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Forums / Female Performer Chat

Poetry (original.or.attributed)
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Female Performer Chat: Poetry (original.or.attributed)
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/15/11 @ 10:06pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

*hysterical laughter from the trodden ranks*
Created by: kertus

5/15/11 @ 11:17pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: The Planet Piiiing
Posts: 880

nudge..nudge, wink! wat do ya get for 2 nudges an' a wink??
Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/16/11 @ 2:42am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Thor... pfft...

Lamest god in the pantheon.

Loki's rube. Odin's toy.

Snake bait.

Makes the Titans look like great thinkers.

Beaten by sloths in fleering.

Glaciers move faster through their courses than he does along a deep cut argument.

Needs a hammer as a spear has too fine a point for him.

Good only for dazzling the feeble minded at parties.

And winning the odd wrist wrestling title.

May as well worship a body guard or a professional wrestler.

Has a great future as a politician though...
Created by: hk1111

5/16/11 @ 3:26am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 1

eleven comes heaven

from ten comes eleven
and comes eight from a seven

thor thanks the thoroughly thought through theme they threw through the thinkers thankful thinker.

for forgetting forceful formations forebore four formidable fortunes for four fortunate forebearers.
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/16/11 @ 7:44pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

Thanks for this one Hope Daylee


I thought that you knew it all
Well you've seen it ten times before.
I thought that you had it down
With both your feet on the ground.
I love slow...slow but deep.
Feigned affections wash over me.
Dream on my dear
And renounce temporal obligations.
Dream on my dear
It's a sleep from which you may not awaken.

You build me up then you knock me down.
You play the fool while I play the clown.
We keep time to the beat of an old slave drum.
You raise my hopes then you raise the odds
You tell me that I dream too much
Now I'm serving time in disillusionment.

I don't believe you anymore...I don't believe you.

I thought that I knew it all
I'd seen all the signs before.
I thought that you were the one
In darkness my heart was won.

You build me up then you knock me down.
You play the fool while I play the clown.
We keep time to the beat of an old slave drum.
You raise my hopes then you raise the odds
You tell me that I dream too much
Now I'm serving time in a domestic graveyard.

I don't believe you anymore...I don't believe you.

Never let it be said I was untrue
I never found a home inside of you.
Never let it be said I was untrue
I gave you all my time.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/17/11 @ 1:46am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

It was down to just the two of them... Here on this derelict...

Miles from the nearest rum cove. No water. No wind. No saltpork. No saltpeter. No steel. No lead.

Just daggers.

Water so clear. If man was made to enjoy pleasure. If he was made to enjoy life so free and easy, he'd be happy here. But he had brought only war and ruin to these jeweled isles. The occasional home in one of his sunken wrecks for some fishy host. Maybe an occaisonal bonanza to some hungry crabs and other bottom dwellers.

Daggers and rum. Rich in these at least. Poor in reason. Bereft of charity and kindness. But rich in the short blade and blazing drink. Loose the veins while making them pulse.

Passion. Vendetta. Greed. Settling of ancient scores. Honor. Of sorts. This was understood and so well.

Mates with lookouts clapped on paradise. Companions of their dark hearts. Fitting audience for their final spectacle.

They circled with eyes alight. Savoring the moment. Feeling at the height of their powers even as surely as they knew that it must come to some horrible end for at least one of them. Some kind of mutual respect and bond between them as they looked for an opening, a chink, in the other. In what was sure to be slow, bloody, painful, exhausting struggle to the end. No mercy. No chivalry. Honest, pure pirates at each other's throats...

And does it matter the outcome? Do any care to know which wretch came out on top and what he carried off? Or to what end he fell before being able to profit from his long list of deadly deeds? How many cuts of the dagger had to be endured? How many foul and despicable tricks parried and thrust back and forth between them?

The last uttered words of the loser? The bearing of the winner? Whether or not the gallows ever bore his weight ere he left this imperfect realm of life regulant?

No I think not. The reader must be detached from this struggle. How can he be expected to identify with either of these especially after such a short acquaintance? How can he see for himself any stake in the outcome or a placement of the events in the history of mankind?

And yet...

