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Forums / Female Performer Chat

the ANGER thread ...
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Female Performer Chat: the ANGER thread ...
Created by: penthesilea

6/5/11 @ 4:53pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the bled dry dusts of Troy

i hadda great idea!! ...this is the anger thread where u can say all nasty stuff and get it out ur system, kinda like a scream room, only one rule u can't say any other members name (neva eva, otherwise u'll not get the therapootick benifits of this calmin' thread) ... when u leave this lil scream room it would b nice if we made it a rule that str8 after u went and paid ur favorite model a visit an' spent sum quality time with her ... jus' ta complete the total emotional morph ... :mad :) :mad :) :smoking

I really hate it when you're banned from a room and you haven't done or said anything rude at all. I can understand a ban if a customer is begging endlessly and demanding a free naked show in free chat. Or if he's rude and obnoxious. I never have been. I don't know if the model is misinterpreting what was said, but a ban in my case has never been earned. I also hate it when you're talking to a model and she just ignores you like you don't exist. You know she can see what you're writing, but she ignores you anyway. That's just rude.
So now that I've gotten that off my chest, I need to get something off one of these model's chests called a bra. I do that the right way. I'm polite and civil about it, and I don't beg.

I'm afraid Kertus that your grand idea has, as usual, slunk right down to the level that all of these "what the fuck did EYE do" blahs do.. the usual suspects gather to rant regarding what wonderful, mannerly, fine people they are, and how utterly contemptable it was, of that low down nasty disturbed mental, {select from any of the 10000 or so words that have been spewed like pidgeon shit in any of the 23 threads previously started} MODEL, to have the timerity to actually boot their worthless, nasty, evil smelling, unwiped, unbathed, and leaking, asses from a chat. It invariably takes a turn like this; in some cases more quickly, and with less inital comedy, but it always returns to some smothered, damped down, resentment of the model; and what is most pitiful regarding this is that it is always, and i do mean always, the same self-proclaimed sinless victims who are cheerleading the peanut gallery. And so, i will, with regret, submit a request that this thread, be locked for forum abuse. I do not expect that VS will do so, as for years, they have ignored every attempt that i have made, in this forum, the VIP forum, and the gay forum, to have threads that have taken this pitiful turn, locked. Here's to hoping, that the usual suspects, can restrain themselves from their usual babbling bittle blah personalizing my post.

Members and suspects, get the fuck over yourselves, a ban, as i have noted repeatedly, is nothing. If you are at a point in your life, where for any reason or no reason at all, you cannot do without a specific cam model for up to twenty four hours, than you need more theraputic assistance then a number of members here believe that I do.

Au revoir, and think of me the next time your finger hovers over the [TIP] button, and moves away without decending. Kisses to you Kertus, i know you will take nothing i have said here personally, and.. i am struggling mightly to finish the writing you have enjoyed.. the 9th piece of it is rather large, so please be patient. Kisses.
Created by: suggs

6/5/11 @ 4:58pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

Fuckin weather. Pissing down with rain AGAIN just as I'm about to head to work.

Where's the heatwave the clueless weather predictors claimed we was gonna get???
Created by: cprtrainer

6/5/11 @ 5:45pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: CA
Posts: 45

Penth, I think you have misinterpreted what I am saying here. No VS will not lock this thread down and there's no reason they should. Gee, this is called an ANGER thread, a place to get something off of your chest that has been bothering you for a while. Nothing wrong with that, that is actually a healthy thing to do. No, I'm not arrogant and into myself too much. And I certainly don't feel like there's no reason for me to live anymore just because two or three models have banned me in the past. I just don't understand why they did. There was no reason for the ban, I was just expressing that.
I am very good friends with many models on here, and I'm just the kinda person who would like everyone to like me. I love having good, pleasant conversations with no drama. Most of the models I talk to know what kind of person I am and are reasonable. But there are those few every once in a while.....well, what can you do? I stand by what I said.
Created by: jerkinmycock-1

6/5/11 @ 5:52pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Penth, I think you have misinterpreted what I am saying here. No VS will not lock this thread down and there's no reason they should. Gee, this is called an ANGER thread, a place to get something off of your chest that has been bothering you for a while. Nothing wrong with that, that is actually a healthy thing to do. No, I'm not arrogant and into myself too much. And I certainly don't feel like there's no reason for me to live anymore just because two or three models have banned me in the past. I just don't understand why they did. There was no reason for the ban, I was just expressing that.
I am very good friends with many models on here, and I'm just the kinda person who would like everyone to like me. I love having good, pleasant conversations with no drama. Most of the models I talk to know what kind of person I am and are reasonable. But there are those few every once in a while.....well, what can you do? I stand by what I said.

Dont sweat it for nothing...dont enter her game!... :winkwink ...''hint''...*walks away laughing*.....ppfft...
Created by: slvlasl-l

6/5/11 @ 6:00pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 790

Penth, I think you have misinterpreted what I am saying here. No VS will not lock this thread down and there's no reason they should. Gee, this is called an ANGER thread, a place to get something off of your chest that has been bothering you for a while. Nothing wrong with that, that is actually a healthy thing to do. No, I'm not arrogant and into myself too much. And I certainly don't feel like there's no reason for me to live anymore just because two or three models have banned me in the past. I just don't understand why they did. There was no reason for the ban, I was just expressing that.
I am very good friends with many models on here, and I'm just the kinda person who would like everyone to like me. I love having good, pleasant conversations with no drama. Most of the models I talk to know what kind of person I am and are reasonable. But there are those few every once in a while.....well, what can you do? I stand by what I said.

she's just a serial ranter, no worries mate. you assumedly have a carrot and two radishes. which angers her immensely, according to the real forum bosses around here Watch. it's nothing personal. it's more anatomical. Watch this:

Today I took a whizz. Standing up. When i freed my ballistic missle from it's holding bunker, I couldn't help but notice how gigantically gorgeous it was. The end.

:orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh
Created by: penthesilea

6/5/11 @ 6:32pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the bled dry dusts of Troy

she's just a serial ranter, no worries mate. you assumedly have a carrot and two radishes. which angers her immensely, according to the real forum bosses around here Watch. it's nothing personal. it's more anatomical. Watch this:

Today I took a whizz. Standing up. When i freed my ballistic missle from it's holding bunker, I couldn't help but notice how gigantically gorgeous it was. The end.

:orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh

Bored now. yet another 2 examples of personalized attacks. Oh.. and by the wake fake SMASH.. he would NEVER use the word 'mate'.. hahahahaha you ponce.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/5/11 @ 6:33pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271


Feel the anger...

Building up so slowly but surely in you...

You... you who are the descendents surely of kings... of tyrants...

Of slimy, dark things that went bump in the primordial night...

Heads on pikes... Rebellions crushed...

And far enough back... perhaps... the guilty dread of contemplated cannibalism realized.

That's right... For survival... For dominance...

It is part of you... Deep within you...

Hear the drums.... Let the beat come so loud...

And let it surge unchecked!!!

Bwaaaaaa ha hah ahha hhahhhhhha hha aha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Created by: jerkinmycock-1

6/5/11 @ 6:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Bored now. yet another 2 examples of personalized attacks. Oh.. and by the wake fake SMASH.. he would NEVER use the word 'mate'.. hahahahaha you ponce.

Maybe he realised?...oh and like you never insulted or attacked anyone here right!?...all you do is create chaos and confusion around you! even made some models cry to me because you tipped banned me while i was using another nick and you were proud of that!!........your the most insane life....and heartless human beeing i ever met...!!...i prefer to be sensitive and make mistakes but if im wrong i will try to talk and solve the problem!... at least it shows that i have a heart!! are pathetic and you need a psy ASAP!!..before you hurt your self!....*Now running away...just running...*
Created by: penthesilea

6/5/11 @ 7:38pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the bled dry dusts of Troy

lol @ models crying as they tip ban someone.. i suppose we now know which side of that equation some 'ohhh so loved' forum contributors end up on. MUUUUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Created by: jerkinmycock-1

6/5/11 @ 7:45pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

lol @ models crying as they tip ban someone.. i suppose we now know which side of that equation some 'ohhh so loved' forum contributors end up on. MUUUUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Wow your so bright right? about they email you after and that they apalogize and that they should have not banned you?...and then going to their room and they start crying!....anyway dont adress me anymore!!...youv been after me for years and im fuckin tired of you!....fuckin leave me your things but leave me alone!...dont mention my name anywhere anymore!..
Created by: jerkinmycock-1

6/5/11 @ 7:47pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

lol @ models crying as they tip ban someone.. i suppose we now know which side of that equation some 'ohhh so loved' forum contributors end up on. MUUUUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

You need a shame there...
Created by: slvlasl-l

6/5/11 @ 7:47pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 790

it was meant AS HUMOR. jerkin - lighten up dude, don't thrash another thread. FakeBete- lolz.
Created by: penthesilea

6/5/11 @ 7:49pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the bled dry dusts of Troy

it was meant AS HUMOR. jerkin - lighten up dude, don't thrash another thread. FakeBete- lolz.

hehzzz let's 'apalogize' SMASH.. *giggles and gropes*
Created by: jerkinmycock-1

6/5/11 @ 7:50pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

it was meant AS HUMOR. jerkin - lighten up dude, don't thrash another thread. FakeBete- lolz.

the lil dog with the collar is behind...
Created by: jerkinmycock-1

6/5/11 @ 7:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

it was meant AS HUMOR. jerkin - lighten up dude, don't thrash another thread. FakeBete- lolz.

What was meant as humour?...tell me!
Created by: jerkinmycock-1

6/5/11 @ 8:00pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

lol @ models crying as they tip ban someone.. i suppose we now know which side of that equation some 'ohhh so loved' forum contributors end up on. MUUUUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

btw models get tipped to bann a member!...i have never seen a model tip herself to bann a member!..ppfft you think your so bright?...go see your psy pls! your self a favor!!.. :helpme
Created by: slvlasl-l

6/5/11 @ 8:08pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 790

What was meant as humour?...tell me!

it was obviously way beneath your intelligence level. please, more collar jokes. rerun that again. cracks me up everytime. hardee har har....har...har.
Created by: jerkinmycock-1

6/5/11 @ 8:11pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

it was obviously way beneath your intelligence level. please, more collar jokes. rerun that again. cracks me up everytime. hardee har har....har...har.

yeah i agree you 2 are not at my level...go see the spy together and talk about it...*now closing the lights with those 2*............
Created by: rheza111

6/5/11 @ 8:16pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: just to the left of center
Posts: 2,431

i am reminded of queen's "another one bites the dust"
Created by: slvlasl-l

6/5/11 @ 8:18pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 790

yeah i agree you 2 are not at my level...go see the spy together and talk about it...*now closing the lights with those 2*............

wow. make a deal with ya. any thread you care to post on, i won't touch. that way as your inflated head rumbles thru the forums it doesn't get popped by my sharp and witty comments. so please, litter the threads with more of your trash, keep me from posting anywhere. and good luck with the three models that still bother with you.

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