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Forums / Female Performer Chat

Poetry (original.or.attributed)
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Female Performer Chat: Poetry (original.or.attributed)
Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/20/11 @ 9:13am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Been a long time since Dudley is the best!!... :thumbsup

Molto grazie compadre.

It helps to know, when confronted by this odd proposition called Life, that one's impressions and observations have some value outside of one's own sphere.

And that we are not just causing general amusement, via some morbid slapstick, by our struggles...

Like a bundle of sticks we are always stronger in a bunch than separated out as individual twigs...

So viva la Movement! The thread will march forward at all costs!

Created by: ophelias_rue

5/20/11 @ 9:49am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

oh shit.. do i need to put my twead skirt-suit on and start unfurling the "STUPIDITY WITH ZEST" banners again?

*quickly dials a series of coded command numbers on my smart-phone* "yes.. yes.. get the OAoL in motion.. apparently they're beating the drums again.. uh hummmm.. i don't know.. i think our ranks have dramatically fallen since the last outbreak of Male Chauvinism we had here.. hmmm yeah i did too.. pity.. things seemed to have calmed down.. but you know.. they have their own cycles and periods.. hmmm if you think so.. alright.. we'll lay low until things blow up.. yes.. of course.. i will.. garter belts and seamed stockings right.. yes.. well.. i don't know, the last time they went hard for the Sin City thing.. perhaps a new approach... Salt was a fine distraction, perhaps braided blondes and muscles.. alot of requests for muscles here lately.. alright..yes.. the OAoL meeting date can be advanced.. understood" *puts phone quickly away before the elevator doors open.. calm.. collected.. it's like any other day.. *
Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/20/11 @ 10:49am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

(klaxons blare)

"Somebody shut off the goddamned klaxons!!!"

"What the fuck is it?!!"

"It's the red phone. They are accusing us of encroaching into the demilitarized zone..."

"Oh for Christ's sake... It's just gotta be those street demonstrations. They have nothing to do with them. They are soooooooooooooooooo paranoid these days."

"Yes I know. But their history... That is why they acquired all those satellite nations to buffer them."

(cigs being lighted)

"Man it is one fucked up world out there isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is amazing it hasn't blown apart yet..."

Created by: kertus

5/20/11 @ 7:08pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: The Planet Piiiing
Posts: 880

Thanks much Kertus.

You'll be glad to know that your various experiments have attracted the attention of one research wing of the DoRide Institute. The exact one is classified however.

It is projected that by 2087 a dialect you have parented will blossom into a bona fide new language.

The shrink wrapp?
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/21/11 @ 1:53am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

LOLOLOL i will speak 'shrink wrapp' in my dreams tonight
Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/21/11 @ 2:20am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Johnny Moon: Maybe here... Here at this 'End of the World Party' I can escape my evil twin and finally get some ... some peace and maybe some... some closure... some precious closure.

Topless vixen: We love it. Uh huh. It's our party. Our party. Uh huh. We love it. It's our party.

Mysterious figure: (playing strings buuuuuuuuuuuum bum ba duuuuuuuum... buuuuuuuuuuum bum ba duuuuuuuuuum.) Come to me topless one... We will join our minds... We will journey together as one... I will feel what you feel. You will think what I think...

Johnny: Spock? No no. It couldn't be.

Parallel Johnny: Ah weak one. Decided to duck out and avoid your problems? Fortunately I am here to resolve your issues for you, and so very rapidly.

Johnny: You... look... like me. But... you... don't... ... ... .. sound... ... ... like me.

His mom: Oi! So now dere's tree of yuse? And only the one has trouble with da speaking?

bum dish de dish dish de dish wa wa waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

Johnny: Don't you get it? Peace... must... break out again. You... cannot... keep... fighting like this. How many men have to... to die... before you... all of you... decide to live together... together... once more as one... single... united... harmonious... people.

Notah: Bitchin' peyote duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. Listen to my bro. He's been on both sides of the doobie.

Parallel Johnny: Fuck this! (Zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap. Zoooooooooooooooot. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang. Braaaaazapppppppppffffffffffff)

Notah: Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude... whoooooooooaaaaaaa that's so messed up. You need to mellow... my broooooooooother.

