5/28/16 @ 10:24am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
While the development so far is technically correct, it is time to put it on a firm theoretical foundation. To this end it becomes necessary to escape the inexactness of language and develop the precise mathematical description.



Our objective becomes:

where the last state is unambiguously defined as a member of the set F(

It does not follow necessarily that by maximizing the number of

One must bring in the idea of time and an observer. Because the perception of the event

Nevertheless we will continue the development as there are few journal papers in this particular area of research.

While the development so far is technically correct, it is time to put it on a firm theoretical foundation. To this end it becomes necessary to escape the inexactness of language and develop the precise mathematical description.



Our objective becomes:

where the last state is unambiguously defined as a member of the set F(

It does not follow necessarily that by maximizing the number of

One must bring in the idea of time and an observer. Because the perception of the event

Nevertheless we will continue the development as there are few journal papers in this particular area of research.
hm! Some blondies must be definitely perplexed by this equations which seems to have included the constant (members and facilities) and the variable factor (jerkoff). I dare say, if practice shows theory`s flaws, only through it can also be improved>. Since it`s weekend, !I think we all should begin the party

5/28/16 @ 1:46pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
hm! Some blondies must be definitely perplexed by this equations which seems to have included the constant (members and facilities) and the variable factor (jerkoff). I dare say, if practice shows theory`s flaws, only through it can also be improved>. Since it`s weekend, !I think we all should begin the party
Excerpt from The Book of Ride, Chapter 22, section 99:
"One may know the heart of the Mountie yet never be able to predict when he appeareth. For his comings and going are like the radioactive decay. One may know the half life but be not able to precisely predict the actual event. Some this has driven to madness. Some to anger. Others have simply built scintillation counters and dwelled patiently in their yurts waiting for the Light to return."

Excerpt from The Book of Ride, Chapter 22, section 99:
"One may know the heart of the Mountie yet never be able to predict when he appeareth. For his comings and going are like the radioactive decay. One may know the half life but be not able to precisely predict the actual event. Some this has driven to madness. Some to anger. Others have simply built scintillation counters and dwelled patiently in their yurts waiting for the Light to return."
When I stand up for
myself and my beliefs,
they call me a
When I stand up for
those I love,
they call me a
When I speak my mind,
think my own thoughts,
or do things my own way,
they call me a
When I refuse to
tolerate injustice and
I speak against it,
I'm defined as a
The same thing happens when I take time for myself,
instead of being everyone's maid,
or when I act a little selfish.
If being a bitch means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am,
and I won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I 'should' be, then I'm proud to be one.
If being a bitch means being outspoken, opinionated and determined,
and wanting what I want, there's nothing wrong with that!
Being a bitch means I won't compromise what's in my heart.
It means I live my life MY way, and I won't allow anyone to step on me.
You can try to stomp on me, intimidate me or frighten me.
You can try to douse my inner flame, crush my spirit or squash the beauty I hold within me.
But you won't succeed.
And if that makes me a bitch , so be it.
I embrace the title and I'm proud to bear it.
Inspiring BITCH acronymns:
B = Babe
I = In
T = Total
C = Control of
H = Herself
B = Beautiful
I = Intelligent
T = Talented
C = Charming
H = Hell of a Woman
B = Beautiful
I = Individual
T = That
C = Can
H = Handle 'anything'
B = Blessed
I = Is
T = Thy
C = Cherished
H = Heart

5/28/16 @ 3:22pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
I love hitchin' up my bitches to my love sled and hitting the trail. With the salt rheum flowing from my wind bitten eyes.
I shave 'em. Grease 'em. Put the harness on 'em.
No frilly strand collars for them. All is leather. All is sweat.
Long is the trail. Great is the glory.

I love hitchin' up my bitches to my love sled and hitting the trail. With the salt rheum flowing from my wind bitten eyes.
I shave 'em. Grease 'em. Put the harness on 'em.
No frilly strand collars for them. All is leather. All is sweat.
Long is the trail. Great is the glory.
This Flower Paradise can only bloom when bewitched by the words or touch of a Magician, only he`s able to make each flower sparkle and burn, like dew when kissed by sunshine rays summer mornings

6/3/16 @ 2:49pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
This Flower Paradise can only bloom when bewitched by the words or touch of a Magician, only he`s able to make each flower sparkle and burn, like dew when kissed by sunshine rays summer mornings
I love that Paradise at all times of day. So nice in the early morning when wet and waking. I linger long realizing the full form, drinking deep the beauty of the scene.
But as the Sun climbs higher the Pleasure does not diminish. P3tals open. Warmth spreads.
Even as the Garden catches fire from the closeness of the Sun I remain, not willing to depart. Explosions splatter nectar like shrapnel and yet still I stay. But with visibly altered composure and a speeding clock that moves faster than the relentless slow driving Sun.
Dusk is especially beautiful and full of soft lights. Warmth still from the Sun a fond memory even as he passes slowly out of range.
But up comes the Moon, paler it is true, but silvering everything that was cast and created by his Celestial Brother. And what strange Planet this is for Moon, after Moon, after Moon doth flood the gentle Landscape and threaten many rekindlings...

I love that Paradise at all times of day. So nice in the early morning when wet and waking. I linger long realizing the full form, drinking deep the beauty of the scene.
But as the Sun climbs higher the Pleasure does not diminish. P3tals open. Warmth spreads.
Even as the Garden catches fire from the closeness of the Sun I remain, not willing to depart. Explosions splatter nectar like shrapnel and yet still I stay. But with visibly altered composure and a speeding clock that moves faster than the relentless slow driving Sun.
Dusk is especially beautiful and full of soft lights. Warmth still from the Sun a fond memory even as he passes slowly out of range.
But up comes the Moon, paler it is true, but silvering everything that was cast and created by his Celestial Brother. And what strange Planet this is for Moon, after Moon, after Moon doth flood the gentle Landscape and threaten many rekindlings...
I want to feel your breath over my shoulder and ...

(thinking about a sequel I let my message `embrace` yours, I suppose my mind wants first what the body desires)

6/5/16 @ 2:09am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Jack's a ganger man who works all day on the lines
He's evened many a hedge and tricked out all the vines
But he's a longing for the corner of his very own
It beats where he was born in county o'mayonne
Far away... Far away... In his corner far away...
Good things are coming.. he'll be no more bummin'
when he's in his corner... far away.
Mortimer can't abide the Gardens for mor'n a day
He's got the wander's lust and no more can stay
If you happen to overfly the land
You'll see him trippin' down the river bend
Oh take me back to the plane of 'eavens delight
It's where me head is from morning to the night
If you want to go to Lancester or Benning or Muldoon
I'll punch your ticket but no fare unless to Nicklesdoon
For there a steamer waits to take you on your way
To the plane of pleasures so very far away.
Far away... far away...
Steamers gonna take you far away
All your crushes rushing
To where the nectar's gushing
To where the nectar's gushing far away.
*waaaaah waaaaaaaaaah*

Jack's a ganger man who works all day on the lines
He's evened many a hedge and tricked out all the vines
But he's a longing for the corner of his very own
It beats where he was born in county o'mayonne
Far away... Far away... In his corner far away...
Good things are coming.. he'll be no more bummin'
when he's in his corner... far away.
Mortimer can't abide the Gardens for mor'n a day
He's got the wander's lust and no more can stay
If you happen to overfly the land
You'll see him trippin' down the river bend
Oh take me back to the plane of 'eavens delight
It's where me head is from morning to the night
If you want to go to Lancester or Benning or Muldoon
I'll punch your ticket but no fare unless to Nicklesdoon
For there a steamer waits to take you on your way
To the plane of pleasures so very far away.
Far away... far away...
Steamers gonna take you far away
All your crushes rushing
To where the nectar's gushing
To where the nectar's gushing far away.
*waaaaah waaaaaaaaaah*
The Worker Bee
It’s me, it’s me - the worker bee
I rise at dawn and fly to see
What busy-ness I can create
As long as I am not too late
I watch the clock, it watches me
The temporary worker bee
My wings are on the keys all day
They wait ‘til I can fly away
But I cannot fly soon, I fear
The cost of honey is too dear
So gather pollen, grain by grain
The hours feeling much the same
And deal with every sort of jive
Inside a glass, sky-(sc****** hive
And face with calm, rude-mannered boors
And get lost with so many doors
But end of day, at last it comes
And then I start to buzz and hum
Then off I go - it’s home for me
Poor little worker bee

