has a jagged scar on the displayed right side of this head, running from the hairline above his right eye, along the side of his skull to his right ear, which is strangely twisted as though being pulled, even now, from behind the helix of its auricular. The scarred twin stares directly at the
blonde and when she takes notice of him, winks without smiling. The
blonde releases an exasperated sigh and moves her look to the seated body guard, Driver I swear, if Kert keeps this up Ill shoot him in the ass myself. Driver looks up from the maps, gazes at the
blonde and says Right. You have my complete approval for whatever you think is necessary. Driver turns his head slightly to his left motioning the fourth member of the defense team forward. Rilla tell them what you and your team have identified on the road from here to Spain.
The seventh member of the group steps forward from slightly behind Driver. Shes tall, even more so because of the three inch thick soles of her Doc Martin 1940 style black boots, close to 180 centimeters tall. Sitting at the table the
blonde looks up, and looks further up. The woman is an icy looking brunette, lean, narrow seeming until you look closely. Unlike the others in the room, her dress is conspicuously different. Its black, but unlike the others, its not loose on the body for ease of movement. It is skin tight, showing how smoothly muscular she is; and its torn. A jagged rip on the right trouser leg exposes her white thigh. She wears no jacket, in fact, except for her heavier bullet proof body armor vest; she wears no top at all. Her
tattoos are the only bright colors in the room. The text Hou jy daarvan?, in fire house red, is tattooed on her left forearm; and we can see an intricate pattern of butterflies in multiple colors extending from the top of her right hip up her side under the vest and reappearing along her right shoulder and the right side of her neck. Shes beautiful in no classic sense but captivating. Her eyes are large and an inviting shade of blue. Her hair is long, pulled tight against her scalp, and extends, in a braid, from the crown of her head, like a polo ponys upright tail, braided for a match.
Howzit? Hier is dit. Two ambushez. First hier, ahwn die SP1 awtside Termini. Vyf okes wit nine millimeter autos ahnd grenade launchers. She points at the map indicating a location just west of the city of Termini along the Italian coast. Dit hier, pointing to another location on the map that is parallel to the first, front ouff tunnel at Bordighera, same package. She looks down at the blonde, whos looking at Rillas hand on the map, the nails cut short, precise, painted black. Sharp fekd I thinks. The
blonde looks up into her eyes, Rider? she says.
Rider looks up from the maps, then at his touchpad computer. Two teams, one for each ambush. The first for the SP1 site, to be a diversion, one of the Humvees 2 units, hit hard and retreat, damage them so theyll be delayed trying to catch up with our main group here he places his finger down on the second ambush site, west of the tunnels on the Autostrada dei Fiori. This will be the rest of us, three Humvees, the three person value package in the last Humvee with C and C. The other two Vees will carry the combat arrays and heavy weapons. Ill update your pads as we travel. Rilla I want you and the Kerts in the second HV, youll run the assault on the ambush site, I dont want any of them behind us when we go through okay? The scarred one of the twins replies Piece of piss Driver. We recede from the room, listening to the movements and mutters of the group. Driver sits staring at the closed pocket doors, quiet, composing himself, knowing that what is about to occur, will never go as planned.
Outside the villa, the four combat model Humvees pull close to the front doors. The occupants of the house exit and quickly mount the vehicles. The Humvees roll on into the thin forest on the gravel drive, backlit by the scorching white lighting. The lights from the villa switch off. In the sudden darkness we are blind, all is black; we hear the sudden swell of the singing of crickets and frogs.
Amanda 2011