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Forums / Female Performer Chat

Poetry (original.or.attributed)
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Female Performer Chat: Poetry (original.or.attributed)
Created by: suggs

4/29/11 @ 4:47am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

An ode to Will & Kate

As the world watches them wed,
I say "Bollocks to this,I'm off to bed"

Created by: ophelias_rue

4/29/11 @ 10:40am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

An ode to Will & Kate

As the world watches them wed,
I say "Bollocks to this,I'm off to bed"

*as suggs enters his sleeping sanctum.. he trips.. curses "fecking maids" looks behind and sees a pair of inlilne skates laying on the floor.. looks up.. and spies a pair of black silk pants size S.. a lovely floral silk kimono.. and a pair of black lacey underoos laying beside the bed*

*a pale white hand slides out from the sheets.. an index finger upright and curving.. gesturing him forward*

Created by: dudley_do_ride

4/30/11 @ 12:59am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

The Wedding - (part 1)

The mountie crown prince had returned from the East. Fresh from the plains of Kadesh. History had indeed repeated. A great battle was fought there as chronicled elsewhere. It was the end for the Hittites and the balance of power in that region shifted for centuries away from Anatolia.

The prince was scarred from battle. Tanned from the desert sun. Weary of blood.

His consort found that a different lover had returned from war. One intent on serious matters. Forging a bond of marriage. Preparing the future royal house for greatness even as the sun was still bright and high in the house of his father.

The land was ripe for a grand celebration. Joining of prince and consort. Duty and pain would be thrown off for a time and all that is good, all that had been achieved, all that they loved would be celebrated along with this joining.

The mountie order was no more evolved than its surrounding cultures. Though steeped in Philosophy, though engaged in Science, though privvy to all the learning of that age, it was nevertheless but a reflection of its current state. And this was well for it, since it couldn't survive anyway without the support of its neighbors.

So its royal wedding was much the same as any other of that time. Despite the cosmetic differences. This particular event was more memorable though because of its timing and the personalities involved...

Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/1/11 @ 9:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Brent: Hiya Dan, glad to see you made it okay.

Dan: Yeah it was worse than usual coming through Cyborg Pass.

Brent: Well and just in time. We're on right now.

(shouting to the people gathered round the megaphone stage)

Brent: Let's get the coverage started. We're already part way in. Everything is looking good.

Dan: (also shouting) What a day. What a sight Brent. Just look at that line of mountery.

Brent: (still shouting) Yeah. Dress uniforms. Brass armor. What are those new things they are holding?

Dan: (...) Think they are called halberds Brent. Wouldn't want to be caught on the business side of that I'll tell you.

Brent: Yep and pretty stylish. A lot better for this kind of thing than the silvered blowguns they trotted out for Zebediah and Margaret's.

Dan: Yeah and no danger of blowback. Remember that guy that bought it when he saw his wife in the crowd with his best friend? Dead before he hit the ground. Worst you get with a halberd from seeing something like that is a missing toe.

Brent: Oh wait. Here comes the bride now. Wow. Everybody's gasping. Just look at that dress. Looks like it is made of spiderwebs or ...

Dan: You guessed it Brent. It really is made out of spiderwebs. Took months for the Druid's trained spiders.

Brent: Nice. Man, isn't she gorgeous? Made up nicely. Hair up. First time he's seeing her like this of course.

Dan: Yeah, check out those shoes. My wife tells me they are from Paris. Each one gem inlaid with flawless stones. Platinum coated. Ivory heeled. And advanced too. Able to handle a plane tilted 5.73 degrees.

Brent: Whoa that is one amazing tilt. They save the most extreme for the king himself there.

Dan: It's gonna take her a long time to walk all the way up to the altar. Very majestic. Look at all those flowers in here. You could make a float from them!

Brent: A float made of flowers? Come on! Let's try to keep it real. Somebody's got to keep their wits about them today.

Dan: Ok ok. Man eight symphonic orchestras! Six pipe organs! Cheerleaders! What's the priest got on?

Brent: Those dark things on his eyes? Invented last year, sunglasses. For the knights in the desert (kah-nig-ets not the dark kind) but everybody thinks they are cool and are wearing them around court.

Dan: Cool. Is nice to be alive in modern times.

