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Forums / Female Performer Chat

Nude In Open
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Female Performer Chat: Nude In Open
Robyn Ross
Created by: Robyn Ross

7/14/09 @ 2:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I think a model should be free to do whatever she is comfortable with to market herself, but I don't see why she'd think doing that would be in her best interest. :twocents

Now I have, and I'm sure I'm not alone, have primed myself (off cam) while in the free chat. No one just really getting much for free a most a moan. Being naked invited all those unpleasent people that lurk out and about to go into someone else's room and say "hey get naked. So and so is." Anyone who has been in my room knows my rules and that for the most part I hardcore follow them. The music is a HUGE legal issue that has been researched and debated frequently on here. I know the free music isn't fantastic but it's okay for us to use and its better than nothing. Plus it does grow on you.
We have rules to keep us safe, physically and legally. they aren't hard to follow. Not by any means. Thank you guys for thinking of us and helping to enforce the rules!!
Created by: g-mann

7/17/09 @ 4:08pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

Isabel Rose is doing the same. Not fully naked, but pussy exposed. Hard for other models who go by the rules when one does not. Warned many times that she will be reported. Eventually covered with boa, but when dancing around pussy gets exposed. :(
Created by: lickau

7/17/09 @ 4:09pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

I don't understand when Models want to argue why they should show Pussy for long periods of time in open .

Mistakes happen - but to stay nude for over 10 minutes is rude when someone warns .
At least it was a new model - Isabel Rose
She did try to cover sometimes with a pink wrap , but she showed pussy every time she moved

Blaring loud music is another issue :twocents

The site does not allow full contunied nudity in open

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Kate Fox
Created by: Kate Fox

7/17/09 @ 4:30pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I may get shot down for this- but Isabel Rose is NOT a team player. She called another model stupid that was having problems and posted a thread in Performer. The model was saying that a customer wasted her time with making all sorts of requests and never took her private, and Isabel replied in a very insulting and derogatory manner. I replied and told her she needs to speak to our co-workers with respect. I then went to her room to see what she's like and sae exactly what LickaU described.

It's models like this that make the rest of us have to put up with "Your a prude- everyone else does it." :mad
Vanity Valentine
Created by: Vanity Valentine

7/17/09 @ 4:41pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

That's actually pretty funny (well, funny in a different sense of the word) because I've had people come into my room asking for me to get naked in free chat, claiming that "other models do it" and actually dropping names such as Stacie S... Haven't had someone say anything about Isabelle Rose yet but you never know.. The guys who do are are mostly the talk in ALL CAPS and then throw obcenities around when I politely decline to go full tit & minge in free chat.
Created by: dicimus

7/17/09 @ 4:46pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 98

I agree with everything you are saying Kate.

I think a lot of this behavior is egregious.

However, I worry that the forums will degenerate into a place where models air their grievances with one another openly, and I don't think that's great for the site. Perhaps that's all best left in the model's forum. :twocents
Vanity Valentine
Created by: Vanity Valentine

7/17/09 @ 4:56pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Another model who is currently doing the exact same thing (naked in free chat) is Mckenna F.
Created by: mydyingbride

7/17/09 @ 5:05pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 181

OMG Guys!

What are we doing? If you dont like the way a model performs or she disobeys the rules either way you can change rooms when you dont like what you see or you can contact costumer service.. I think that would be more then enough...

You guys are on the other side of the world and all this happens too far from your bedrooms so you dont care whatever happens to the model when she really loses her job. So please think twice when you wanna act like a hero..

I think a bringing a model down for whatever she had been done wrong and make her look bad here on the forums is not such a nice thing to do, how good the intentions may be..
Created by: lickau

7/17/09 @ 5:37pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

OMG Guys!
What are we doing? If you dont like the way a model performs or she disobeys the rules either way you can change rooms when you dont like what you see or you can contact costumer service.. I think that would be more then enough...
You guys are on the other side of the world and all this happens too far from your bedrooms so you dont care whatever happens to the model when she really loses her job. So please think twice when you wanna act like a hero..
I think a bringing a model down for whatever she had been done wrong and make her look bad here on the forums is not such a nice thing to do, how good the intentions may be..

Model was asked for over 10 minutes to simple follow rules
She chose not to listen
2 other members also tried to talk and got the same Rude replies from her
It is not fair to other models that some do not believe rules are for them :twocents

I am not a "hero" , but I do not believe some models should never read or follow rules
They are instructed to read before they go online
Most models will at least put clothes on when I ask - end of everything and no need to contact customer service
Created by: treno999

7/17/09 @ 6:30pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 96

Stacie S continues to be naked and even fingers herself in open .
She has done this many times .
Most recent was minutes ago.
She ignores all warnings from members .
Her room should be closed and model fined .
Customer Service is monitoring her room .
I am very Pro-Model , but continued breaking of rules hurts all :twocents
The other threads seem to have been moved to Model Forum

Lickau, flirt4free needs to offer you a job. You could fill the "Publicist/Forum Moderator/Manager/Model Rights Activist" position very well. Respecting the rules of this site is important and you do a good job of addressing problems when they occur. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup
Kate Fox
Created by: Kate Fox

7/17/09 @ 6:38pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Lickau, flirt4free needs to offer you a job. You could fill the "Publicist/Forum Moderator/Manager/Model Rights Activist" position very well. Respecting the rules of this site is important and you do a good job of addressing problems when they occur. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup

I agree 100%.
:bowdown :guitar :drinkup :hitit
Created by: diamondback73

7/17/09 @ 6:46pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Illinois- The Windy City
Posts: 409

Certainly if models are showing their 'goods' in public there will be alot of newbies that automatically go into other rooms demanding the same thing. That is not fair to the other models and also disrupts the atmosphere that is currently going on in the room. I have seen a particular model almost cry because it was so aggravating.

