7/31/09 @ 3:30am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786
tune: This is the Song That Never Ends..
The cookie song that never ends
We're selling cookies here my friends
And if you buy a box of them, or maybe even two,
We'll stop singing long enough for you and you and you
To get yourselves right out the door
After you're gone we'll sing some more.
We'll sell you extra cookies if you want to come right back.
And you can have them later for a little bitty snack.
Samoas, Snaps, and Thin Mints, too,
We've got them all right here for you.
We want to thank you very much for every little thing.
And while we sell our cookies we will sing and sing and sing
The cookie song that never ends
We're selling cookies here my friends.....
(repeat, and repeat, and repeat.....) Quote

7/31/09 @ 8:10pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786
(to the tune of "Black Socks")
Thin Mints, they only come once a year
Buy some and freeze them, they're not in the store.
Thin Mints, they're so very tasty
The more that you eat them the more you want more
And more and more and more... Quote

8/18/09 @ 1:18am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786
Oh we come from Buffalo & Erie
Girl Scout cookies for to sell.
We see every Sue & Sally
Our good message for to tell.
Girl Scout Cookies!
Boy they are so neat!
So many kinds, So good to taste
Hard to know which one to eat.

8/18/09 @ 7:01pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

8/19/09 @ 1:41pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

8/20/09 @ 7:03am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Under Saphira's Bed with the wand
Posts: 3,075

8/25/09 @ 4:36am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

8/25/09 @ 10:15am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

8/26/09 @ 3:15am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

9/5/09 @ 5:26am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

9/17/09 @ 1:37am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786
A house should have a cookie jar
For when it's half past three,
And children hurry home from school
As hungry as can be,
There's nothing quite so splendid
On which a child can sup,
As spicy, fluffy ginger cakes
And sweet milk in a cup.
A child should have someone
Waiting with a hug,
No matter what they bring home,
A puppy or a bug.
For children only loiter
When the bell rings to dismiss,
If no one's home to greet them
With a cookie and a kiss. Quote

10/1/09 @ 1:03am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

12/30/09 @ 6:47am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

Let's all celebrate the .....
National Bicarbonate of Soda Day
When : Always December 30
National Bicarbonate of Soda Day National Bicarbonate of Soda Day, or Baking Soda Day, celebrates the many benefits and uses of Bicarbonate of Soda.
Just how does Baking Soda work and what, specifically, does it do? Few people seem to know. It's quite simple. We will skip the chemistry lesson and how Baking Soda is made. Let's just talk to what it is, and what it does. Bicarbonate of soda is a chemical compound - sodium carbonate or sodium bi-carbonate. When heated, it creates carbon dioxide, a gas. The gas aids a variety of bakery products to rise as they cook.
Many people just think of Bicarbonate of Soda as something you use for baking. But, it has so many more uses. Here are just a few of them:
-Baking- helps baked goods, like cOOkies, to rise
-Relieve stomach indigestion by cOOkies and heartburn when mixed in water
-Removing odors in the refrigerator from old cOOkies, vents, storage areas, and closets
-Removing odor in kitty litter
-It is used in fire extinguishers for grease and oil fires
-It is often used as a cleaning agent
-It can be used as a meat tenderizer
-Put it in water with beans to minimize flatulance from eating beans
-Polish Silverware
-Remove burned cOOkies from a pot or a pan
And, the list goes on, and on, and......
Viva cOOkies

12/30/09 @ 8:06am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
December 4, 2009 was National Cookie Day
With all of the different varieties of cookies that are baked around Christmas time, National Cookie Day seems to fall perfectly on the calendar!
Did you know that the English word "cookie" is derived from the Dutch word "koekje," which means little cake? Dutch bakers used to test oven temperatures on small amounts of batter so that they would not waste the entire cake mix if the temperature wasn't right. It was not long though before they discovered that these tiny pieces of cooked batter were actually quite tasty! Thus, the birth of the cookie.
Cookies come in all different flavors, shapes, and sizes. To celebrate National Cookie Day, bake a few batches of your favorite cookies, then invite your friends over to trade cookies and recipes! Quote