Brent: Uh yeah Dan. All kinds of distinguished guests here today. The king of Tortuga, the Duchess of Avalon, the Duke of Orl, the Sultan of Suwang, the Prince of Persia, the Count of Mountie Cris Coe, the Bohemian Ras Zo Dee, the Red Baron, the White Soxe, the Green Coronet, the Black Knight, Chi Ti Chi Ti Bay Baen, Marty Feldman, Off White and the Screaming Banshees...

Dan: I'm going to interrupt you there Brent. Clearly the world turned out to give these two a great send off.

Brent: ... Darth Vayder, Funghis Khan, Getafix, Loretta Snake-Hips Starchubol, Lisa Douglas, Oliver Douglas, Arnold ...

Dan: Brent... stop... please. The last thing these good people want to concern themselves with on this holy day is a bunch of celebrities.

Brent: Sorry Dan. It's just so rare to see these guys all in the same place at the same time and...

Dan: Ok ok. Look she's approaching the altar finally. Quiet please.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/2/11 @ 3:46am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

omg.. omg... OMG... lololol.. jesus.. *laughing and laughing*

i love it.
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/2/11 @ 6:06am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

|-----------------When We Make Love------------------|

Step inside, the lights are down, let the show begin
Take your place, a front row seat, with my leading men,
You can feel alive tonight
You see, I know just what you're after.

Come tonight, we'll make it right
Say you'll always be my lover
You can be my fantasy
Just think of all that we'll discover

See my toys, we'll play the game on my movie show
A line of boys, an all-night part in my porno love
Skin tight pants fit oh so right
I made my mind up when I saw you

Heart beats fast so make it last
I must remember all you whisper
I want you now, forever now
I'll see you on the screen forever
When we make love

Step inside, the lights are down, the show's begun
You can stay, a front row seat, so you'll see the fun
You can be my star tonight
'Cause now I know just what you're after

Berlin 1982
Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/2/11 @ 9:19am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

"So I go over to my girlfriend's last night,... maaaaaan she's got the best pussy!"

(audience ooooos and laughs)

"What? No no no. You guys are sick... I am talking about her cat!!! ... Weirdos."

(long pause)

"That cat was the best fuck I ever had." - Bit from Steve Martin

Cat jugglers. Here at the Gatorosa. He'd finally cornered them after pursuing them for days.
It was time for the showdown. The fateful hour.

"Let the kitties go and I'll ride away." he shouted.

"I can't do that." said the ring leader tragically.

"Why?" he asked.

"They've already been juggled once. It's too late." was the almost regretful answer.

"Prepare to meet your maker fiend!" he screamed, whipping out his guns.

"We'll see about that!" was the only reply.

(blam. blam blam)
(ratta tatta tatta tat)
(clip clop clip clop clip clop.... aiiiiiiiiiighhhhhhh)
(biff. pow. zap. kapowie. pfzzzzz. zing. zowie)

"Had enough?" he queried.


"Now I am gonna git serious."

(fooooooooooooooooomm tic tic tic kaBlaaaaaaaaaaam!!!!)
(whiffle whiffle whiffle..)
(fooooooooooooooooooom tic tic tic kaBloooooooooooie!!!!)
(whiffle whi....)

"Ok Ok I give." the bad guy shouted.

"Ha ha ha. A wise decision. You'll think twice before you juggle your next kitty."

Created by: ophelias_rue

5/3/11 @ 11:02am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

|------------------------------un rancard amoureux-------------------------------|

Standing in the doorway we see a medium sized stone paved courtyard. The courtyard is surrounded by a high wall and a black wrought iron gateway in the wall to the left leads to a sidewalk and beyond a street where occasional vehicles can be glimpsed. Eight white metal outdoor, red and white umbrella shaded, tables with chairs are arranged across the extent of the courtyard. The sky is bright blue above the courtyard with only slight bits of puffy white cloud suspended in its heights. The angle of the shadows in the courtyard and the color of the light on its contents indicate an afternoon setting. The sound of traffic beyond the wall can be heard on nearby streets. Two of the tables are populated by couples, and at one, a single female sits alone. Our eye is caught by the length of her braided platinum colored hair, and, like the waiter approaching through the doorway; we admire her lovely off the shoulder white sundress decorated with embroidered blue flowers. The white of the dress is only slightly brighter than the pale white of the blondes skin. Her purse lays open upon the table, a partially empty martini glass with a single olive in it sits unattended beside it. She is petite, and the nature of her dress shows how well she has been endowed. Her legs are crossed at the knee and her pale legs are exposed from the lower thigh; she is moving the upper leg in a slow regular kick. Her right hand is suspended in the air, gesturing the waiter to approach.

