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Forums / Female Performer Chat

Poetry (original.or.attributed)
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Female Performer Chat: Poetry (original.or.attributed)
Created by: ophelias_rue

4/21/11 @ 6:42pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

1 Hour 45 Minutes Earlier

On the landing the blonde and the brunette are embracing. The taller brunette holds the blonde's head between her hands, their lips meet, mouths open and the blonde shudders slightly; her arms wrap tightly around the brunette. The door to the room is flung wide, the numbers for thirteen, in shiny brass are hung on the door; inside the room is brightly lit from from the left by a dormer window with lace sheers. In front of the window a small linen clothed table with a vase filled with red and yellow dahlias is visible in the patterned light, a queen sized bed with a quilted spread and several large pillows can be seen to the right of the room.

The blonde separates herself from the brunette and proceeds, with the brunette's hands on her shoulders, into the room.

1 Hour 40 Minutes Earlier

Standing in front of the window, her back to us, the blonde reaches behind herself and unzips the vivid blue dress; she wears no lingerie under it. The dress drops to the floor around her ankles and she steps out of it. Beyond her, through the lace sheers we see the buildings across the street on the left, a wide expanse of sky with gulls floating in it. We see the far side of the harbor; there are several large vessels at anchor in the harbor and many smaller yachts. No noise from the traffic on the street penetrates from outside. We hear the door shut, and the noise from the kitchen is now muffled.

The lace casts a shadow pattern across the shoulder and the side of her face as the blonde turns her head, and begins to turn her body towards the room. Her long hair floats lightly, spiraling around her. From within the room the brunettes voice, softly accented, says Come here, get on the bed, I want you now. The blonde turns, exposing her to us; petite, full breasted, her nipples becoming erect as she faces us and begins to move toward us.

1 Hour 23 Minutes Earlier

Facing the bed from the closed doorway, light streaming across the room from the lace curtained window dappling the pair, wound around each other, a white leg, a tanned back with pale arms around it, completely tanned ass in the air framed by a black garter belt, long thighs with stockings; now movement, now still, more movement, arms, legs a pale breast, brown hair sliding across white skin, a face, mouths kissing each other. We hear the rustle of the linen, the sounds of mouths, sighs, a groan, rapid breathing. I love you I love you. more.. more.. oh.. GOD.. yes.. MORE!!!

1 Hour 15 Minutes Earlier

All work stops in the kitchen. The quiet is complete. All faces point up toward the single room kept above the dining room. Several of the faces smile. The young tall dark haired bus boy blushes. The water in the sink is turned back on, crockery is rattled and stacked, the staff returns to their duties. The florescent lighting glows brighter and brighter.

33 Minutes Earlier

The phone at the bar rings and the waiter answers it. "Ciao, questo ristoranti di Frederico. Come posso servirvi? A chi? S, s; solo un momento s." He places the handset on its side on the gleaming wood of the bar, turns and enters the kitchen.

Amanda 2011

Created by: dudley_do_ride

4/22/11 @ 2:25am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Sergio Leone?


Yes and without the stage direction it's just Ennio.
Created by: ophelias_rue

4/22/11 @ 2:26am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

31 Minutes Earlier

The waiters hand knocks on the wooden surface of the door. Signorina, Signorina, c' una telefonata per te, madre ha bisogno di parlare con voi immediatamente! We hear the voices of two women inside the room, the sounds of movement. The waiters shadow shifts a bit on the door. We hear the brunette say loudly S, s. Saremo l. Then muffled conversation and more movement from inside the room. The sound of a womens heels on the wooden floor approach the door. The door opens. The brunette, brushing her hair, open purse in hand and dressed, comes through the door, leaving it open. In the bed the blonde is sitting up watching her leave, her hair loose and lying over her shoulders and down her chest in disarray, her right breast parting the curtain it creates. She turns and slides from the bed, walks into the bright light coming from the window to the left. We hear the footsteps of the brunettes heels on the bottom stairs and then receding on the kitchen floor.

Amanda 2011
Created by: ophelias_rue

4/22/11 @ 2:29am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122


Yes and without the stage direction it's just Ennio.

aww come back and play with us pretty one.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

4/22/11 @ 2:33am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Either that or Magic Roundabout !

I have to admit that I have never seen this... But man is it big on yew tewb!


Explains a lot.