Created by: ophelias_rue

5/17/11 @ 2:10pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

Odd Serendipity...

|---------------------------Yes, The River Knows--------------------------------|

Please believe me
The river told me
Very softly
Want you to hold me, ooo

Free fall flow, river flow
On and on it goes
Breath under water 'till the end
Free fall flow, river flow
On and on it goes
Breath under water 'till the end
Yes, the river knows

Please believe me
If you don't need me
I'm going, but I need a little time
I promised I would drown myself in mystic heated wine

Please believe me
The river told me
Very softly
Want you to hold me, ooo

I'm going, but I need a little time
I promised I would drown myself in mystic heated wine

Free fall flow, river flow
On and on it goes
Breath under water 'till the end
Free fall flow, river flow
On and on it goes
Breath under water 'till the end

The Doors 1968
Created by: easyfellow

5/17/11 @ 2:35pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 372

moved by myself to the: 'what song are you listening to thread'
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/17/11 @ 4:34pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

|--------------------------un rancard amoureux (neuvime)---------------------------|

The Humvee moves slowly around the turn, the darkness is almost complete at this hour; to the south the clouds look like they have been caught in the breath of the gods themselves. Twisting up and down drafts throwing the huge mass like surf on a reef. Inside they are lighted by long threads of white hot electrical discharge. The windscreen of the vehicle is suddenly cratered and ejecting needles of glass at the two mercenaries in the cabin. CHRIST! shrieks the driver as an RPG lights up the scene and the missile strikes beside his side of the armored vehicle. The mercenary in the passenger seat is busily keying the touchpad on his lap and shouting for the benefit of the driver and those listening at the other end of the imaginary string connecting this tin can with another several klicks north and east of him. CONTACT! Were taking automatic and RP.. From four thousand meters above we see a rapidly expanding circle of light, in a micro second it has developed rings and its color throbs from white to red and then contracts as quickly leaving a small center glowing orange.

The inside of the Humvee is lit by electronic glows; the front section of the vehicle is illuminated by the soft red glow of the instrument panels, the soft blue of the GPS and mapping systems. Two of Drivers staff, in full body armor, sit quietly in the front cabin, listening to the whickering voices on the satellite radio channels. Their faces clench in sudden grimness. Driver stares intently at the real-time display on his touchpad. In its green glow he sees the infrared movements, the heat of the weapons exchanges. His face grows harder, knowing now what will present itself on the other side of the tunnels. He looks up into the faces of the three whose safety he is responsible for. The blonde with her ear piece, understands the situation. She puts her hand on the hand of the brunette and squeezes. The brunette turns looking into her face.

The three vehicles, two black Chevy Suburbans and one of the three Hummers lay shattered and burning, one of the Suburbans is on its side off the left bank of the road, not quite ready to slide down a gully into a creek bed. One body lies behind it where it had sought shelter during the initial exchange of RPGs and automatic fire; two additional bodies lay with the flaming Humvee, one of these is torn in approximate halves, the leg half is in a tree beside the road Its legs dangling down toward the road. The second Humvee is standing angled toward the wood on the hill rising to a cliff on the right side of the road. The crackle of small arms fire, in short sharp bursts, echoes from the rock of the cliff face. Three loud eruptions of heavier weight automatic fire, moving deeply through the air and throbbing in the chest cavity, flash and we see two figures moving quickly in staggered altering directions toward the wood. One goes down, splayed on the asphalt of the road. The third Humvee roars through the intensely lit scene the sound of firing increases to a fury, several RPG rounds rip across the scene extending into the woods and hillside to the north and suddenly flaming, roaring hot yellow against the rock and wood. The tail lights of the escaping Humvee fade down the straight section of the road. And here, now, a huge silence clutches everything in a 700 foot circle, a blinding white expanding ball of throbbing gas pulls at everything, moving all of the vehicles; tossing the remaining Humvee like a toy, up into the air, spinning, and then down again, sections of the forest extending along the right side of the road simply no longer exist. And then, the air contracts, reclaims ownership of what the burst of plasma surrenders, and the immense roar seizes us and shakes us and leads us to surrender any remaining hope that rationality exists in any universe.

The amazing thing about large weight IEDs is not their destructiveness, not their blast and flame and the horror of the shockwave moving so quickly that the superheroes in movies would stand no chance of survival; it is the dirt. The blast scours earth air leaves water the very breath of insects, and collects from each element, the tiniest bit of dirt it can; and throws that filth, at those super-hero killing speeds, against every surface in the inhale of its existence. Nothing remains un-etched by it.

She stands tall behind the crushed Humvee, her HK-7 throwing armor piercing ball at a stunning rate across the vehicle's front end and into the heaps of mulch that until moments ago were forest, fire sound smoke-less death spreading like a dragons breath from her arm. The howl of her raises the hair on the Kertus arms and neck, it continues through the tracer fire trying to claim and map her ground. It rises in pitch, so loud that he feels it ripping at his torn and bleeding soul. He sits, undone, his brother across his thighs, the blood bubbling from where his hands press to try to close the opening from which the breath of his only equal escapes.

