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Female Performer Chat: FOR ALL THE NEW MODELS
Arianna Synn
Created by: Arianna Synn

5/30/09 @ 9:13pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Heres to you gdiddy :drinkup You cleared up alot of things for me :smoking . Thanks!
Created by: gdiddy

6/2/09 @ 3:07pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,812

thanks lickau - you've always got something great to add!

also wanted to throw out there two more things that models may not know:

one) if you put your "model on break" sign up, it will kick everyone out of the room if you don't come back for about two minutes. so if you ever wonder why everyone left, it's cause they couldn't stay!!

two) you are allowed to say where you are from if you want. how specific you are with your location is totally your discretion. some girls leave it at just their country, some will list the state, some the city and still others make up clever names (i.e. hornyville, ca). if you don't want to tell someone where you live or what school you go to then simply say you don't feel comfortable saying it. with today's technology it's not too hard to find out if you're lying when you say you're a cheerleader for the sun devils. if you are worried about someone in your area finding out about you, there is an option to block a particular state or region. so if you're on camera in ontario, have family in florida and your ex lives in cali, you can block all those areas so that members from those areas won't even know you exist. just be forewarned though, if you block the area you are broadcasting from, it also prevents you from seeing your own profile, thus not allowing you to read your reviews.

as i did for another model though, if you want to see your reviews and can't, e-mail me and i'll copy and paste them in a message back for you! :thumbsup
Created by: mydyingbride

6/2/09 @ 3:41pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 181

you put your "model on break"sign up, it will kick everyone out of the room if you don't come back for about two minutes. so if you ever wonder why everyone left, it's cause they couldn't stay!!

Not totally true this one..

April Marie
Created by: April Marie

6/2/09 @ 3:51pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Haha thanks for that gdiddy, I didn't know so other models might not either! Your great bby :)
Created by: gdiddy

6/2/09 @ 4:13pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,812

Not totally true this one..

explanations are always appreciated if you have something to add :thumbsup
Created by: lickau

6/3/09 @ 6:02am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

Official break - Room closes in approxiamately 5 minutes
Reshuffles members to rooms where models are there

Break sign - Members can stay until someone sees room empty .
They can shut the room down if they chose - or room stays open for a few minutes
Some rooms have stay open for longer amounts then :thumbsup
Mary & Chris Monroe
Created by: Mary & Chris Monroe

6/3/09 @ 1:07pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Thanks for the advice! Hope we see you soon! :thumbsup
Created by: gdiddy

6/3/09 @ 5:48pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,812

thanks for the clarification lickau!

i want to throw one in from my personal opinion collection about audio:

i get that some models choose not to use audio in open chat, other models switch it up, and others use it all the time (FYI - if you have a full room audio on is probably going to be way easier for you). but for god's sake, if you're going to have your audio on then USE IT! nothing drives me nuts more than watching a model type her response while she sits there in silence! keyboards through a microphone are annoying :mad personally i will be in someone's a lot longer if they are verbally communicating to me rather than typing the whole time. plus the voice adds an element of enticement to the fantasy and is my ultimate deciding factor on rather or not to go pvt. so if i get this answer "audio only in pvt bb" when i ask to hear your voice, then it's been fun while it lasted! :orglaugh
Created by: gdiddy

6/3/09 @ 6:46pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,812


i wanted to add a little something about VOD's too.

so you just did an incredible show: made some money, got two orgasms out and hopefully have a return customer in the person who just took you pvt. fun's over right? WRONG! enter your vod collection! the vod is a recording of every show you do. whether its the two min chat or the ninety minute marathon, every time you go private it gets recorded. so how is this cool? well for a member every private show they've had gets put in a special category in their account for quick access to all the privates they've ever done.. so at the click of a mouse i can re-live our special day over and over again (members also have the ability to make their show private so it won't be accessible to anyone else). moving forward this is also cool for you, because all members have to pay (at a more discounted rate) to view your vod. so while i'm re-living our private show, you're making money while your sleeping or maybe even in another pvt!

first of all, just to let you know, from our side when a member clicks on a models vod's there are potentially three screens to view before actually watching the vod; all of them have a screen shot from that particular show as well as a title. First screen shows A PRE-SELECTED GROUP OF 28 VOD'S from there the member has the option of selecting one of those or clicking a link that says "MODEL NAME has x number recorded private shows available - click here for even more VOD clips" which will take you to a screen of chronologically listed VODS. from the first screen or this one a member can select which vod they want to choose and it takes them to a more in depth view of this vod which has a model written caption (if you write it) and (if applicable) a rating, up to three categories and user review.

vod's get looked down upon sometimes because they are not privates and don't bring in as much income, but you need to look at them this way: literally, you're making extra money off people watching what you already made money off of!

by all means you want to focus on getting your pvt's because that's where the better income is, but don't be shy about talking to people in open chat about that awesome pvt you had a month ago. one time a girl told me she had an orgasm so great that she actually blacked out! so when i said "wow i wanna see that she told me to go find her vod that was titled "Blacking Out Orgasm" so i went, found it and i watched it.

