Johnny Moon - Maybe down here. Under the sea. I can escape my other half. And live in peace.
MobFish1 - There he is! The thieving, murdering villain. String him up.
Johnny - How… can… you… do… this… Without a trial? And won’t I float? But never mind. It is not me you are after. It is my twin. The white Comanche.
MobFish2 - Yeah right. Here’s a good piece of reef. Put these around his legs.
Johnny does some fancy moving around and uses his six gun to scare off the mob.
( bum dish de dish dish de dish. Bum dish de dish dish de dish … wahhhh wahhhh wahhhh waaaaaaaaaah)
LeadingHottieFish - We are almost to Tucumcate.
AboutToDieFish1 - I like your parfume.
StageDrivingFish - Comanche!
Comanche Warrior 1 - Hi yi hi yi hi yi yi.
Chaos ensues. The stage coach is stopped. The Comanche chase after the various fish.
White Comanche - Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
It is a violent, disturbing scene. Only one survivor. The hottie. After the white Comanche has his way with her.
(bum dish de dish dish de dish. Bum dish de dish dish de dish…. Wahhhh wahhh wahhhh waaaaaaaaaah)
Storeowner Fish - Who is that new fellah? He ain’t from around these parts.
Undertaker Fish - Dunno. He looks kinda familiar though.
SaloonOwnerFish - Whaddaya have stranger?
Johnny - Whiskey. With a straw.
SherriffFish - This is a nice, quiet , peaceful town. We aim to keep it that a’away.
Johnny - I am only going to be here four days. You see I challenged my evil twin to fight me here in town at that time. I could have fought him then and there. But then I wouldn’t get to show off for the hottie and clean up your town.
SherrifFish - Ah good. I am glad you told me all this. Otherwise this would seem to be a very silly plot.
Johnny - We aren’t out of the woods just yet.
Sherriff Fish - But you skipped the scene where you give the great speech. The one with the peyote. Everyone loves that.
Johnny - I know. I know. We’ll have to redo that when Notah comes to town.
SherrifFish - Oh come on. You can’t just say Notah. Not the first time. You’ve got to do the speech that goes with it.
Johnny - It will help if I am drunk first.
SherrifFish - hee hee. Ok. Drink up.
Johnny (with a bit of a lisp from the whiskey) Notah is well named. His liver is white like his Yankee father. His heart burns blacker than the skin of his Comanche mother. He is white bellied… like his name - the snake.
SherrifFish - haw haw. That’s right. Keep going. (in a serious tone) Notah’s brother talks like the white man he thinks he is. He is afraid to be Comanche.
Johnny - Eat the peyote… drug of the devil. Dream your dreams of hate….. Notah is neither Comanche nor white. He is only death. The snake doesn’t change his skin. He is blind to the truth. That the day of the warpath is over. He knows only to steal and to kill. He follows me everywhere with his thieving and killing. Until I cannot live in peace without being mistaken for the snake who is the white Comanche.
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- Stop Work Issue 3742 -
This thread is hereby closed as of this moment.
We would like to apologize to all those subjected to its ill effects.
It is very difficult to monitor all threads. We let this one go far too long.
We should also mention that Mr. Shatner is a very fine actor who has made an outstanding contribution over his career. We don’t know why people love to dwell on some of his more controversial works. We think it is out of some kind of inappropriately expressed admiration for him - although this of course is no excuse.
Please enjoy our other fine threads and forgive us for our lack of oversight.
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