6/6/16 @ 12:38am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Poor little worker bee
Cod: Whatevah have I done to desoive dis utter lack of respect?
Ant: Easy codfather. Easy.
Grasshopper: She jus' had a fretful day. She doan really mean it boss.
Cod: Ant! How was it for you workin' all las summer. Those damn gulls diggin' their beaks into your nest. How was da winter for you? And dis was a good one eh?
Ant: Well the storehouse ain't gettin' filled by complaining.
Cod: An' you Grasshopper. They say you on welfare, that you just goof off all summer. F'ing fables. But I knows you was running the wires for me. And if'n yuse failed ta bring in one envelope I'da had your legs. Winter woulda come early dis year eh?
Grasshopper: heh heh I'm a lucky hopper. Much better off'n being on da welfare. No gulls sticking their beaks in me. Thanks to yuse Codfather.
Cod: An' now dis goddamned bee is complaining all over da East side. Dat's gratitude. She can go about her bee's life but just who is it dat keeps her hive from being Afikanized. Does she think she gets nothin' from her protection? Does she remember what we did for her to Poo? And his f'ing gang? (dat donkey... eeyoor or whatever still keeps me up at night. what we did with his head)
Ant: You're a saint Codfather.
Cockroach: Do you want us to pay her a little visit boss?
Mantis; Yeah boss. We'd love to remind her of life's difficulties.
Cod: No. No. Just you guys learn from dis ting. Look how it hoits my noble heart. Appreciate my moicy in dis affair (also we ain't harvested all da honey yet dis year)
Ant: We do boss. We remember de old days. De old neighborhood.
Cod: I coulda been somebody. A senator. But I had to protect my family.
Grasshopper: You did Codfather. From crooked cops. Corrupt politicians.
Cockroach: It breaks our hearts dis younger generation.

Cockroach: It breaks our hearts dis younger generation.
I ain`t tellen no lies, even thuf ladies cry, but I show no fears, I cry Gangsta` tears Quote

6/7/16 @ 12:51am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: transient mote within rhizomatic interconnectednes

6/8/16 @ 10:47pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Yes that's right... layer it on... thicker... trowel it on top in sopping gobs...
Thick... rich... lavish...
ish... ish... ish....
ence... ence... ence.... ence....

6/10/16 @ 11:42pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
A cat... a cat... how about that?
A fat cat with guilty sated look.
A crying damsel, shoeless... sad... horrified...
And Pierre Gagn'ligargo lisped: Pardonnez moi, eez that ze cat who ate yoor new boots?
Unt gut laden Svejk geshoutet: Ja Ja unt mackeen mit guten tahm.

Unt gut laden Svejk geshoutet: Ja Ja unt mackeen mit guten tahm.
Insatiable cat, I see she likes leather too!!!!!!!!!!!

Decadence .... a piece of reality, the reality of one`s mind, soul....just close your eyes, allow yourself dream...might discover the Blue Lagoon or, better, Your True Self Quote

6/12/16 @ 3:21pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Insatiable cat, I see she likes leather too!!!!!!!!!!!
Leatherland.... Leatherland... rolling, undulating as far as the eye can see.
Sliding and rolling down its ramps and hills. Watching it bend and stretch as the hot sun dries the lake edges. Pushing into tight tight caves and feeling the strong resistance, feeling the heat build and build.
Leatherland... whose earthquakes coincide with whip crack shears in the very air.
Leatherland... whose snakes play out wet tongues from grinning japes. Whose slither leaves nary a trail but only a faint ripple on the taunt surface.
The lakes have less surface tension. It is a trampoline land where one bounces rather than steps. Sending the slithering snakes high into the air.
But then we come to a zipper. A big irresistible zipper. That glides easily when pushed.
And something wonderful always pops out of that cavity that only a long sweaty struggle can ever hope to re-load.

And something wonderful always pops out of that cavity that only a long sweaty struggle can ever hope to re-load.
And then you press yourself into me. First your thighs, then your middle, your chest and, finally your mouth. My arms go instinctively around you, restless and greedy to feel you. You kiss me and when I want to kiss you back I feel the hum that vibrates inside your chest, masculine and carnal, that thrills and arouses me. Your mouth claims mine again, holthy and hungrily, It drows breath from me as your hands move to the front of my slacks, fumbling with the button and zipper until they`re undone, Your boldness, your impatience .. a powerful aphrodisiac, it sets off explosions of desire deep within me, I lift my hips forward and fill your palm with my softness, you stroke me there, I am smiling, ready for you...Moving between my thighs, you stretch out above me, then thrust into me. Once. no hesitation to claim me entirely. My eyes open wide and my breath is caught. Holding my gaze, you press yourself deeper, barely easing back before pressing deep again, I`m so tight, I squeeze you, feel you pulse, grow inside me and ...