From a business stand point, it doesn't make sense anyway. If you're showing everything in open then why bother going into private? If you are not being taken private then you are not making money. I mean am I wrong? It just doesn't make much sense to me.

It's one thing to tease a bit, lure guys to want to private- but to be like here's all my goodies.

Just common sense right?
Created by: derfrocks5

7/17/09 @ 7:00pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: On the Dark Side of the Moon
Posts: 532

I may get shot down for this- but Isabel Rose is NOT a team player. She called another model stupid that was having problems and posted a thread in Performer. The model was saying that a customer wasted her time with making all sorts of requests and never took her private, and Isabel replied in a very insulting and derogatory manner. I replied and told her she needs to speak to our co-workers with respect. I then went to her room to see what she's like and sae exactly what LickaU described.
It's models like this that make the rest of us have to put up with "Your a prude- everyone else does it." :mad

love it when this perkaliscious little irish minx speaks her mind, she has such educational grace, keep it up Kate!
Created by: mydyingbride

7/17/09 @ 7:09pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 181

I am not a "hero"; , but I do not believe some models should never read or follow rules
They are instructed to read before they go online
Most models will at least put clothes on when I ask - end of everything and no need to contact customer service

She has to suffer the consequences she might even lose her job because of you. Now im asking again, do you really care whatever happens the model after you reported it?

Created by: lickau

7/17/09 @ 7:16pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

She has to suffer the consequences she might even lose her job because of you. Now im asking again, do you really care whatever happens the model after you reported it?

Yes , but does she care about her job?
She had plenty of opportunity - 3 members tried to help her

She was rude and arrogant to everyone who tried to help :twocents

I actually was going to visit for Private and greeting - Does that sound like I care ?

Subject is over for me - I said all I can about her . Hopefully she will be back and follow the same rules as other models :thumbsup
Pammie Girl
Created by: Pammie Girl

7/17/09 @ 7:33pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Hey All....I couldn't agree with you more. It hurts all of us and makes the standards low. Now, I always Joke that I am a high class ho, but I never purposely show my goods in public...There have been accidents where my regular favs say "oops pammie your coochie is out!" lol...I cover it right away. Why would I show you what makes my income in public? I have been topless for short periods, but then cover them up if no private....this usually happens after a previous private ends...It shows I am ready, but if I get nothing in a few minutes...I cover them up and tell them why! It is my profit makers is an asset. ((not meaning to sound stuck up....hope I don't!)) Anyway, thank you all for stirring this issue....If a member or gray come in and says someone is nude or performing sexual acts, I just stand by my rules and I will flat out tell him what I just said above...."now why would I do that...wouldn't that just be too silly? Even tho I am just horny as hell, this is my living too! doooohhhhh!" My boys respect me for that and I appreciate that respect. If anything, it shows you have a head on your shoulders and your not a nit wit! Know what I mean? As mentioned in a prior post, I have pleasured my self on an extremely slow day in public...but off cam with only my face....I have done this very rarely and I would never do it often...It is a last resort and for usually ends in a private....why.....CUZ I DON'T ALLOW MYSELF A COMPLETION OF THE DEAL! It is mainly to warm up my poor boyfriends or grays so that I can get at least a short private. It is used rarely, off cam, without completion and with strategy in mind. Is that okay boys? I just figure that if I can coerce a short private without exposing my goods in public, it is okay. Do you agree? I really care what you think. I have found it allows me to coerce a gray to get their free two minutes on a slow day....and hopefully bring them back over and over. Please let me know if you think this is not okay. I care what you think.
Kate Fox
Created by: Kate Fox

7/17/09 @ 7:57pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

She has to suffer the consequences she might even lose her job because of you.

Um, just a quick comment here, but.... wouldn't she lose her job because of HERSELF? If she's breaking rules, and has been told over and over again, and doesn't take that advice into consideration and CONTINUES breaking rules... isn't it suffering her own consequences?

Just MY :twocents
Robyn Ross
Created by: Robyn Ross

7/17/09 @ 8:09pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Um, just a quick comment here, but.... wouldn't she lose her job because of HERSELF? If she's breaking rules, and has been told over and over again, and doesn't take that advice into consideration and CONTINUES breaking rules... isn't it suffering her own consequences?
Just MY :twocents

Well said. We all have to see the rules before we broadcast so she has no excuse. And Bart should be proud of himself for protecting and thinking of all of us!
Created by: cheshirecat

7/17/09 @ 8:13pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Wonderland
Posts: 119

Damn, I may to stop claiming to be the free pussy here :orglaugh
Kate Fox
Created by: Kate Fox

7/17/09 @ 8:19pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I agree with everything you are saying Kate.
I think a lot of this behavior is egregious.
However, I worry that the forums will degenerate into a place where models air their grievances with one another openly, and I don't think that's great for the site. Perhaps that's all best left in the model's forum. :twocents

I certainly am not airing a grievance- what I am doing is twofold:

One: Reminding the customers of the rules, and by repeating those rules, informing them of the fact that not all models follow them, and are hurting the ones that do. This isn't about me wanting to make more money- this is about me sitting on one side of my screen, trying to do my job to the best of my ability, and someone on the other side of it berating me for doing so, b/c "other models get naked all the time." It gets very frustrating, and I am the model Diamondback is referring to when he said he saw one model almost reduced to tears- I was so frustrated I had to take a break. That was about the 4th person who came into my room and call me insulting names b/c I wouldn't "show pussy like Isabel does."

Two: Thanking LickaU for being so Pro-Model and tirelessly fighting for us, and gently reminding all who read these forums that the models are AT WORK, doing THEIR JOBS, and to respect us while we do.

Ahem. That is all.

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