model - does your brain exist?
Is it weird if I jerk off before you with my 14in cock?
haha you are a big loser
(this one left me clueless)
what are you see in your mobile phone Quote

I am a very bad pain before your breast profile
Do not show me, right breast yourself?
Please show me the example of the nation's most beautiful breasts seconds Quote


9/13/15 @ 11:20am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: The Farthest Reaches of you Imagination
Posts: 4
"Douchalator69: You have resting bitch face
Model: Get out!
Douchalator69: now you're just being a bitch"

vietnamsex2: Now we can start chatting sex is not? Karlyn not know Vietnamese chat?
This one is famous ghostdog i am sure many of models had the luck to have him in your room
dickloverPizza:first im genius second im sociopath this is my site bitches...i will punch a grandma in the face...DONT FUCK WITH GHOSTDOG!
caesarIII: could u USA your telecontrol Luke a dildo
Blackboy491824: Hi swety...i lik to get you private.but i want to see your hole size of your ass....hurry up
lack506: Move like you receive a hard and warm dick in your pussy
wickedpleasure: Are you a sex slave? Is someone forcing you to do this??

I'm trying to imagine this out but it only makes matters worse..

10/23/15 @ 10:42am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970
As I had no idea what DBAB could mean I thought I g==gle for it .. confused me even more:
DBAB: Domino Benelux Antwerp Belgium
DBAB: Doing Business Across Borders
DBAB: Deutsche Banc Alex Brown
DBAB: Dimethyl-Benzyl-Ammonium-Bromide
I have no idea what even one of those things could mean - so don't be a bitch and enlighten me

12/25/15 @ 9:28am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: My own personal happy place.
Posts: 26

please someone handle me a gun!

please someone handle me a gun!
Wtf? Can you report this somehow? Quote