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Forums / Female Performer Chat

Nude In Open
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Female Performer Chat: Nude In Open
Jade Hope
Created by: Jade Hope

7/21/09 @ 9:11pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

haha maria hun,
get chozz. he lubs the abuse! I bet you scared him shitless tho.heehee. i would be your bitch in a second :winkwink
Created by: purgatory

7/31/09 @ 1:54pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Thank you for taking the time to contact us. Those actions are against our
company policy. If you could please either take a screenshot and send it in
or give us a call it would be greatly appreciated.
Should you have any new questions or concerns, please feel free to reply to
this email or call us at 800 685 9236 or 818 880 9021 if outside the US.
Customer Support Rep.
Yes , I use Paint for Screenshots - I don't summit on 1st continued offense
The model is definitely fined and room closed if member submits Screenshots
The forum is also about policies , rules , education , and interaction .
I prefer to talk about positive things , but sometimes Rules being ignored has to be pointed out .
I chose not to submit screenshots the 1st time - no matter the model was extreme rude to 3 members trying to help her .
15 minutes of trying to educate her did not help .
2 other members tried and received very rude responses from that model .
Everyone choses what is right for them :twocents
I chose to post here and not submit screenshots that would result in a direct fine and/or room closed
Do what your consciense says :twocents
I will sleep well with what I have done :thumbsup

Best tool for screenshots on the fly is UO Screenshot Utility Version 1.40, A great utility for getting screenshots. It will save them and auto number them for you in any folder you like and will save them as a jpg, without having to do cutting and pasting into some graphics application. All at a stroke of a hotkey you setup.

Okay back to the topic of models doing nude shows in open room, when I say nude I mean not topless here I mean knickers off and doing penetration in open room.

Seems the problem is at an all time high I see it almost every day this problem and a cure needs to be found, all it's doing is damaging other good models chances of getting a show and all it is doing is making that model doing it lose a private if they are doing the shows in open room.

There are many reasons why this is happening the most common I see is the performer is working more then one site at once and is getting a private on another site and forgetting to log out of flirt4free or even go on break .. so therefore the show she is doing for someone else on another site is being sent to flirt4free open room.

The site is flirt4free not shows4free and many models seem to forget that or just don't care.. I have many screenshots of this problem of models doing this.. It really must stop this because it is just damaging the site and it is giving maybe minors a show they should not be seeing.. As a member here we prove we are adults and that is why you can do the full naked shows in private.

There will be some members and performers here now that will scream why you complaining for a free show while on a porn site. I'm going to just say it's a business and giving your warez for free is not a way to keep a business afloat.. And I hate seeing models trying hard while others seem to think they can do what they like and get away with it.. Some performers here it's their only income to pay for their lives and study... These performers that feel they are here to give cheap thrils in open room to non members and members that don't go private but pull every trick under the sun are just fooling themselves here.

You must do shows only in private performers and in open room tease and chat .. there are many sexy ways to tease without breaking the rules here..

Please think before you do something like that in open room, you know i'm always on your side here and will try help you with anything I can, but i'm not going to stick up for models that break the rules in this way and damage the site for the other good performers here.

Members here please don't mention names of performers here doing shows in open room, send them direct with screenshots to Vsmedia customer support


Created by: mydyingbride

7/31/09 @ 2:00pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 181

Members here please don't mention names of performers here doing shows in open room, send them direct with screenshots to Vsmedia customer support

Thank you very much :thumbsup
Created by: skylord

8/1/09 @ 4:43am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Southern California, USA #1
Posts: 154

Well here is my :twocents worth on this subject....In all my years on this site from both perspectives as a ex-studio owner and vip member I have seen and heard more than my share of the so called
"performer rule violations" and fines being handed out. If you were to impose the letter of the law on this site you would probably not have any models here....including the top models that are the bread and butter for this site. So why are the top models vs other not so top models being treated differently in some cases..take a guess ...duh... $$$$$$....seems to me that there is a definite bias amongst some here.....Would you snitch on your favorite performer ?...I think not !!!!! As you can see though many of the recorded videos (VOD's) also have blatant violations and they are still posted .....I also see now a lot of performers multi broadcasting..thought thats what semi pvt was for ?.... Too bad this isn't a perfect world for some of us and rules are rules...but aren't rules meant to be broken too sometimes?....I guess some of us just have tooo much time on our said on this let it is tooo short..... :drinkup :drinkup :drinkup :drinkup

Created by: Karlyn

8/1/09 @ 4:35pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

OMG Guys!
What are we doing? If you dont like the way a model performs or she disobeys the rules either way you can change rooms when you dont like what you see or you can contact costumer service.. I think that would be more then enough...
You guys are on the other side of the world and all this happens too far from your bedrooms so you dont care whatever happens to the model when she really loses her job. So please think twice when you wanna act like a hero..
I think a bringing a model down for whatever she had been done wrong and make her look bad here on the forums is not such a nice thing to do, how good the intentions may be..

