Grandpa: And so... he had her executed.
Little girl: Whooooaaaaaaa!!! Where did that come from?!?
Grandpa: What?
Little girl: You were talking about flowers, proposals, sunny days and then WHAMMO he executes her?!? What the hell man!
Granda: You must have dozed off and missed a bit. Besides he HAD her executed he didn't do it himself. *rolling his eyes* How gauche.
Little girl: Biiiiig difference. You just couldn't resist could you? Things going great and POW off with her head..... One knopf in the corner pocket for the win.
Grandpa: It is and I never said he beheaded her. It was actually quite pleasant. His servant gave her sweet tasting poison and she drifted off to sea.
Little girl: OMG that's even worse... Gaaaaaack can't breath... Can't tell you how much the poison hurts, burns, clogs the bl00d.... Oh the water, so salty, entering my lungs as I descend into the deep to be dinner for crabs and such.
Grandpa: I meant more pleasant for the onlookers. Beheadings are quite messy you see.
Little girl: Gross old meanie.
Grandpa: I can tell that you are getting quite upset. I'd better quit for the night.
Little girl: Whaddaya mean grandpa? You aren't going anywhere. And I am triply alert for any of your tricks.
Grandpa: I'd miss you if you gave me poison my little devil.
Little girl: Pffft poison's too good for you smelly old man.