Created by: ophelias_rue

4/22/11 @ 3:01am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

7 Minutes Earlier

The blonde enters the dining room from the kitchen, the white light in the kitchen so bright it appears as though she is appearing from a heat shimmer of white on the desert floor. Her hat on her head, hair in place, dressed, gloved hands examining her open purse as she approaches. The dim lighting of the dining room with its occasional flashes of silver light reflected from the traffic in the street a relief from the glare of the kitchen.

The brunette is standing at the gleaming wooden bar, phone to her ear; she gestures the blonde to join her. "S mamma, naturalmente egli . Lo so. S Lei si unir a me l. So che egli non approva, ma lei il mio amante, il mio amico, e lui deve imparare questo. Ora sono una donna indipendente. No non dovrebbe avere a che fare per lui. Saremo l presto, s, s, presto. N. madre di addio, addio, addio." She places the headset back on the phones cradle and turns to the older woman behind the bar. Picking up her purse from the surface of the bar she removes a number of bank notes from it and places them on the bar. Turning to the blonde she says, My mother and father are fighting right now and we should get there quickly, Im worried that she will be ill again. The blonde nods and touches her lovers cheek. Yes, lets hurry. she says. They walk together toward the front of the restaurant. We hear the door open and the noise of the street intrudes.

A set of bright flashes of reflected light moves across the back of the restaurant where the older woman looks at the purse laying on the surface of the bar and shouts "Mio marito, lei ha dimenticato sua borsa! Rapido! Vieni!"

Amanda 2011

Created by: ophelias_rue

4/22/11 @ 3:27am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122


The windshield of the truck is obscured by the road dirt and smashed insects picked up from the last 100 kilometers of his drive. Running the windshield wipers has only created an haze that the afternoon sun seizes on to make visibility even worse. The driver's back, his shirt soaked with perspiration, his thick neck, his stillness while hunched over the wheel evidence his intensity of concentration. He lurches forward suddenly and we hear the gasp of his airbrakes as they engage and the awful sounds of carbon black, silica and rubber refusing to gain traction.


We look down on her from above. Her hair is spread on the asphalt like a carefully raked Zen stone garden. Her pale white face turned upward. The startling hue of her dress a perfect accent to the clear grey of her eyes. Her left arm lays in an upward position, as though taking a moment to wave hello to a friend, or to cheer a family members performance in a sporting event, or perhaps, to trap a passing butterfly. We hear the sounds of people whispering in Italian, of traffic, of the distant harbor, of a woman weeping, of children playing in the nearby streets. We hear the call of gulls.

Amanda 2011

Natalie Dawn
Created by: Natalie Dawn

4/22/11 @ 1:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

A typical Friday afternoon has arrived. This little redhead is preparing for a Saturday afternoon of boating, beer, and sun. She thinks to herself that she knows she is forgetting something. Then it hits her, the tempting thought was put into her mind about her being with a beautiful woman and not with the same Saturday crew.

She looks out the window, all the while knowing the pretty woman that brightens all of our days, will not be coming.
I sit and wait, she told me she would steal a boat with me and play. I sit and wait.

I pack the oil, the sunscreen, the red wine everything that be will needed. All the while wondering, If I will be sitting on the bow of the boat alone without my sunshine.

Oh the things I can do while, I sit and wait.
Created by: kertus

4/23/11 @ 3:10am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: The Planet Piiiing
Posts: 880


The windshield of the truck is obscured by the road dirt and smashed insects picked up from the last 100 kilometers of his drive. Running the windshield wipers has only created an haze that the afternoon sun seizes on to make visibility even worse. The driver's back, his shirt soaked with perspiration, his thick neck, his stillness while hunched over the wheel evidence his intensity of concentration. He lurches forward suddenly and we hear the gasp of his airbrakes as they engage and the awful sounds of carbon black, silica and rubber refusing to gain traction.


We look down on her from above. Her hair is spread on the asphalt like a carefully raked Zen stone garden. Her pale white face turned upward. The startling hue of her dress a perfect accent to the clear grey of her eyes. Her left arm lays in an upward position, as though taking a moment to wave hello to a friend, or to cheer a family members performance in a sporting event, or perhaps, to trap a passing butterfly. We hear the sounds of people whispering in Italian, of traffic, of the distant harbor, of a woman weeping, of children playing in the nearby streets. We hear the call of gulls.

Amanda 2011

brillant... emore
Created by: ophelias_rue

4/23/11 @ 12:50pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

----------------------- Vos Lit ---------------------------

Votre maison est un lit que vous savez ;

Un lit que vous aimez.

