aaah well put Derek (took me a while to get my lil brain around the deeper meaning of it all) , forgive my folly it is trivial, meaningless and bordering on plain ol' stupid .... do ya think wars often start coz people take themselves and their beliefs a lil too seriously ... dunno jus' another of my scatter brain thoughts ... top models should always be naked!

12/16/15 @ 1:11am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 45,474

Wouldja mind translating Derek's deep and meaningful statement into Strine for me please? It was all Greek to me. Quote

12/16/15 @ 1:29pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,302

...comon Derek, ur Greek is just fine, Jeff is jus' been a lil lazy ... us Aussies can b like that, lazy and all I mean, specially when it comes to using our cranial muscle, hurts like anal ... on topic part, top models naked?!!! where??

Why are you even watching other models anyway? Isnt that like an insult of some sort. I dunno, i would feel disrespected if i found out other models were all on my kool aid w/o an invite. Quote

1/19/16 @ 3:52am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447
Why are you even watching other models anyway? Isnt that like an insult of some sort. I dunno, i would feel disrespected if i found out other models were all on my kool aid w/o an invite.
I think it is totally okay for performers to check out what (and how) other performers are doing (it). It is a good way for newbies to get an impression what's going on and get ideas for their own open chat show.
What I am freaking out about is performers checking out members in other rooms and writing messages to them, inviting them to come into THEIR rooms ...

1/19/16 @ 2:39pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,302
I think it is totally okay for performers to check out what (and how) other performers are doing (it). It is a good way for newbies to get an impression what's going on and get ideas for their own open chat show.
What I am freaking out about is performers checking out members in other rooms and writing messages to them, inviting them to come into THEIR rooms ...

Chris, I don't like, and agree, with both things.


Why are you even watching other models anyway? Isnt that like an insult of some sort. I dunno, i would feel disrespected if i found out other models were all on my kool aid w/o an invite.
Hi,I was actually looking to see what Halloween costumes the girls were wearing. I apologize; I did not want to wear one that 50 others had on! I dunno, I mean I don't know, I was just curious, sorry to invade. Quote

2/5/16 @ 12:23am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447
Reasonable, again communication, "knowledge transfer" and curiosity amongst performers are strongly supported. But there are other characters out there with less innocent intentions

I think it is totally okay for performers to check out what (and how) other performers are doing (it). It is a good way for newbies to get an impression what's going on and get ideas for their own open chat show.
Any girls left without a raffle at the moment?

Trying to connect to the actual forum topic ... If performers are naked all the time, where's the mystery? The anticipation that the outlines of a beautiful body creates is the best way to get someone private


2/26/16 @ 11:05pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Sunny South Florida - with a REALLY cool car :-)
Posts: 1,501

Yup, with the right Model, the Attitude is just as important, or sometimes even more important than the Attire (or lack thereof!)

2/27/16 @ 1:38pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Ok firstly I just need to say that if she is a 'Top Model' then she has already paid her dues and done the hard work. Ok, so boobs in free chat etc are generally ok, In fact its quite a tease. Sometimes this can work to your advantage if there are tips offered. You can even briefly flash your pussy if you get a big enough tip that you are comfortable with.
It is NOT a good idea to show your pussy for any length of time and you could limit it to just flashing your 'mound' lol. It is also NOT a good idea to just show your pussy to anyone for free, this shows you don't want credits, you are happy to just give yourself away to anyone who is watching. Not so classy and definitely not the best way to make money.
The best thing is to act how you are comfortable. You will attract like clients from your chosen actions
I hope this helps
C x
Epic thank u