Johnny: Everything is the same... but so different. Something is not quite right with this universe. Could this... really be the.... end?

Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/21/11 @ 6:30am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Other signs I saw today that the end is near...

Lizardo went on a popular news mocking program to give a dramatic reading of a candidate's recently released public statement regarding his embarrassing/scandalous antics. The crowd was in tears laughing but I don't think Emilio understood what was going on. It is never a good idea to piss off off a homicidal yet charismatic leader of an evil movement unnecessarily.

The doomsday predicting sects pulled their money out of various long term investments and donated it all to charities. Plans for new compounds and towers were scrapped for the sake of soup kitchens and blankets.

People are acting a lot nicer to each other. It is freaking me out man. A cab driver actually slowed down when I crossed the street in front of him. When I bumped into someone coming out of a store, they laughed and clapped me on the back instead of giving me the bird. My cat and my dog are getting along with each other. Brothers and sisters are sitting quietly in the back seat during long road trips with the family.

When I flushed my toilet this morning, the water rotated the opposite way while draining out. My shirts came back from my dry cleaner without that "worn once" look to them.
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/21/11 @ 9:01am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

Another Day Along the Sea

Youre gone so long
Telling me it cant change;
What we feel is
So strong and cant go wrong

So why is it darling?
That Im so alone?
Feeling youll never come home;
And I wont be loved again.

Lies come so easily,
To everyone around me.
They smile at my tears
And sing around my fears.
Lies come so easily.

You say youve written to me.
I walk to the post office
Just to see,
Still nothing there addressed to me.

I walk the long way alone
Knowing youll never come home.
Ill wait every day for you;
Your lies leaving me on my own.

Lies come so easily
To everyone around me;
They smile at my tears
And sing around my fears.
Lies come so easily.

Amanda 2011
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/22/11 @ 8:45pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

|--------------------------Liebe steht nicht Tod (Einfhrung)--------------------------------|

The road is very demanding, the driver tense, his hands locked on the wheel, and hes going very fast, very. His companion on this funhouse ride lays in the rear passenger compartment; only half conscious she moans and cries out when the driver lurches the car from side to side to avoid fallen branches, large pot holes, and crevasses along the right side of the road where the elderly asphalt slides quickly into a ditch. The cars headlights stab forward but reveal little of what is around any of the turns; trees, rocks, ditch, road surface, clouds of leaves blowing, black shadows sliding by the sides of the car as it surges forward. At this speed the trajectory of the vehicle is near to suicidal. The sound of the tires on the road surface mixes with the noise of the wind, crunching small branches, spiting bits of gravel into the forest. The car's badly maintained condition is evident in the exhaust smoke and roar of its engine. As it leans around another turn the sound of the wind, strong and constant in the upper limbs of the surrounding autumn forest chills us.

The woman lying across the rear seat brings her knees to her chest; her camel colored woolen coat is stained black along the edge which meets the vinyl seat cushions. The dim light from the dash lighting and the reflected light from the head light beams outside allow us to see how her arms are clenched now around her knees; shes still alive, still pulling them tight against her. The driver speaks quietly to her from the front seat of the old sedan Leben, alles, was wichtig ist, dass Sie am Leben bleiben; sobald wir die Grenze machen wird es rzten und Hilfe. Die brnette Frau wird es warten auf Sie, und, die sdafrikanischen Frau, sie wissen, wie um sich zu rchen.

He jerks the wheel suddenly to avoid a falling large branch which scrapes at the battered left side of the car. Scheie! he mutters. The woman in the rear makes a sudden intake of breath, moans and replies Ich habe nicht viel Zeit, wie weit wir sind? The driver looks into the angled rear view mirror; Perhaps another twenty minutes, please try to remain conscious. In the mirror we see a line of reflected light move quickly across the womans face; she is pale, naturally pale, made ghost-like by the loss of blood. Her long blonde hair is loose, lying partially across her face and over the edge of the car seat; we see one of her grey eyes, open, returning our look, and then slowly closing. The headlights pick out the steel framework of an old bridge, slightly downhill and a way ahead in the dark. Moving forward with the car from over its roofline we see lights at the far end of the bridge, and now, the river it crosses over, and the lights from the checkpoint glimmer in the dark wind waved water below.