Lorsque vous poser dans des endroits vous avez toujours lain,

dans ce qui doit tre la main d'un Dieu.

Amanda 2011
Created by: dudley_do_ride

4/23/11 @ 9:21pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Arrrrrrrrr! Jack's blood!

She might've simply banned me, but she slipped me the Spot...

The 'cursed Black Spot!

So don't trouble me 'bout the hour or the number of jiggers before me.

I am already impaled on the Great Reef. Just waiting for Davy to bring me home.

If you buy me another I'll give you valuable advice.

I've shipped on every matter of size this side of the Line, you see.

But when you find yourself overly puffed with pride, just observe my peers' sad demise and

know that man is just a poor, unfortunate creation doomed to end badly but with perhaps some


Yeah? Well that's the kind of advice you'll get from me!

Created by: ophelias_rue

4/23/11 @ 9:31pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

Ohhh darling Ranger, mountie, singer of bold challanges, hero of .. well.. hmmm.. okay.. me? Your advice, mindful, kept close in my blouse, outside the bra of course, but.. close.. i'm lonely tonight.. as the French i've spoken would show.. my 'shes' are absent.. and i'm left preening coal black feathers here... so.. any distraction, no matter how close to the mark.. is welcome.. thank you for the distraction offered.. i'll puzzle at it til early hours, til light drives my pale skin into linen.. *kisses the smoke in the air*
Created by: dudley_do_ride

4/24/11 @ 11:25pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

It was Easter Sunday, a time for new life, rebirth, fresh beginnings...

Or so she thought...

In fact, and so unexpectedly, this Sunday was the start of a new horror...

She it's first victim...

Yeah, only it's first.

She came into her cam room, newly remodeled, and so ready for a try-out. She was a little-hung over, a little full of chocolate eggs, a little sugar-loaded.

Maybe it would have made some difference if it had been some day when she was more alert. Maybe she would've noticed. But sadly, she didn't, and the world lost a rising star...

She took out her boob cushioning pillows. They felt odd but she was in no mood to analyze.

She threw them in front of her and jumped front first onto them on the floor. Or rather that is what she intended to do.

She knew something was wrong when the pillows stuck to her hands. But she was already in the air. Unable to reverse her belly flop.

"what the..." was all she managed before she landed. And in a wave of hysteria started to understand the horrible trap that some evil mind had prepared for her.

Her thighes stuck to the floor. Her elbows. Her tummy. Stuck tight. She couldn't move. She struggled so hard that the floor boards rose a little. Her feet kicked out at the walls - and stuck to them.

Her struggles set off enough vibrations that the final piece of the trap sprung. Paper rained down on her from above. Large sheets. Sticking to her.

And now she realized. Much too late. Far too late. That some foul beast had unleashed, yes that's right invented, patented, manufactured, and deployed the world's first:
model paper.

The world would never be the same again...
Created by: ophelias_rue

4/25/11 @ 12:20am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

lol welcome to... "Model HOTEL"...
Created by: ophelias_rue

4/25/11 @ 2:53pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122


Outside of Aix-en-Provence, in a small caf, I sit at a table alone.
I sit quietly, this pen, unused, held over paper, held in my hand.
My glass is now empty, Ive been here so long, dreaming of you.
Alone now, in this caf, wishing you were with me, wishing you were home.

At first there were letters, your perfume on the paper, the ink crisp and sharp.
I read them so often, slept with them beside me, a blur in my dreams of us holding hands.
I write you immediately, then again later; I sing of my misery, and of missing you.
Now youve grown silent; inflamed, I sit quiet, smoking cigarettes, here in the dim bar.

I remember our touching, my hands on your body, my mouth locked to yours.
Whispers, caresses, our tongues, our fingers, our flesh touched by our hands.
Our love seemed a fire, fed only by desire, burning everything, both me and you.
Where are you now darling, do you dream of me as lover, or am I your whore.

A secret desire, named in a quiet whisper, a woman kept silent, keep me apart.
So, alone in the caf, the clock loses sand, I sit drinking red wine, loving your hands.
Waiting an envelope, cream colored paper, a smell of you within, tempted memories of you.
This lonely desire, this self-consuming fire; my tears, and my rained upon heart.