The rain drops now, like even more death; coming thick, hard, stinging bare skin, converting the scene to shadows and smoke and impenetrable doubt. They sit together splay legged in the trash and mud of the road; they have surveyed the kill zone. They had found only one body still breathing, an Irishman, theyd stood beside him while he groaned, shat himself and let out a long hiss of air. Now, the aftershock of 20 minutes of adrenaline spurred fury and dealing with the losses have registered. Kertus looks at her, she looks vacant in her blue eyes, absent from the scene. Hey he says softly. Her eyes quickly pick up the movement of his mouth in the running dirt and haze of the night. Kant fouking hear yah doll. Totes deef HA! she responds, a wide grin filling her beautiful dirt embedded face.

Amanda 2011
Created by: zimzan

5/17/11 @ 5:34pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00' then there was one! ..fouking sad ... fouking magnifique!! tension sens i?
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/18/11 @ 1:24am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

|--------------------------un rancard amoureux (dixime)---------------------------|

The gate to the Spanish villa is open to our entry. The gate is joined to a wall composed of black iron spears on a raised stone wall a meter high. The wall, street and most of the entry drive we see is shaded by ancient oak growth, as are the other villas sparsely scattered along the road leading here. A gleaming brass plaque is bolted to the right stone pillar of the mixed sandstone wall surrounding the property; the engraved lettering, enameled in black, reads Glamour Girls Tours, LLC. When asked about the meaning of the LLC abbreviation most of the owners of the company will respond Oh, dear, some mumbo jumbo or another; most of us just say laughing like crazy. The parking area for the villa has several vehicles arraigned on it; two small urban sedans, a long black sedan with darkly tinted windows, and one huge military armored Humvee in an urban camouflage finish. The Humvee is dented, part of the rear panel torn outward in the manner of a quickly opened tin of fish, bears the impact dents and several holes indicating the use of light and heavy caliber weapons on it.. and the entire rear right quarter of the vehicle appears to have been torched and then dipped in black soot. The surface of the asphalt beneath it is stained with an expanding pool of lubricants. The armored glass on the right side of the vehicle is pock-marked and fractured like the ice on a frozen lake. A trail of blood, drag marks, cast off drops, gravity pools, leads from the right side of the vehicle across the drive and up the entryway walk.

Voices from within the low stone villa draw us into the large open front room. Here the floor has been washed of the blood that crosses the threshold, a bucket of red water and several stained wet now red tinted clothes folded over the buckets edge yield their evidence. An elaborate oriental entryway rug lies rolled on the floor to the left of the door. We can hear the voices of a woman and a man speaking in the study to the left of the entry.

Looking into the study we see a staggeringly beautiful brunette, dressed in a light floral sun dress and white sandals speaking with an older man who is wearing a white laboratory coat over a lite grey woolen suit. The laboratory coat has several bright scarlet blood stains on it. A pair of latex medical gloves is hanging out of the physicians lab coat pocket. An attractive woman with exceptionally long platinum hair and wearing glasses is seated at a desk beyond the conversing pair, she has a bandage on one cheek and a growing bruise extending from beneath it.

The physician speaks softly with a Castellan accent to the brunette, Sobrevivir, sus heridas no son crticas, por lo que no hay ninguna razn para hospitalizacin. Slo he administrado una gota de sangre entera para el hombre porque l debe permanecer durante unas horas para permitirle recuperarse de la crisis. La hembra es obviamente demente, pero su audiencia ya se est recuperando de la explosin. las superficies faciales se recuperarn con un lavado abrasivo luz y tiene slo la herida cabeza uno que he limpiado y sutura. His slight lisp raises a smile on the face of the blonde. The physician then lowers his voice and leans a bit more into the brunettes space. But the green eyed man, Senorita, his damage, it is, more extensive, the right arm, the side of his face, the right leg, I am concerned about what the explosion did to him there. His right leg was damaged before, yes? The brunette nods slightly and speaks with a commanding voice at the physician l debe sobrevivir. Le va a proporcionar con todo el cuidado necesario. No importa lo diga o haga, mantenerlo en el hospital. The physician nods to the brunette, turns to the blonde and says Senorita. She smiles at him. He turns and exits the study.