And i think that if you dont like this topic you can join different topic or u can contact customer service to report this topic if u really think what they do is wrong...The models are supposted to follow the rules...if they would not report her someone would notice it soon anyway and she wold get her violation anyway ...u better buy some pvt after those 10 years u spent on this site if you really care for models...
Created by: mydyingbride

8/1/09 @ 5:14pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 181

And i think that if you dont like this topic you can join different topic or u can contact customer service to report this topic if u really think what they do is wrong...The models are supposted to follow the rules...if they would not report her someone would notice it soon anyway and she wold get her violation anyway ...u better buy some pvt after those 10 years u spent on this site if you really care for models...

I know you hate me Karlyn, and i also know why. I perfectly understood you the other 10 times you quoted me posts. You dont need to remind me each time, oki?

Created by: Karlyn

8/1/09 @ 5:28pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I know you hate me Karlyn, and i also know why. I perfectly understood you the other 10 times you quoted me posts. You dont need to remind me each time, oki?

Ok i was waiting for your reply so you know what my opinion about you is.....anyway just so you know i don't hate you i have no reason to hate you...i just dont like your opinions I know you behave and you treat the models with respect...i just think you should reward the model and take her for at least 5 mins pvt if you are having fun with her...well i gues that' all i wanted to i will leave you alone
Created by: marani

9/27/09 @ 2:54pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: your screen
Posts: 43

The problem with some models going nude, fingering themselves and using dildo is that people expect that from all the models then, and run around all the rooms saying

"But xxxx is nude and showing pussy!!11 why can't you?" and starts going off on pissy rants when the model flips them off.

It creates a bad environment for the legit models.
Created by: purgatory

4/20/10 @ 9:52am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I'm just going to knock this thread up because i'm seeing this happen a lot again in open room and in some cases when mentioning it to the model they come out with some very rude replys.. So this is knocked up for models that don't understand what they are meant to be doing in open room. I advise all performers to read the VS media model handbook of rules if they have not read it. If you don't have a copy of the rules contact and i'm sure they will be happy to pass you them on.

ohh just to add please guys/girls don't make this thread into something nasty, don't mention model names here and do what I said before screenshot the problem and contact vsmedia on or click here for other contact information .


Created by: silverado09

4/20/10 @ 10:21pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 90

I'm just going to knock this thread up because i'm seeing this happen a lot again in open room and in some cases when mentioning it to the model they come out with some very rude replys.. So this is knocked up for models that don't understand what they are meant to be doing in open room. I advise all performers to read the VS media model handbook of rules if they have not read it. If you don't have a copy of the rules contact and i'm sure they will be happy to pass you them on.

ohh just to add please guys/girls don't make this thread into something nasty, don't mention model names here and do what I said before screenshot the problem and contact vsmedia on or click here for other contact information .



How many pages of threads did you have to dig up to find this one?

Created by: amicu

4/20/10 @ 10:31pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: In the F4F Archives, Sublevel 5, aisles 71-72
Posts: 1,088

How many pages of threads did you have to dig up to find this one?


I've dug further..

Anyway you can always use the search button in the upper right hand corner of every forum you're in to find an old thread by keyword or user name.
Created by: purgatory

4/20/10 @ 10:36pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I've dug further..

Anyway you can always use the search button in the upper right hand corner of every forum you're in to find an old thread by keyword or user name.

amicu is drinking again :orglaugh You mean at bottom and to the left mate, for the forums search. :drinkup Top one to right is model search..

Yes the forum search feature has it's uses, don't normally need to go threw lots of pages if you can remember some keywords in the topic that you want to find :winkwink, it's not exactly google but it's okay.. could do with some work now you mention it amicu... hints to VS devs ..
Created by: slvlasl-l

4/20/10 @ 11:02pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 790

I'm just going to knock this thread up because i'm ... very ... happy ...

ohh ...



