I understand u, i have same paranoia if someone is away for a long of time. Lets hope she is great, happy, relaxed or just got married:D Quote

12/17/12 @ 6:28am
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Location: Northern USA
Posts: 99

12/17/12 @ 1:06pm
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Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793

12/23/12 @ 10:45pm
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Location: Northern USA
Posts: 99

12/24/12 @ 2:47pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
i was working my way through the deepest dimmest shadowy wet portions of the Amazon rainforest ... i heard drums and chanting ... an eerie and nerve wracking sound to my shoe-gazed and rockeramahed ears ... suddenly i was surrounded by a rather large group of short strong brown skinned native males, their hair bowl cut, and with a lovely shade of red makeup applied to their faces in angular and mysterious abstract shapes ... they chattered at each other in a language that was unrecognizable and then group marched me in close company along a small almost invisible path ... i was fearful of the spiders needless to say but what options did i have open to me? my stun phone battery would only have lasted long enough to drop three or possibly four of these indians and what then? i marched along.
after a short time the forest around us, those huge wide ancient trunks and all of the vines that cling to them and the large tendrils that drop from the canopy like some form of vegetative rainfall were thinner and farther apart and there was a semblance of pure white light let through that thinner mesh of filtration ... we entered the cluster of huts that was their village ... i heard a female voice leading the chat ... she would speak musically with a slightly european lilt to her singing and the crowd of bare breasted short brown Indian women surrounding her would echo in reply ... i starred at this priestesses back ... there was a familiarity to the skin, to the shoulder shape, to the divine curve from where the ribs met the spine to the cleft between her bottom cheeks ... 'wtf?' i thought to myself 'i recognize that tattoo!'
the priestess turned to face me ... the pale intruder ... and she smiled ... Quote

12/24/12 @ 4:52pm
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Location: just to the left of center
Posts: 2,431

1/2/13 @ 2:58pm
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Location: Northern USA
Posts: 99


1/8/13 @ 9:28pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793
expect her to reappear in the category "African/American Exotic" or "Jade-XX profile borrower"

She was living at home with her daughter and couldnt come online with her parents there... Got her own place with her kid now.

stay sweet and safe
mash fan

1/12/13 @ 8:34am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793

stay sweet and safe
mash fan
o.0 *always amazed at mash's precognitive abilities* Quote

1/14/13 @ 4:20pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Northern USA
Posts: 99

1/19/13 @ 7:09pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: forgotten backroad standing still in time
Posts: 761
o.0 *always amazed at mash's precognitive abilities*
What did he know and when did he know it? We may never get a straight answer from Te'o ... oh wait, that's another story.
Still, it's a good bet, with all the 'investigative' biographers around here, Deadspin won't be going out of business soon.

1/19/13 @ 7:42pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: just to the left of center
Posts: 2,431
What did he know and when did he know it? We may never get a straight answer from Te'o ... oh wait, that's another story.
Still, it's a good bet, with all the 'investigative' biographers around here, Deadspin won't be going out of business soon.

yeah this is slightly off topic but if someone can please explain to me how falling for a person you didn't think they were is a story id appreciate it. it kinda happens everyday here although i believe this isnt technically "catfishing" Quote