1/24/09 @ 8:52am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Normal, Illinois
Posts: 24
I'll now have the Airwolf theme in my head when im in Candie's room.
She was introduced in the second season, so dont go watching the pilot episode expecting to see her. Quote

Gina Gershon is hot! Kalikatt is hotter though...she is one my favorite models on here! Kali if you want to see some good Gershon movies, you should also check out the movie Bound

I get told all the time that I look like Austin Kincaid the porn star so I finally looked up her website and we do look a lot alike in some of her pics and videos...never knew I had a sister lol

1/24/09 @ 3:12pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: California, USA
Posts: 370

I get told all the time that I look like Austin Kincaid the porn star so I finally looked up her website and we do look a lot alike in some of her pics and videos...never knew I had a sister lol
You look a little like Austin but you are way hotter.

I have to agree! Take it as a compliment! I love Avril!! Her music is awesome too! She has some good hits! I always think it is nice to get compliments to somebody who looks so young!!

I get told all the time that I look like Austin Kincaid the porn star so I finally looked up her website and we do look a lot alike in some of her pics and videos...never knew I had a sister lol
aww thank you! my favorite pic of you is that grey& white of you in the tub - you totally remind me of Charlotte - Sex in the City - in that particular one.


Was a little worried though with not knowing if it was Britney during breakdown or just in general!! ha ha ha

Ama- Tara Reid Quote

You know how much fun that would be??? You are such a hottie!! xxoo

you know we arent really that far from each other...we should make a play date and invite all the boys to watch one of these days