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Forums / Female Performer Chat

Poetry (original.or.attributed)
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Female Performer Chat: Poetry (original.or.attributed)
Created by: no.op.roo

4/3/11 @ 6:58am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fez on the wall

damn SpyRaL *calling suicide prevention* lover.. put your head on my lap.. take a breath.. lay off the MD 20 for a momo... o.0 it IS great work though.. hmmmm *leaves the sliding glass door to the balcony 20 floors up unlocked* hmmmm *calculating post mortum publishing rights* uhhh you just lay there for a sec i'll get us ummmm uhhhhh.. a glass of water.. yeah.. water...
Created by: no.op.roo

4/3/11 @ 1:33pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fez on the wall

-----------Taking Tea-------------

I learned my habits with the tea
From an ancient Russian man;
Whod watched me being photographed
Bound tightly arms and hands.

Dismissed my choice of modeling style,
The nudity and my dress,
said hed enjoyed watching me
With the girl and with the rest.

Offered me a place to sit
To relax my trembling legs;
Cubes of sugar, glass of tea,
And time to catch my breath.

Showed me how to sip it,
While holding cube in place.
Warmed my body and my spirit,
My heart slowed from its race.

And later as I remember,
His kindness and his grace,
I pour a glass of hot tea
And think only of his face.

Amanda 2011
Created by: dudley_do_ride

4/3/11 @ 1:34pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Dillan's Grove V - Just When You Thought it Was Safe to Return to the Forest

I am responsible for the cost
of a million man army lost.

For I forgot a very basic thing:
that you may earn a host of monster in-laws when you give her that ring

But it was my own particular misfortune
That these were in the habit of planet scorching

Yeah they had a planet killing arsenal
and more than adequate means to cover the bill

I hope there is a sequel.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

4/3/11 @ 2:11pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Dillan's Grove VI - Resolution

Yeah it was a bloody history
But little cost for our fearless leader's victory

All hail the glorious V'Hlurg!!!

May their Empire last a million years!
Bianca Jordan
Created by: Bianca Jordan

4/3/11 @ 2:25pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

(Dedicated to someone special)


She is not easily understood,
Would say she doesnt care to be,
More interested in the unknown,
Than in the current reality,
Living inside her mind,
Can sometimes seem like too much,
Just cant seem to understand,
Why you cant see how she does,
And who is she?
The unrevealed mystery,
She will give her all weathered and stormed,
Broken, touched and harmed,
Her fights continues, out public and within,
Cause she is she, and no one like her can be,
She overcomes fear, and listen as they judge,
Opens those doors that many wont,
And listen to the critics that many dont,
She yearns to be heard,
There is much to be said,
But until then, her tears pour out,
What the mouth cant,
She writes to heal,
Its he remedy,
Today you dont know,
But one day you will,
For now its a story, untold

Bianca 2011
Created by: jerkinmycock-1

4/3/11 @ 2:54pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

-----------Taking Tea-------------

I learned my habits with the tea
From an ancient Russian man;
Whod watched me being photographed
Bound tightly arms and hands.

Dismissed my choice of modeling style,
The nudity and my dress,
said hed enjoyed watching me
With the girl and with the rest.

Offered me a place to sit
To relax my trembling legs;
Cubes of sugar, glass of tea,
And time to catch my breath.

Showed me how to sip it,
While holding cube in place.
Warmed my body and my spirit,
My heart slowed from its race.

And later as I remember,
His kindness and his grace,
I pour a glass of hot tea
And think only of his face.

Amanda 2011

nice one dear..........
Created by: dudley_do_ride

4/3/11 @ 7:21pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Dillan's Grove VII - Another Reality

The V'Hlurg victory was not complete, thankfully
A small band of heroes escaped, incredibly

But the only possible hope, the only possible refuge
Was a parallel reality that could only be reached by cosmic centrifuge.

They took the chance, they made the leap
And landed in some other Dillan's grove -- in a heap.