Amanda 2011
Created by: kertus

5/22/11 @ 9:05pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: The Planet Piiiing
Posts: 880

|--------------------------Liebe steht nicht Tod (Einfhrung)--------------------------------|

the vinyl seat cushions

hmmm vinyl seat cushions!! oi wat lingo am i spossed ta learn ta read this masterpiece??!!
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/22/11 @ 10:51pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

hmmm vinyl seat cushions!! oi wat lingo am i spossed ta learn ta read this masterpiece??!!

Liebe steht nicht Tod (Einfhrung) Love is not death (Introduction)

Leben, alles, was wichtig ist, dass Sie am Leben bleiben; sobald wir die Grenze machen wird es rzten und Hilfe. Die brnette Frau wird es warten auf Sie, und, die sdafrikanischen Frau, sie wissen, wie um sich zu rchen.

Live, all that is important is that you remain alive; as soon as we make the border there will be doctors and help. The brunette woman waits for you, and the South African woman, they know how to to take revenge.


well. we both know what that is..

Ich habe nicht viel Zeit, wie weit wir sind? I haven't much time, how long until we are there?

It's a bastardized form of german, common to Ost Blocker's who use german instead of english for a common communications language.

i'll throw all manner of languages in these stories.. as the scene and the character warrent.. and.. of course.. the general 'storyline' for the novella. *shrug*
Created by: kertus

5/22/11 @ 11:07pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: The Planet Piiiing
Posts: 880

Liebe steht nicht Tod (Einfhrung) Love is not death (Introduction)

Leben, alles, was wichtig ist, dass Sie am Leben bleiben; sobald wir die Grenze machen wird es rzten und Hilfe. Die brnette Frau wird es warten auf Sie, und, die sdafrikanischen Frau, sie wissen, wie um sich zu rchen.

Live, all that is important is that you remain alive; as soon as we make the border there will be doctors and help. The brunette woman waits for you, and the South African woman, they know how to to take revenge.


well. we both know what that is..

Ich habe nicht viel Zeit, wie weit wir sind? I haven't much time, how long until we are there?

It's a bastardized form of german, common to Ost Blocker's who use german instead of english for a common communications language.

i'll throw all manner of languages in these stories.. as the scene and the character warrent.. and.. of course.. the general 'storyline' for the novella. *shrug*

brill... makes it more real!!! and by the time i gets ta europe i'll b able ta speak Swaheeli..
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/23/11 @ 8:52am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

Help Yourself

You can't change without someone's shadow
'Cuz then it's gone
when you still shine
You can't change to solve somebody's name
Don't blink until you're made

When all destroyed, broke all in Hell,
and you don't need what you could steal;
I'm feeling like something I don't know that's wrong
And I know the sad in my heart

Help yourself with
Help yourself with what you need, yeah
Help yourself when
Help yourself when you don't need it
Help yourself

Help yourself with
Help yourself with what you need, yeah
Help yourself when
Help yourself when you don't need it

Hope Sandoval 2002
Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/23/11 @ 10:21am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

To be a great lover one must have a grasp of statistics. Love makes sense only at this level. Like understanding gases with Thermodynamics, so to with women. Individual women, when examined closely can be unexplainable as far as their day to day actions. However when one looks at the progress of the mean some things become very clear.

The Zeroeth Law of Femaliandynamics: Add heat to the system and all the agents act faster. Heat thus correlates perfectly to motion. This is similar to the behavior of particles. This quantitity is captured in the concept of temperature, a simple measure of its strength.

The First law of Femaliandyamics: There exists a quantity called the internal energy which is a conserved quantity. Efforts to promote an effort in one sphere of activity will invariably provoke a lounging about in another sphere.

The Second Law of Femaliandynamics: Relationships tend to disorder inevitably. Every action tends to increase this type of entropy or hold it constant. Never decrease it. The mathematics is indentical to the familar law from Thermodynamics with new players for the variables. Some have also used this to describe the difficulty with controlling the aging process but it is only an imperfect guide in this regard.

The Third Law of Femaliandynamics: It is impossible to cool such a system down to absolute zero. For the bloody thing will eject the experimental control agent out into the cold until he has raised the temperature once again.

Observation1: The quantum effects of single women do not effect the behavior of the mean. This theory is thus a classical theory.

Observation2: The laws are each equivalent to the proof that a different type of perpetual motion is impossible. This sad fact is all too well known by other theories and a cause of many other effects.

Do not become obsessed with your inability at the individual particle, or woman, level. Focus on the mean my son, just the mean.

Note that the quantum effects can be controlled and understood in some cases. Much as in quantum electrodynamics by use of transition theory and particle to particle state interactions. The trick there is to describe only the interaction with matter and to go to a probabalistic theory.

The theory of large aggregations of women, the General Theory, as it is known is by contrast not a statistical theory. But the population sizes are so large to make this theory useful only to astronomers and economists.

Good luck out there. Unlike the less dynamic physical world, the laws that govern women can change quite rapidly. If you see the evidence for such an anomaly, send up a flare, and start your analysis quickly. It is sometimes in the transition zone to the new theory that the most insight is gained....

Created by: ophelias_rue

5/23/11 @ 11:46am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

Conversation with another ex-model regarding Dudley's repeated attempts to organize males in the face of female 'superiority' :

Friend : god don't any of these girls do their research????

Me: no
they ask most of their questions in the sraight fantasies forum
i've seen .. questions like "how do i start private?"

Friend :*sigh* fucking bunch of morons
and this, my love, is why men still dominate the world

Me: yeah.. that's what i think too
of course
i'm sure the gay side has similar issues

Friend : by sheer numbers we could take em out...sadly 3/4 of our army would be pausing mid battle crying "OMG I JUST BROKE MY NAIL"! and make a beeline for the nearest bathroom to make sure her mascara isn't runnin

and the gay men.....who i'm sure would be our ally's would all be pouting because "battle attire simply isn't fashionable....and I am just NOT wearing THAT. It would clash with my hair color"

Me : go clean house

Friend : ok, ok going to clean
be back as soon as I can
i love you, and all that stuff

Thus, are all the rules duely met, satisfied, and kept in place....
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/23/11 @ 1:34pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

Au Revoir Demimonde

The blonde stands at the top of the ridge, a light breeze shifts her hair slightly; behind her we see the thick black smoke rising, the ruins of the villa burning, shattered by the last of the blasts. The occupants have fled during the night, in singles, couples, small groups. They will survive, and remember. The brunette was among the last, standing tearless and watching the destruction of what they had struggled so hard to create; and then she had taken the last of the vehicles, and gone with no parting words. The blonde shifts her weight slightly, considering.

From the north we hear the stuttering noise of the rapidly rotating blades of an approaching helicopter as it thrashes the humid air, always a sound of escape before, the fast movers thrum now unsettles the blonde. Examined closely, her skin so pale and pure for these many years, appears dry and sallow, the soot clinging to it lending an appearance of fragility, a single tear from her clear grey eyes, washes through the soot, leaving a lacework design, like that of foam, drying on a beach, on a shore far from home.

Amanda 2011

Michelle Branch----------------------------------------------------------Goodbye to You
Sarah McLachlan---------------------------------------------------------I Will Remember You
Lifehouse------------------------------------------------------------------From Where You Are
Seether---- -----------------------------------------------------------------Broken
Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/23/11 @ 11:50pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Conversation with another ex-model regarding Dudley's repeated attempts to organize males in the face of female 'superiority' :

Friend : god don't any of these girls do their research????

Me: no
they ask most of their questions in the sraight fantasies forum
i've seen .. questions like "how do i start private?"

Friend :*sigh* fucking bunch of morons
and this, my love, is why men still dominate the world

Me: yeah.. that's what i think too
of course
i'm sure the gay side has similar issues

Friend : by sheer numbers we could take em out...sadly 3/4 of our army would be pausing mid battle crying "OMG I JUST BROKE MY NAIL"! and make a beeline for the nearest bathroom to make sure her mascara isn't runnin

and the gay men.....who i'm sure would be our ally's would all be pouting because "battle attire simply isn't fashionable....and I am just NOT wearing THAT. It would clash with my hair color"

Me : go clean house

Friend : ok, ok going to clean
be back as soon as I can
i love you, and all that stuff

Thus, are all the rules duely met, satisfied, and kept in place....

