i wanted to add a little something about VOD's too.
so you just did an incredible show: made some money, got two orgasms out and hopefully have a return customer in the person who just took you pvt. fun's over right? WRONG! enter your vod collection! the vod is a recording of every show you do. whether its the two min chat or the ninety minute marathon, every time you go private it gets recorded. so how is this cool? well for a member every private show they've had gets put in a special category in their account for quick access to all the privates they've ever done.. so at the click of a mouse i can re-live our special day over and over again (members also have the ability to make their show private so it won't be accessible to anyone else). moving forward this is also cool for you, because all members have to pay (at a more discounted rate) to view your vod. so while i'm re-living our private show, you're making money while your sleeping or maybe even in another pvt!
first of all, just to let you know, from our side when a member clicks on a models vod's there are potentially three screens to view before actually watching the vod; all of them have a screen shot from that particular show as well as a title. First screen shows A PRE-SELECTED GROUP OF 28 VOD'S from there the member has the option of selecting one of those or clicking a link that says "MODEL NAME has x number recorded private shows available - click here for even more VOD clips" which will take you to a screen of chronologically listed VODS. from the first screen or this one a member can select which vod they want to choose and it takes them to a more in depth view of this vod which has a model written caption (if you write it) and (if applicable) a rating, up to three categories and user review.
vod's get looked down upon sometimes because they are not privates and don't bring in as much income, but you need to look at them this way: literally, you're making extra money off people watching what you already made money off of!
by all means you want to focus on getting your pvt's because that's where the better income is, but don't be shy about talking to people in open chat about that awesome pvt you had a month ago. one time a girl told me she had an orgasm so great that she actually blacked out! so when i said "wow i wanna see that she told me to go find her vod that was titled "Blacking Out Orgasm" so i went, found it and i watched it.
when the show is recorded the only thing it lists is the recording date, so with that in mind, give your private shows titles if you can. "Sloppiest BJ Ever" or "My Upside Down Gagging BJ And DP Fun" or "For All You White Lingerie Fans" or "Panty Stuffing While I Eat A Bowl Of Cereal" or "I Cum So Hard I Fall Off The Bed!". be creative and descriptive, labeling them helps members navigate through your collection much easier and find what they are looking for. there's also a place to write a caption with more detail for the member to read once they click on the particular vod they want to view. in the example above there would be no way to find that particular show without the title as i was not going to sit and watch hundreds of vod's to find it. remember too that a lot of members will check out a few of your vod's to see what you're like "behind the curtain" before ever taking you pvt. also in today's economy people might be more willing to spend their money watching vod's rather than taking you pvt because it's a better value as far as $/min to watch vod's.
while i cannot guarantee you'll get more vod views by doing all this, look at it this way: when you go to the video store are you more likely to watch a movie with a summary or one with just a picture on the cover? hell, most porn even have some sort of summary! so why not take 15 minutes to clean up your vod's and make them a bit more user friendly? might as well make your money any way you can right?! also, say you're gonna be offline for a while for whatever reason, you're not gonna be making any money off pvts.. but wouldn't it be nice to still get a paycheck from the vod's?