What did they find? What did they see?
Well first they saw some pointey birds in a blue colored tree.

Many mysteries were cleared by this finding,
But to tell the tale would be to go from straight to winding.

So I will end now with this advice...
Don't go walking in the grove with your sweetie
Unless you're willing to pay the price.

Created by: no.op.roo

4/3/11 @ 7:45pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fez on the wall

*cross-eyed and stunned and omg so entralled*
Created by: dudley_do_ride

4/4/11 @ 2:43am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Patient: And then things got really weird...

Doctor: Got? (trying not to sound sarcastic)

Patient: (Detecting the attempt) Oh why the fuck did I go to a woman shrink? You don't understand men! Hell, you've probably never been in any kind of hetero relationship.

Doctor: My personal life is not for discussion here. I can assure you that I am well qualified to treat you.

Patient: Treat? The only reasn I am here is because my friends talked me into it. Im done with this. (Up, out, slamming door behind him)

Doctor: Shit! What a lousy session. What a lousy job. I never wanted to be a shrink. I always wanted to be... to be... a lumberjack!!!

Bianca Jordan
Created by: Bianca Jordan

4/4/11 @ 5:01am (EST) |UTC - 5:00


I have been strong, for very long
For far too long, you didn't beat me down
Then I fell for you... no more resistance
I have no strength... can't stand firm
Storms of feelings withering me
You've got it all planned,
To take my heart, rip it off
No longer safe, no longer strong
You took everything, escaping
Leaving me deserted, facing my fears
You show no remorse, cruel being
Forbidden to have you, allowed to suffer
Dragging me down to my sorrow
You buried in me so deep
{You, buried in me so deep}
I hide my shame,
bitter so bitter, you played

Bianca 2011
Created by: no.op.roo

4/4/11 @ 1:56pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fez on the wall

love your writing Bianca.. thank you so much for posting your work...
Created by: no.op.roo

4/4/11 @ 4:11pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fez on the wall


As a lovely lyric says,
Im shaped to get in your way.
And I am so well crafted,
To make you stop, and want to play.

I spin and sparkle, bright shiny lights,
Dark shadowed center, and sparks in the night.
I throw off glitter, and feathers, and flash;
I hop and tumble, jump up, and crash.

You fill with desire, to hold me close;
To examine each corner, to find the main post.
You turn me about, looking for springs,
But find only sharp edges and shiny bright pins.

I fall for you quickly, and burn oh so bright;
Both of us will walk away, looking a fright.
Well have bruises, and scratches, and bloody deep bites,
Well moan in the morning, and cry late at night.

Well wail in the darkness,
And say What the hell?
So mind what the tag says
And hold me with care.

Ill love you so hard that
Therell be nothing to spare.
Well part when the time comes
With a very scary tale.

Amanda 2011
Created by: dudley_do_ride

4/5/11 @ 11:04am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Modern Day Pharoahs

Slave1 - Welcome to the Great Pyramid Project!

Newbie - Thanks. How are things?

Slave1 - Truly Ra has smiled down upon us. Plenty of work. And interesting too. Ever seen so much stone?

Newbie - Yep, ol' Pharoah's tomb is gonna be a wonder for sure.

Slave 2 - What are you doing?

Newbie - Crossing the road here to help on your side.

Slave 1 - No no no. You are the last man on that side. And 6 blocks need to be moved. Do it. It is the rule.

Newbie - Yeah Pharoah has lots of rules like that. Whaddaya say we all work together on your side of the road and get more done? Surely we have leeway for some judgement calls?

Slave 2 - Not gonna happen. We would all be whipped. So we won't let you.

Newbie - Ah I see. hmmmm I thought we were freed from slavery and the whip long ago?

Slave 1 - Nobody is forcing you to work here. You waive some rights to work here.

Newbie - (laughing) True and Pharoah was not the one who made me need to eat and pay mortgages.
You are right, truly Ra has favored us.