Oh sweetie... Men just wanna have fun...

Doo doo de doodie dooodie dooooooo

Don't worray...

Doo de dooo de doodie doooooooooo

Be happay....

Created by: ophelias_rue

5/26/11 @ 3:43am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122


We made, love, yesterday.
You fell, back in, pleasure.
Your face,
So sorrowful, and unplayed.

I had no release; restrained.
Memories of, your face,
Came back today.
Knowing that, one day,
You will fall away.

These lines that we draw,
Hold their place, are strong.
So tightly wound, so long.
We both know, one day,
We will fall again.

Rules, we made, well pay
For each day, we love, we play.
Feel you, here now, today
So close, so we will
Fall away.

Amanda 2011
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/27/11 @ 9:41pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

|----------------------------Liebe steht nicht Tod (Sekunde)---------------------------|

Aucun esprit, aucune forme, j'existe seulement.

She lays on the rear seat, dizzy, sleepy, fading, remembering: an old car, a younger sister leaning against her, a trailer with two horses inside, one of them soon to be hers; a father, driving silently; a mother, trying different radio stations, a birthday just passed, a last beating, a first period, the smell of her blood, the warm smooth feel of her saddle in the rear of the station wagon, the sound of her grandmothers door closing.

Voices, voices disturb her, voices she should recognize but its oh so much effort; she slips away again, black; le noir, toujours noir. She hears the screech of the dented door with the bullet hole at waist height as it opens; black again. Hands on her pulling, her hair and the coat sticking to the seat, voices again Kak, lemme git meh knife. Shuffling feet now, the sound of gravel kicked and skittering across a field of stones, a grunt, sleep, yes sleep. A sudden jerk on her head and the cold of the night air on her, Mmmmm delicious cold, sweet cold, keep me cold. Fouk, geht de blott. She feels arms under her, and then, flight; acceleration gravity, then a delicious short free fall to a flat surface, and cold air on her skin, wonderful, Stay cold keep me now. The voice of her lover, she knows that sweet song of air moving from her lovers mouth and carrying song in it, Hurry, oh hurry. Quickly get the butterfly in, get that blood in her. Give me the bag, yes, in my coat here against me, let me compress it. Sleep. Black and so very, very cold.

A sudden jerk of light, pain, between her breasts, she lunges upward from the sharp clutch at her chest. Hands push down on her shoulders. Is it the white ceiling of a van or a room? More jostling movement. A van, an ambulance. A mans face is peering down at her, and then moves away. A massive burning pinches at her chest again. No sedatives, no, she wont live if we do. Black again.

Grandmother sits beside her on the curb in front of the house. Shes crying and grandmother has put her arm around her. It is summer and gnats float in clouds only inches from her face. Darling girl, you must understand, he is a man, they just dont feel the same way about our favorites that we do. A loud noise and bright lights wake her to movement again. Above her white ceiling tiles, bright light, ceiling tiles, light, repeat while dizzy she thinks. There is the rattling sound of an out-of-alignment wheel on a tile floor; sounds of feet moving quickly on the floor. This way quickly please. In here, how long ago was she wounded? Two hours and forty minutes. The responding voice is the Czech driver who had rescued her from that hellish meeting. Hands on her side; pain now. Dark again, silence. The horse is so proud; it is visible in the dance in the stall that it performs. Tall, so tall that she is hanging high on the slatted sides of the stall, leaning over and singing softly to it ./` ohhhhh I love you so.. this is our new home. ./` Dark.

Amanda 2011
Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/29/11 @ 9:24am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

john.SmallBerries = Lectroid(lectroidMinionDef);

john.YaYa = Lectroid(lectroidMinionDef);

nonLobotomizedModel.Lavin = CamModel(femaleModelDef13withNiceBreastPerturbation);

for i = 1:5,

lectroidSetUp = john.SmallBerries->FreeChatJoke(nonLobotomizedModel.Lavin);




unk nownMember.dude1->takesHerPrivate(nonLobotomizedModel.Lavin);

for i = 1:5,
lectroidSetUp = john.SmallBerries->DuringPrivateJoke(nonLobotomizedModel.Lavin, unknownMember.dude1);



john.YaYa->shout('Show! !!!');

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