She is an ALL Star ESP lady

Party going on in her room

Oh Yeah Bart?? well dayum you LickaU... Licka me for a chg .......!! You's jumpin up and down like a dang fool... sheesh..
yousa wastin energy boy.....
lol ... but was very nice to meet you... l was a bit over the top tonight (in her best Gordon Ramsy) YEES? l was havin a total
blast.... but all of a sudden it got late... you left ... then two others... so then there was just me an the horn dawgs... thass
right maalie... you was there till the end... even biff had to hit the rack.... an then it was my turn.... thx for all the great fun
to all of you... and a sweaty good night to Morpheous.... *sigh*
kisses on all of your best bits...
xoxo Quote

Thanx my lil CT cutie pie.... am returning to flirt tomorrow... and don't fall off yer chair... but l posted a schedule... er
wait that is my interpretation of a loose guide... ya ya yuck it up....
And to everyone.. VS media... Models... Studios... Performers & all the sweet Members.....
HAPPY NEW YEAR.... may all your wishes cum javascript:insertEmoticon('

kisses on yer best bits...
SL Quote

1/2/10 @ 8:22pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
Thanx my lil CT cutie pie.... am returning to flirt tomorrow... and don't fall off yer chair... but l posted a schedule... er
wait that is my interpretation of a loose guide... ya ya yuck it up....
And to everyone.. VS media... Models... Studios... Performers & all the sweet Members.....
HAPPY NEW YEAR.... may all your wishes cum javascript:insertEmoticon('

kisses on yer best bits...
Fucking hell YOU posting a schedule.
That must be a new year resolution, more organised.
I give it a couple of months and you will forget.

Sara Lynn took my Power Boost Virginity

She is back and on most nights
Awesome!! Quote

mmm my Bry... xoxxox
an yeah... the dancin boi shoved me right up to the top.... didn't hurt a bit either... so shove away Bart.. muah!
(every time l think of you Bry... cling wrap comes to mind.... yeah thx Raven)
kisses ... er well trying to kiss the jumpin up an down bits of Bart.... sheesh
thx my sweet licker... xoxo Quote


7/5/10 @ 12:54am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

mmm you soo sweet Yna...
and well ya Albe... l am always lovin a 'Big Bang'... lol and indeed Suggs, but only if l could just shake this asshole summer cold... grrrr
kisses on yer bestest bits..

GRRRR.... l have a rotten, stinkin, drippin, fucking miserable summer cold... arrrrgggghhhhh
the only thing worse than sneezing, is having the feeling constantly in your nose, that makes you think your goin to sneeze! Actually, l think the feeling of it without the sneeze is worse....
hope to see you all soon
kisses on yer best bits... er wait.. blowing kisses on yer best bits... would want ya to catch this motherfucker
*sniff sniff* Quote

7/8/10 @ 4:04pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

aw thanks Penney.. l just love being in your room to hear your sweet voice... l wish you would tell me a bedtime story... xoxo
kisses on yer best bits..
SL Quote

7/14/10 @ 12:06am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

hmmm... l think we need to have sloppy gooey tequila sex..... mmm yep... l second that!!
kisses on yer best bits barty!
SL Quote

7/14/10 @ 4:40pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285
hmmm... l think we need to have sloppy gooey tequila sex..... mmm yep... l second that!!
kisses on yer best bits barty!
gOOey tequilaaaaaaaaaaaa sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx