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The Thread of Good Times
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Female Performer Chat: The Thread of Good Times
Created by: dudley_do_ride

11/29/18 @ 10:11pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

What does the cat say?

Cats... dogs... cows. And now I'm thinking of a bovine Elwood Blues doing Rubber Biscuit...

Created by: dudley_do_ride

11/29/18 @ 10:29pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Yeah and if you gots rubber biscuit you gotta get b movie box car blues man...

Created by: dudley_do_ride

11/30/18 @ 11:07pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Must break for a moment of great seriousness. Must remember the threat to Smolensk from Planet 10. It is no coincidence that this city keeps reappearing in the history of our kind.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/2/18 @ 8:18pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

But duty and history must ultimately bow to passion...

Created by: davidzzzzzz

12/2/18 @ 11:05pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 13,827

Tax Optimization vs. The Passion of the Pussy

Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/4/18 @ 9:28pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Tax Optimization vs. The Passion of the Pussy

That puts me back to:
Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/5/18 @ 12:24am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Megatron grabbed Delectecon by the rear axle... grease spewed out all over the garage floor...
Gears stripped! Metal on metal shrieks and sparks!
Fabiotron snuck quietly out the back after emerging from behind the tool racks where he'd been hiding.
While Megatron ravaged her and gave her the plow!
She'd been in her 'Prime for such a long time that it had looked doubtful...
But she came through... through in the final stretch!
Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/6/18 @ 9:51am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Have you thought about picking up a hobby? Doing some good work with your hands? My friend Tony has a gift man:

Created by: davidzzzzzz

12/7/18 @ 1:12am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 13,827

A hobby using my hands? Yes! That's an excellent idea!
Created by: davidzzzzzz

12/7/18 @ 1:14am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 13,827

Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/9/18 @ 10:06am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

A hobby using my hands? Yes! That's an excellent idea!

The preceding video was a public service announcement by The Good Hands People.

It is a topic that could easily be the subject of an entire thread.

It is a subject that I am personally fond of... I find that I have grown quite attached to my penis. It is no longer in a basket that a servant carries as she walks after me.

We, all men, do ask that women do study masturbation videos before picking up our cocks. It may help with your touch. I've had some very interesting theories of touch tried out on me. Including one where there was a start of bananna peeling. Many of you are very good. Very good indeed. So don't get discouraged by the great disadvantage in number of times handling the equipment. The owner of the bundle of joy may get multi-times daily experience with him but there is a very real question of angle, attitude, basic physics that leads to a dearth of certain types of fondling. You can fill that gap, ladies, and enhance the daily ritual, the population of the wood pile, the wrapping of the sausage, the push through the tight fingers of the lip modeling hand...

And the next time you are in that hotel room by yourself... feel free to make it good and noisy... making the bed and the wall bang. You might just find a wall buddy!

Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/11/18 @ 4:24am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

It was the height of the Sengeko Gedai…

The young and restless prince Manomitsu Tagrodai, with horrible reputation for drunken ill-mannerdness, won a series of short pitched engagements to take control of the Boda and Aga provinces. The story of just how he wrested power from relatives and rivals to rise on top is lost to time. But you may be sure it involved great alliances, great sums of money , and treachery.

Once on top he dropped his charade of churlish drunkard and shifted into his more natural garb of cold schemer. He married for power. Showered more powerful neighbors with gifts and praise. Molded his ch1ldren into faithful generals and installed them as rulers of his weaker neighbors. He fought a series of wars as he balanced between his more powerful neighbors biding his time. He consolidated his power. Fortified his borders with castles.

And when Fate brought down war with his jealous, more powerful neighbor on the east, the famous Ichigo, he was ready. He swung into action with veteran troops. Well studied of his rival's terrain. Surrounded by trusted generals and advisors.

To win such a war the utmost trickery was required. Typically such wars drag on for years . With much loss of life and wealth.

Tagrodai had that instinct for trickery. Lucky for all involved in that war. For his trickery would end the war much faster than would otherwise be the case.

We break here to end Episode One of the Story of Manomitsu Tagrodai and the Great Trickery of Sengeko Gedai.
Created by: davidzzzzzz

12/11/18 @ 6:03pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 13,827

Hairy Banana Dance Break

Tra la la la
Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/14/18 @ 11:34pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Ichigo… misty, verdant Ichigo… Vibrant, temple bedewed Ichigo. Cradled round by bright blue seas. Wild. Strong.

Ruled by a man of conflicting qualities. With checkered past. Soldier. Monk. Beggar. Artist. Creative, impulsive, unpredictable.

Why name him. He was Ichigo personified. His veins ran with her rivers. His hair waved in harmony with her winds.

He was, as are we all I suppose, a firey flash across a briefly dark and clear sky. But his flight and fall would blaze so bright that the stars would fade away in that final steady, sustained glare.

Ichigo too... falling with him... blazing with him. Land seeming eternal even in that wildness. But just as temporary. As fragile in the end. For the coming Age would mold her and merge her into something much much different.