The brunette sighs and seats herself on the long leather couch against the wall behind her, the wide windows in the French style behind her allow a soft pale light from the exterior to light the room. He is amazing isnt he? the blonde says. After a pause the brunette looks up from her study of her hands and nods at the blonde. He should not have returned for them, but he did. His loyalty must be rewarded. At some point he will require some additional coverage, help, after this. The Russian group will want blood for what weve done, and for his damaging them so completely. The reward and punishment for his neglecting us to help that fucking insane South African bitch and Kertus are not a problem. The Russians will take some finesse I think.

The blonde rises from the desk chair and approaches the brunette. Standing over her she runs her hand lightly across the bandage on her cheek. We should consider inviting the Afrikaner to join us. Were going to need someone like her as security on the tours now.

Penso che ti voglio solo dormire con lei il my love the brunette murmurs, looking up and studying the blondes reaction. The blonde shakes her head slightly and squats down before her partner. Shes beautiful alright, but I need your safe arms, not the danger she wears like Prada. Safe eh; come with me, I am going to spank you for jumping out of the Hummer like you did to drag Kertus to safety; I thought that second explosion was going to kill all of us.

In the villas kitchen several women, all beautiful, relaxed, calm, smiling, chatter brightly to each other and to the four young children chasing a cat around the large dark, scarred, wooden kitchen table. Bright sunlight shines through the wide glassed doorways and large windows that face out over the Mediterranean below. The water glimmers and shifts and the fragmented white and grey of clouds high in the sky above it can be seen reflected.

In a room in the villa the remaining Kertus lays sleeping in a large bed. His body lays inert, and then a shudder rolls through it and his jaw clenches tight. He relaxes having made no sound. The scar on the right side of his head gleams white on his stained greyed skin. Whether he will accept the abrasive cleansing of the grit is an issue for another day, for now, he sleeps uneasily with all of his scars.

The terrace is brightly lit, pale yellow and light red stone surface, different designs of stone flow for many meters away from us. The reach to a low stone wall topped with a black iron pointed stake fence. The rising rock walls of a cliff curve from behind the low stone and glass structure to the right, around and into the distance on the left. Above the cliffs is the deep Trojan blue sky drawing us into it, as the eyes of a lover still do in our dreams. The wind blows lightly at this hour of the morning, softly, and so clean from the prior nights violent storm. From the left we can hear the sound of the storm heightened surf still pounding its sorrow on the rocks below this villa. Chairs and deck furniture are arraigned in groupings around the terrace. A childs doll is perched standing on one chair, looking off to the left, over the wall; waiting for the arrival of some ship or some pod of whales to blow in the ocean below.

|-------------------La fin de cette partie de l'histoire.---------------------------|

Amanda 2011
Created by: lickau

5/18/11 @ 1:48am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

Ourjeffie , the Regal King ,
Posted from Wiki and Bing !
He made over 5000 posts ;
Never did he tell a lie or boast :orglaugh

not copyrighted and Original Bart :drinkup
Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/19/11 @ 12:48am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

He drove across the desert...

His heart throbbing wildly at the thought of the encounter so close now to being realized...

He had been thinking about it all day...

Planning it out so carefully...

What he would wear, what he would say, what he would bring...

His dust plume rose magnificently behind him...

The wind ruffled his tubing...

His manifolds flared in anticipation...

"oooooooooo Frantictantracon. I can almost taste you now." he thought as gears whirrled happily.

She was so incredibly wild. Never had he had sex like this before. Powerful, so wonderfully powerful. And so well built. Tight chassis. Every line made for speed. So much horsepower. Such a sense of style from her chrome plating to her carefully painted racing stripes.

Here at last. He stopped his rolling and stood upright. Tranforming from traveler to romantic.

He pulled a bed of flowers from out of his cargo hold. A croquet ball that had gotten mixed in dropped to the ground as he did so. In some ways a symbol of his dreams and hopes that day...

He walked up the driveway with lover's speed. He had some idea of what she'd be wearing, his crank was already seeping some oil.

He was too impatient to ring her bell. He burst in and found... found... found...

"FABIOTRON!!!! WHAT THE @#!*#!#)!*##!(_@)#($*%!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !!!!! !!!!!"

"Eeet eeez naht whaht eet ahpeers to be" (whiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrrrrr ZZZZZZIIIIIIP)

"Oh darling I wasn't expecting you here so soon!"

"Now you will know what it is to doublecross a Raptorcon"

We will leave the pathos for now. Don't forget to change the oil for your old fellah. He'd do the same for you!