Amanda 2011

Created by: ophelias_rue

4/26/11 @ 5:38pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

----------------------Paradise Circus----------------------

It's unfortunate that when we feel a storm
We can roll ourselves over 'cause we're uncomfortable
Oh well, the devil makes us sin
But we like it when we're spinning in his grip

Love is like a sin, my love,
For the ones that feel it the most
Look at her with her eyes like a flame
She will love you like a fly will never love you again

It's unfortunate that when we feel a storm
We can roll ourselves over when we're uncomfortable
Oh well, the devil makes us sin
But we like it when we're spinning in his grip

Love is like a sin, my love,
For the one that feels it the most
Look at her with a smile like a flame
She will love you like a fly will never love you again

Massive Attack 2010
Created by: ophelias_rue

4/27/11 @ 10:14pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

-----------------Can't See (Useless)------------

We were both cast forth from the same pale hand
And we both moved freely in the shadowlands
And we both were sculpted by the same cold wind
And we both had armor that was made of tin
And I tried to find you, but it's useless
And I tried to speak, but it was useless
And I felt so bad and I didn't know why
And it didn't get better as time went by
I was there for you, but you turned away
And I tried to find you, but you turned away
And I tried to find you, but it's useless
And I tried to speak, but was useless
And I tried to find you, but it's useless
And you're so close, but I can't see you
And you're right there, but I can't see you
And I feel so dumb and I didn't know what to do
You were right there but I can't see you
And I realize that it's useless
And I want to fight, but it's useless
And I know you're there, but it's useless
And you're everywhere, but it's useless
And I tried to say it, but my tongue got tied
And I tried to say it, but I was numb inside
And I can't see you anymore
And my peace of mind has gone through the door
And I realize that it's useless
And I thought I was right, but it was useless
And I know you're there, but it's useless
And you're everywhere, but it's useless
And I can't see now in front of my nose
And I know you're there, and I know you're close
And you're fading away - now you disappear
And I try to focus, but I can't see clear
And I don't know why I feel this way
And I can't control myself anyway
And I don't know why I feel this way
And I can't control myself anyway
And I feel so bad, but it's useless
And I feel so bad, but it's useless
And I feel so bad, but it's useless
And I can't see... now in front of my face.

Oingo Boingo 1987
Created by: dudley_do_ride

4/29/11 @ 2:29am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

mmmmmmmm yeah she's soooooooooooo fucking hot...

wanna rip that blouse right off her sexy top...

wanna take her so desperately from behind...

wanna lift her up as my cock enters her...

want her chops wrapped round mine...

her hair coming down...

her stretch and arch while on top...

her voice in my ears...

while she cums over and over and over

so fucking hard...

so fucking long...

wanna fuck her all damned night...

and into the next century...

bang her over and over and over...

just right after she finishes her stair stretch

and forgets I am near...

mmmmm if she can...

when my blood boils for her...

and my voice betrays my intent...

when i long only to consume her...


@ss (hers) mine now!!!

Created by: ophelias_rue

4/29/11 @ 3:41am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

Created by: lickau

4/29/11 @ 4:10am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

Ode to a Mammogram

For years and years they told me, "Be careful of your breasts."
Don't ever squeeze or bruise them, and give them monthly tests.

So, I heeded all their warnings.....and protected them by law....
Guarded them very carefully, and always wore a bra.

After 10 years of careful care, the doctor found a lump.
He ordered up a mammogram to look inside that clump.

"Stand up very close," the nurse said, as she got my tit in line,
"And tell me when it hurts," she said. "Ah, yes....that's just fine."

She stepped upon a pedal....I could not believe my eyes,
A plastic plate was pressing down....My boob was in a vice....

My skin was stretched and stretched from way up by my chin,
And my poor tit was being squashed to Swedish pancake thing......

Excruciating pain I felt, within it's vice-like grip,
A prisoner in this vicious thing.....My poor defenseless tit......

"Take a deep breath" she said to me. Who does she think she's kidding?
My chest is smashed in her machine, I can't breathe and woozy I am getting!

"There, that was good" I heard her say, as the room was slowly swaying.
"Now let's get the other one."........"Lord have mercy," I was praying.

It squeezed me from the up and down, it squeezed me from both sides,
I'll bet she never has this done to HER tender little hide.

If I had no problem when I first came in, I surely have one now......
If there had been a cyst in there, it would have popped Ker-Pow!

This machine was made by a MAN, of this I have no doubt.....
I'd like to get his balls in there.....for months he'd go WITHOUT!

[ Unattributed at jokes2go ]


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