since they updated the site a few months ago they added a few features that i wanted to make everyone aware of:
first, members now can have bios too!! if you see a little pac-man looking object next to a members name in your room that means they have a bio made, just right click the name and you can select the option to see it! there are still a few bugs in the system though and i have a bio, but it doesn't show that i do, but if you click on my name you can read it. kinda screwy still so it might be worth checking for fun.
second, you can also now write notes about each member that only you can access. this would be a good place to put notes about that guy who keeps promising to take you pvt and won't or to list what the member wanted in your last pvt so it'll be easier to make their dreams come true next time!
third, gifts are a fun way that members can say thank you or celebrate a special occasion with you! you can (and should) respond to the message they send along with the gift, or even send a gift back. members can only send one per model, per day. i'm not sure if models have a restriction or not. one thing i love about my favorite is her creativity when sending a gift
fourth, if the members side of the chat or video freezes they have a button under the chat screen that can refresh the video and or chat on their side. so i would ask or type that before you assume it's your computer.
fifth, if a member wants to change their screen name they need to scroll under the chat window to where it says 'change your screen name'. if they've registered a different name they can select it and it will change to that name, or they can just click the down arrow and type right over where it says 'choose a nickname' and make up something new!!
sixth, if you want to give a member a free 15-day trial of VIP then they need the code: SYBIAN