when the show is recorded the only thing it lists is the recording date, so with that in mind, give your private shows titles if you can. "Sloppiest BJ Ever" or "My Upside Down Gagging BJ And DP Fun" or "For All You White Lingerie Fans" or "Panty Stuffing While I Eat A Bowl Of Cereal" or "I Cum So Hard I Fall Off The Bed!". be creative and descriptive, labeling them helps members navigate through your collection much easier and find what they are looking for. there's also a place to write a caption with more detail for the member to read once they click on the particular vod they want to view. in the example above there would be no way to find that particular show without the title as i was not going to sit and watch hundreds of vod's to find it. remember too that a lot of members will check out a few of your vod's to see what you're like "behind the curtain" before ever taking you pvt. also in today's economy people might be more willing to spend their money watching vod's rather than taking you pvt because it's a better value as far as $/min to watch vod's.

while i cannot guarantee you'll get more vod views by doing all this, look at it this way: when you go to the video store are you more likely to watch a movie with a summary or one with just a picture on the cover? hell, most porn even have some sort of summary! so why not take 15 minutes to clean up your vod's and make them a bit more user friendly? might as well make your money any way you can right?! also, say you're gonna be offline for a while for whatever reason, you're not gonna be making any money off pvts.. but wouldn't it be nice to still get a paycheck from the vod's? :twocents
Lauren Vail
Created by: Lauren Vail

6/3/09 @ 7:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

gdiddy, I'm "unofficially" naming you, "Professor of Model Instruction"...lmao. There are so many things that I've wondered about, and tried different ways of doing things, and I read this forum and see that you have posted something pertaining to my exact questions...Too cool!

I like're all right in my book. :thumbsup
Lauren Vail
Created by: Lauren Vail

6/5/09 @ 4:26pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

LOL...just posted this reply to get this thread back up on top, because there is so much good info here. Besides, gdiddy, I wanted to make sure you saw the "unofficial" title I have given you...lmao :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh Thanks again!!!
Tiffany Dove
Created by: Tiffany Dove

6/5/09 @ 5:41pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Thank you Gdiddy! I love the advice!

Created by: gdiddy

6/6/09 @ 6:46pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,812

LOL...just posted this reply to get this thread back up on top, because there is so much good info here. Besides, gdiddy, I wanted to make sure you saw the "unofficial" title I have given you...lmao :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh Thanks again!!!

lol thanks - april marie said it's like "GDIDDY'S MODEL CRASH COURSE"! :orglaugh you all are too funny. i'm glad that you all are finding it helpful :thumbsup
Jego Mandingo
Created by: Jego Mandingo

6/7/09 @ 5:10am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

:thumbs up :bow down i like all the info you give and im having fun like crazy i was nervous at first but im getting use to it everyday and i love the traffic im getting in my room i tried other site before and i think this the best site someone could work for. if you are not making money is back you don't want money, just be friendly to the people and do what they ask because they see if you listen to what they ask for and if you do they will take you pvt and spend that time with you. the first day i start i was shock i had a pvt show and it seem like they love coming to my room and watch me do my thing lol :jerkoff. from me to everyone im new but im saying just let loose and have sum fun and they will tooo and keep coming back peace out :thumbsup
Nicole Night
Created by: Nicole Night

6/7/09 @ 6:02am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Thanks babe!!! helped me out alot; our chat 2nite was nice; made me feel rele comfortable (even tho i was super sleepy haha) hope to talk 2 u soon. xoxoxo.
Alice Skye
Created by: Alice Skye

6/7/09 @ 11:09am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Thanks so much gdiddy, being a new model is full of surprises, this really helps :)
Smiles and hugs for everyone!!
Mindy Love
Created by: Mindy Love

6/7/09 @ 11:34am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

WOW, what amazing advice, Thanks for caring about us, it's so refreshing!
Created by: g-mann

6/7/09 @ 2:40pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

Please also see MODEL FORUMS
ONLY models can see that Forum :thumbsup
Models do help each other
There are 3 "hot keys" you can program with a message . It is only 1 hint of how to make work better .
Great job gdiddy :thumbsup :drinkup

Do use the Model Forums to ask some of those little questions you have, that we as members don't have answers to. I know you will find that your fellow models are a great resource. Good Luck to everyone! :thumbsup
Maddie Kine
Created by: Maddie Kine

6/7/09 @ 4:30pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Thanks for the advise!!!
I'm new here and I'll be starting tomarrow.
I am so excited!!! :)
Also, I am alittle neverous.
Kisses Maddie Kine
Created by: g-mann

6/7/09 @ 5:04pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

Thanks for the advise!!!
I'm new here and I'll be starting tomarrow.
I am so excited!!! :)
Also, I am alittle neverous.
Kisses Maddie Kine

Maybe a few of us can make it by your room to ease your nerves. I am sure you'll do great, just relax and have fun :)

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