We remember you Ichigo. Lost though you are. Your glory will never fade. You are immortal.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/15/18 @ 10:09pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Fables... legends... bits of History. They appear to be a maze of river channels winding through a thick growth. There is the glint of clear water under perfect specular reflection that makes the explorer's heart leap with joy and strike hard to cover ground so fast. Learning the lay of the land like no other time. But after that run it meanders off into turns and stagnation. Sometimes as the rapids grow and tear at the banks. The stream may seem then to spread out and spread focus and drop silt as it slows. The flow may go underground and leave a desert over its head. Only to pop up like a wildly gushing spring once again to shoot another course. The cuts look like never in the past. As the ages flow by. Unveiling the structure underneath. In that sense there is a memory of the past runs. Captured in the layers that fossilize.

There is something that the neverending tale talks to in the soul that it can't get from harder more formal methods or sources. We never stop with stories. They are not just for our ch1ldren. They do affect our actions whether we admit it or not. They make the wet leak from our eyes against our compulsion to stay so dry. The get us to empathize with others from such different backgrounds and even times.

It may surprise you but a story of a great war from years ago is a related river tributary of a Christmas story, Only the jolly red cheeked hero doesn't fly around in a sleigh or sip milk whilst cookie crumbs fall in his beard. You may say that the story from our time is a better bit, a clearer bit, a bit more worth sailing. Well, each adventurer knows where he wants to run and where to portage to. And I have a habit of getting lost as I sail and even forgetting what kind of adventure to keep sailing upon. So who knows the outcome. But at one time... at one place... there was this bit of river glinting off at the distance that I am making for...

Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/17/18 @ 6:37am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

It goes without saying...
Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/18/18 @ 9:45pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Ā, anata no kamigami wa ima watashi o korosu! Kono sedai! Karera wa tan'ni 0 kankaku o motte imasu. Soshite, zettai ni kiritsu wa arimasen. Karera wa, sedai-goto ni karera ni nasa reta ōkina fukōhei ni tsuite, karera jishin no yog0re no muchiuchi de nakisakebudeshou. Shikashi, karera wa soto ni dete, karera no sensaina paretto no tame no tekisetsuna tabemono o mitsukeru to, karera no fukkurana, itazurana soko no tame no jūbun'na kusshon o kaiteki ni suru hitsuyō ga arimasu.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/20/18 @ 1:38am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

I am done with the distractions of the world this holiday. My desires, my needs, have all been sated. And so have been able to achieve the hyper enlightened state.

All of the ancient kingdoms stretch before my now soaring serenely mind. I regard them with a cold, impartial green eye. I see the march of mankind through History. I see all the connections... All the realities. I have transcended all mortal concerns. Sloughed off all biases. Truth stands before me without a stitch of clothing and stands motionless, knowing she cannot seduce me with any wiles.

Yes.. I can see it now... How it must be told. With no sentimentality. So it will not appear to be a cheery tale. The stark eventualities at its core will be shown under the cold, dissecting light of ruthless Reason.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/22/18 @ 2:24am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

The two armies met for the decisive showdown in Kamagori Pass. Ichigo's army arrived first and each soldier smiled smugly at having taken the high ground by marching hard and long.

Our hero's army arrived after its leisurely meander up the coast. Each soldier was laughing and relaxed. They had stopped for a fruit cup along the way. Their march path was littered with the remains... little paper cups. But now their laughing easy manner changed as they began the pre-battle psyche up.

Light cav rode up to the fortified lines of the Ichigoans and shook their spears in defiance. Drawing archer's fire that bounced off their showy armor as they moved off. War drums boomed. Ritualistic chants poured forth from tight closed ranks.

Now the attacking army marched forth. It was a beautiful sight. Their discipline, their precision. The Ichigoans could not help but be impressed by their bravery, their gallantry, their courage to attack such well fortified positions.

Arrows and lances rained down on the shield wall as it approached. The narrow walls of the canyon prevented any flanking move. It was frontal assault or retreat.

The brave attackers moved to within a spears length and then their great general made his signal: he put a hand over his eyes and waved the other wildly in front. As one his well trained troops went "Eyaaaagh" and fell down into the dirt. The enemy surged forward out of his fortifications to deal the decisive blow. But it was a ruse! Each soldier had grabbed a f1st full of dust and flung it into the face of the approaching troops. As they leaped up with swords drawn. The blinded enemy, with arms over eyes, flailed helplessly and were cut down to a man.

But the elite guard remained! Far up the canyon. The great general knew that the battle was won. But ordered his men to remain in formation. They moved as a well oiled machine up the canyon.

The desperate elite guard was ready to sell their lives dearly but once again the heroic general made signal. He made a circular motion with his battle baton and each of his soldiers took a bananna peel from the fruit cup they cad consumed on their march to the pass and flung it before the now charging elite guard. The sandle clad warriors lost footing immediately and fell before their devious foes. It was over in seconds. And Ichigo was no more!

The proud general looked to heaven and gave thanks for the decisive and causality free victory of his troops. There would be much cookie baking and limbo dancing in the capitol that night!

Created by: dudley_do_ride

12/22/18 @ 6:49pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

But those of you who feel that their trickery would one day come to haunt them are so right.

War progresses in technology from light to medium to heavy and back to light.

So it should not surprise you that they were undone by an army employing the bannanna wedge tactic. Who were in turn conquered by a skirmish army of bananaliers.


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