P ~ u can't get any threads preggers bro ~ it's against f4f rules & regs
Created by: paperpunch09

4/20/10 @ 11:04pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: USA
Posts: 3,146

P ~ u can't get any threads preggers bro ~ it's against f4f rules & regs

:orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh
Created by: purgatory

4/20/10 @ 11:23pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

P ~ u can't get any threads preggers bro ~ it's against f4f rules & regs

:orglaugh :winkwink :thumbsup
Leonna Anne
Created by: Leonna Anne

4/21/10 @ 2:24am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

As a new girl to the site, I have been astounded by the numerous requests for free pussy and such. I get guys who says "well so-and-so did it, why don't you?" or, even better, "so-and-so told me that you do that as well." Obviously, I know that the guy is lying, in regards to the latter statement, because I don't know any of the other models, nor do I have beef with them. With the first statement, I am amazing at how many different names float through my chat.

Makes you wonder about how much money is made off of free play.

Miss Pandora
Created by: Miss Pandora

4/21/10 @ 3:23am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Yeah...I heard that in my room last time I worked, and I said, "why don't you go back to so and so's room in a week and see if she's still on Flirt? She can take her chances of getting fired, but I kind of LIKE my job..."

Seriously, the models who were mentioned on this thread back in the summer, are they even still on the site? I doubt it.

VS is good about fining and kicking models off who break rules-the problem is, new ones are always taking their place who obviously aren' t getting enough emphasis on the rules when they get trained.

As a new girl to the site, I have been astounded by the numerous requests for free pussy and such. I get guys who says "well so-and-so did it, why don't you?" or, even better, "so-and-so told me that you do that as well." Obviously, I know that the guy is lying, in regards to the latter statement, because I don't know any of the other models, nor do I have beef with them. With the first statement, I am amazing at how many different names float through my chat.

Makes you wonder about how much money is made off of free play.

Created by: suggs

4/21/10 @ 4:38am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

P ~ u can't get any threads preggers bro ~ it's against f4f rules & regs

Plus purg always wraps any pc he uses in cling film.
Created by: amicu

4/21/10 @ 5:06pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: In the F4F Archives, Sublevel 5, aisles 71-72
Posts: 1,088

P ~ u can't get any threads preggers bro ~ it's against f4f rules & regs

:) Always post with protection (use spell check). Never claim paternity, even when a model threatens that you're the father of the thread (best to use an alternate name. Never mind that the post count and location remain the same across the board, it's not yours!). Pace yourself (intense posting in senseless forum games only ensures you'll climax before she gets any satisfaction, slow and steady will win the race!). The rhythm method doesn't work, try to pull out of a thread last minute and you're likely to spill into another later, which is irresponsible. And if you do happen to get a thread preggers, err, pregnant.. keep in mind the edit feature is only good for the first few hours of the pregnancy. The pro-thread moderators don't allow late-term editings, but that's a controversial issue best left alone.

Also the PILFs (Posts I'll Likely Forget) are older but still sexy, so forage through the forums and show them some love too. Yeah, everybody loves the threads with the huuuuuge, ehh, counts, but don't just marvel at their count size, or ask if their counts are real or inflated, that's just rude. Compliment them on their clever banter and personality.

The things we learn in sex threaducation...
Created by: vabeachdude

4/21/10 @ 5:33pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: VA Beach Baby
Posts: 138

Always post with protection (use spell check). Never claim paternity, even when a model threatens that you're the father of the thread (best to use an alternate name. Never mind that the post count and location remain the same across the board, it's not yours!). Pace yourself (intense posting in senseless forum games only ensures you'll climax before she gets any satisfaction, slow and steady will win the race!). The rhythm method doesn't work, try to pull out of a thread last minute and you're likely to spill into another later, which is irresponsible. And if you do happen to get a thread preggers, err, pregnant.. keep in mind the edit feature is only good for the first few hours of the pregnancy. The pro-thread moderators don't allow late-term editings, but that's a controversial issue best left alone.

Also the PILFs (Posts I'll Likely Forget) are older but still sexy, so forage through the forums and show them some love too. Yeah, everybody loves the threads with the huuuuuge, ehh, counts, but don't just marvel at their count size, or ask if their counts are real or inflated, that's just rude. Compliment them on their clever banter and personality.

The things we learn in sex threaducation...

lmfao :bowdown

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