Created by: ophelias_rue

5/19/11 @ 4:24am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

For Ride

|-----------------------------Nobody's Man---------------------------|

Take what you want from me
Take what you can
And then hide it somewhere I can't see
Out of my hands
Do what it takes to make you feel better
Never forget that you
You're nobody's man

I love the way you set me off
With a stroke of your hand
And your puzzled look when we make love
That you don't understand
But nothing I've got will make you feel better
At the break of dawn you'll still
Be nobody's man

Nobody feels the weight of your mission
Nobody can set you free
Nobody knows the way to your fortune
Nobody and least of all...

So come and lay by my side
In my castle of sand
Let's love til the early tide
Breaks down the dam
Stay if you want for worse or for better
But never forget that you
You're nobody's man

Nobody feels the weight of your mission
Nobody can set you free
Nobody knows the way to your fortune
Nobody and least of all...

You... You... You... You...

Nobody feels the weight of your mission
Nobody can set you free
Nobody knows the way to your fortune
Nobody and least of all...

Tina Dico 2006
Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/19/11 @ 9:11am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

For Ride

You're nobody's man

Yeah! Nice.

Now give me all your lovin', Poetic One!

Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/19/11 @ 10:05am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Husband: Hello doctor so glad you could squeeze us in today.

Counselor: My pleasure. Our session will be quite brief, however. Please don't bother to remove your coats... You have supplied us with some of your DNA already, as you well know, our laboratory has already completed its analysis.

Wife: Yes? And...

Counselor: We can say with 100% certainty that you two do not belong together. It is encoded within your genes quite clearly. You (pointing to husband) have a fatal attraction to women who have her particular build and personality type. And you (pointing to wife) want something quite different than him. However, your code makes you incapable of understanding what it is you want and eager to jump into some kind of stable relationship.

Husband: The deauce you say...

Wife: What do I want?

Counselor: Here is a computer generated image of the physical part of what you want. The personality and other requirements are contained within this report. (hands it to her) I think you will be able to find this once you understand what it is.

Husband: What about me?

Counselor: You get a detailed explanation of what you are attracted to just like her (hands it to him) and the invitation to join a special support group. I believe that you can be trained to realize that many women satisfy your particular requirements and that you don't need to obsess about any particular one. Within that galaxy of women you will find a match I assure you. You just need to learn to relax and be patient.

In general you need to stop listening to the media and your friends. They do not know what you need. They give you some herd average impression of what to look for. You also don't want to commit to your horrible mistake in choosing each other. You have to realize that you made the choice for all the wrong reasons and break the bond before it destroys you.

Wife: (with odd tone) How... romantic.

Counselor: ( a little defensive) Hey I didn't design the human being. I didn't make them so subservient to their hormonal cocktails and gene patterns. Lord knows I never recommended they use sex to sell products nor to capture the societal expectations for long term relationships in religeous hoodoo. All in all I feel like I am putting band-aids on already ruptured steam pipes.

Husband (nervously) I see...

Counselor: I mean do you have aaaaaaaaannnnnny idea of what it is like to do my job? An endless parade of couples who are subconsciously acting out programming, whether from experience or that oh so final channeling of their genetic codes. And all invariably at odds with their choices which seem to be governed by their chaotic surroundings. It is like some kind of battlefield massacre. Everybody mowed down. staggering around looking for help. Remember that scene in Gone with the Wind, the hospital? That's my freaking life man!

I'll never forget the first time I played house with this little girl. We must have been eight or so. I was running around playing with my magnifying glass and chemicals. She was baking these awful cakes in her Betty Crocker oven. What the fuck did we see in each other? It was pointless. It always has been. Don't you see it, don't you get the big fucking picture!!!!

Wife (backing away) errrrrrrrr yes. We understand. You've converted us, hasn't he honey?

Husband (winking) Yes darling. (to the doctor) Thanks doc. We'd better not take any more of your time...

Created by: ourjeffie

5/19/11 @ 11:36am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 45,505

A popular member is Bart
Of this site he is a large part
On the ceiling he dances
In the forums he prances
And he's really a good guy at heart

ourjeffie 2011
Created by: kertus

5/20/11 @ 1:16am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: The Planet Piiiing
Posts: 880

..ur dead rite Ophelias, Dudley is pure genius! roll on Dudley!
Created by: jerkinmycock-1

5/20/11 @ 1:22am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

..ur dead rite Ophelias, Dudley is pure genius! roll on Dudley!

Been a long time since Dudley is the best!!... :thumbsup
Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/20/11 @ 8:59am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

..ur dead rite Ophelias, Dudley is pure genius! roll on Dudley!

Thanks much Kertus.

You'll be glad to know that your various experiments have attracted the attention of one research wing of the DoRide Institute. The exact one is classified however.

It is projected that by 2087 a dialect you have parented will blossom into a bona fide new language.


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