And lo despite various corporate initiatives the pyramid was raised. Praise Ra. May the Nile ever bring plenty to the land.
Created by: no.op.roo

4/5/11 @ 11:44am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fez on the wall

Created by: no.op.roo

4/7/11 @ 12:36am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fez on the wall





Amanda 2011
Created by: no.op.roo

4/7/11 @ 10:25am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fez on the wall


and she's in my head, there with me
talks and sits and sips hot tea
i weep that she's always my friend
i wish that she'd leave, in the end

i sleep with her, so close and warm
but wake alone and in harm
yet nothing compared, to what she keeps
feeling her head, and heart, as they leap

on and on we march on the same track
here and gone, and perhaps she'll be back

songs, and words, and the seashore delights
fade and drone and are never as bright
as she and i, in a sunny place
at rest, together, a quiet case.

Amanda 2011
Created by: dudley_do_ride

4/7/11 @ 10:52am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

"Why am I alive while so many of my friends have passed on? I'll tell you why... I'm a DANCER!!!" - John Belushi

The Monster's Tribute to Herr Tokter Frankensteen (that's frankenSTEIN!!!)

mmmmmmm ooooooooo rahhhhhhhhhhhhh (pause) Puuuuuuhhhhing on thuh Riiiiiiiiiiis!

uuuuuugggggg bwaaaaaaaaa huuuuuuule (pause) Puuuuuuhhhhing on thuh Riiiiiiiiiiis!

(similar for a few stanzas)

Suuuuuuuuher doooooooopheeeeeer!

(music change)

I cooooouuuu av aaaaaav aaaaaaaahhhhhhhv danced ah ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhlll nnnn... nnnnn. night.

(similar then music change)

Yooooooouuuuuu make meeeeeeeeeeeee a better maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.....

(music change)



Advanced motor functions nominal. Brain merge complete.

(music again)

Now you are a part of meeeeeeeeeee forever!

Created by: no.op.roo

4/7/11 @ 11:48am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fez on the wall

*snuggles comfortably in Dudley's creation's hard metallic shell.. warm.. lovely whirring clicking snapping sounds.. grinding gears, hollow *BOOM*s of metal rising and falling, lovely smell of wire, ozone, electrical fires... pitch dark occasionally sheared by flashes from shorting circuitry, rocked rhythmically by the shifting structure* "Am I safe at last?" she wonders. Leaning against the large plasticized base of the metal column behind her she extends her legs and straightens the skirt of her dress out over her splayed legs.

"Not a sand puppet at least." she ponders; "so what exactly am i now.. been this and that.. and some other thing i was sure was pretty.. What now though?"

*watches smoke floating in the air when a tremendously large arc of plasmic light glows behind other columns far from where she lays.. eerie auroras of shifting color rise from her skin and she feels a static charge building..*


Created by: no.op.roo

4/7/11 @ 5:05pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fez on the wall


Baby Let Me Follow You Down

Baby let me follow you down,
Baby let me follow you down,
Well I'd do any thing in this God almighty world
If you just let me follow you down.

Can I come home with you?
Baby can I come home with you?
Yes I'd do anything in this God almighty world
If you'd just let me come home with you.

Baby let me follow you down,
Baby let me follow you down,
And I'd do any thing in this God damned world
If you just let me follow you down.

Yes I'd do anything in this God forsaken world
If you'd just let me follow you down.

(Blind Boy Fuller, Rev. Gary Davis). Eric (Ric) von Schmidt and Bob Dylan 1966
Created by: slvlasl-l

4/7/11 @ 10:58pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 790

a haiku for noop
a verse made of a few words
there is no meaning

A second one for her
because she likes to read them.
well, i think she does

yet another one
just for her reading pleasure
in case boredom teems

now for one that rhymes
not once not twice but three times
some sublime crimes

whether dug or not
uploaded to the forums
to trigger her urge

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