|-----------------------------------Liebe steht nicht Tod (Siebt)-------------------------------|
The Czech stands in the shadows to the side of the open front door of the warehouse; with the
blonde on the opposite side, her back against the outer cement wall of the structure. We should have thought of night vision gear he says to the air. The
blonde makes no reply, inside of herself, she is thinking only of Simones death, and what had preceded it, she remembers her own violent treatment in the past, the lack of freedom, the shocks to the body, and the damage to her self that followed. She sighs, looks at the dark shadow that is the Czech and mutters no fucking use at all to herself; then, more loudly, Okay, are you ready? I see no other way than just to move quickly, try to see where they are, and try to get the fuck out alive.
Anya sits in the empty room in the dark. She has not moved a hairs width distance in forty minutes. The rifles tripod is resting on top of a pile of cement bags and Anya rests in a chair behind the pile. The butt of the Remington 40x Tac is nestled into her shoulder, her head rests against the meager stock, her eye cupped by the star light scope mounted on the weapon. Her breathing betrays no motion. Her mind is vacant except for the preparatory vision she replays of how the shot will be taken. They will exit the doorway, obscured by the body of the car she will not risk a head shot; the driver will stand behind the vehicle to provide covering fire; that has the highest probability. Less likely is that he will take time to open the rear door for the
blonde American target, and then enter the vehicle, starting the engine while she exits the building and dashes to the car. She has envisioned all of the possibilities and selected the only option common to all of the variations. She is dispassionate about killing the blonde, they had been lovers briefly three years ago, but she had opted for a different path than what the American had offered. And the wealth offered by this selection was undeniably superior. Her long eyelashes dip and then return to an open position. They will exit the doorway, they will go to the car, they will enter the vehicle, and then she recites.
The Czech takes a deep breath, pictures the street, the car, the distances, the timing, prepares; I miss Vanya, her warm generous body, in my arms, dancing is in his mind as he lunges out the door. The
blonde follows immediately on his heels, the H&K held out at her side; the Czech holds his Beretta in his hand, relaxed, prepared to adjust. They move quickly to the side of the car and lower themselves into its shadow. No fire he thinks. Not really a good thing.
Anyas concentration is locked on the car. She is prepared and anxious for this to end; desiring her reward, the months ahead in some location sunny, warm, where there is food, a piano to play, a lover or two.
Okay. They open the doors and the Czech slides in across the seat, key in ignition, twist, the vehicle coughs and shudders to life. The blond opening the rear door at the same time as the Czech opens the drivers she slides onto the floor. The Czech sits up shifting the car in to gear and stomping the accelerator. The
blonde slides onto the seat as the car lurches forward, the H&K raised over the seat for action.
Anyas finger gently applies pressure to the trigger of the 40x, her grip is firm and the safeties are released. The .308 slug launches from the barrel at seven hundred and seventy seven meters per second; at this range there is no drop or drift of the slug more than one millimeter. Striking the sheet metal of the door panel the metal clad nose of the slug is slightly depressed and slowed, encountering a light weight metal brace on the interior, and a portion of the windows elevation mechanism the speed of the slug drops more significantly and the slugs tip is flattened out, its metal jacket now torn at three points around its circumference. Its trajectory has altered now, and it passes through the cloth and cardboard of the interior door panel hot from the friction of its travel and encounters and slowed by perhaps one half of its initial velocity. At three hundred and fifty meters per second it spreads the camel hair coats fabric leaving a slight burn mark and a tear in the material; it strikes the light weight body armor the
blonde is wearing and changes it shape more drastically, becoming almost liquid in its flight. The Kevlar sinks, depressing into the blondes lower side, the flesh dimples around the bullet resistant fabric and the heated metal, the Kevlar fails, 20 layers giving way to the metallic thrust.
Anya watches the vehicle sway and rock as it roars up the road. One shot, one hit she thinks to herself, and her mind returns to warm sandy shores. She quietly breaks the rifle down stowing it in its shoulder sack. She stands and looks around the dark room. Stooping she retrieves her brass, slides the chair back to its earlier position, leans across the cement bags and pushes the window shut. Brazil does not appeal to her.
Clutching the wheel in one hand and accelerating down the street toward the nearby highway the Czech risks a look over the seat. He had heard the metallic sound of the slug hitting the car, followed immediately by her sigh as the
blonde slumped over on the seat, and the sound of the H&K hitting the rubber matt on the floor. She lies still on the seat and he notes the black of the blood stain growing on her lower side. Wir sind fickt! he sighs.
Five minutes later he pulls to the side of the road, quickly climbs out, rushes to the rear door and opens it. Leaning over her he touches her face. Her eyes are open and looking at him, You live? he asks. She moves her head slightly. He pulls a cell phone from his pocket and presses a call code. Holding the phone to his head he says status, at the answer he frowns and touches another call code Yes he says, Yes I know. Shes been wounded. I do not know. Yes, the border. Yes I know it. He closes the phone and drops it in his pocket. He looks at the blonde. "They struck at the helicopter. We must move quickly, remain alive." Slamming the door he returns to the drivers seat and the car lurches off. The sound of the car moves quickly through the air striking surfaces and riding airwaves in different directions until it sounds, at very subtle levels, like the movement of water deep in the locked pressure zones found far below the surface of the ocean.
Amanda 2011