Looking down at the blonde from beside the table the waiter inquires S manca, come posso servire voi?" His gaze travels from her cleavage to her clear grey eyes, perfect complexion and dark red, almost black, glossy lips. The blonde speaks, her voice light and clearly American Thank you so much, almost dinner time and my date still isnt here. Penso che lascer ora; la ragazza che amo non stato in grado di fare il pranzo. Se lei arriva pi tardi, per favore dirle che sto aspettando per lei, lei sapr dove trovare me. Looking down the blonde reaches in her open purse and extracts several brightly colored Euro notes and drops them on the table. The waiter quickly moves to slide the blondes chair away from the table as she rises, brushes off the skirt of her dress, picks up the purse and walks toward the gate to the street her white heels clicking loudly on the paving stones. Ohhh grazie, grazie Signorina! he moans under his breath.

We watch her sway through the gate and turn to the right disappearing behind the courtyard wall. Beyond the sidewalk the street is quiet for a moment, we hear the sound of birds singing in the trees on the street, and then a black gleaming expensive sedan with deeply tinted windows rolls quietly down the partially shaded street. Our point of view shifts slowly backwards and to a second story height; we watch as the waiter shakes himself alert and turns his attention to the other patrons of the restaurant.

Amanda 2011
Created by: suggs

5/3/11 @ 1:36pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

** coughs to clear the dust off the microphone **

Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me
As plurdled gabbleblotchits
On a lurgid bee
That mordiously hath bitled out
Its earted jurtles
Into a rancid festering [drowned out by moaning and screaming]
Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles
Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts
And living glupules frart and slipulate
Like jowling meated liverslime
Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes
And hooptiously drangle me
With crinkly bindlewurdles,
Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon
See if I don't.

Prosthentic Vogon Jeltz

(Vogon poetry is of course, the third worst in the universe. The second worst is that of the Azgoths of Kria. During a recitation by their poet master Grunthos the Flatulent of his poem "Ode To A Small Lump Of Green Putty I Found In My Armpit One Midsummer Morning " four of his audience died of internal hemorrhaging and the president of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council survived only by gnawing one of his own legs off. Grunthos was reported to have been "disappointed" by the poem's reception, and was about to embark on a reading of his 12-book epic entitled "My Favourite Bathtime Gurgles" when his own major intestine--in a desperate attempt to save life kind itself--leapt straight up through his neck and throttled his brain. The very worst poetry of all perished along with its creator,Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings of Sussex, in the destruction of the planet Earth. Vogon poetry is mild by comparison)

`Taken from the Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams ׺`
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/3/11 @ 2:54pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

(chuckle) @ the "dust off the microphone"
Bianca Jordan
Created by: Bianca Jordan

5/3/11 @ 2:57pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Mattia... love story!! PART 3

This morning, eyes still closed, immersed in half asleep, I found myself at the airport the people sitting on chairs .. then, as I turned
towards the glass door of the room .. after only a moment I found myself 3 hours before the flight .. I was there sitting on a cold blue metal bench, with a open book between my fingers, the emotions of that day was about to begin .. I was there, just exhausted, still having the flavor of cappuccino that i took at the bar. Impatient.. waiting to fly and meet Mattia
All the time I was looking at the clock it was 9 in the morning There was still time ...

The memories at this point became more intense and vivid as never before, I was inside with my whole being, while my eyes watering behind closed eyelids...
.. immersed in reading .. interminable minutes .. and then .. it was 11 o clock ... "It's time to go ".. shut the book and puts it with slow movements in my bag, hands shaking, and heart that was jumping in my chest .. and then...long to the exit, and head into the confusion ... an other hour before the plane would fly in the blue sky...
and I would see Mattia... I would meet (...) again... the terminal doors that open... doors that close... dry sounds .. the hot morning of this July day... suffocating! With a smile on my lips, and those steps which lead me to the bus ... People rushing to take a seat... people talking laughing! 3 min and we all were at the aircraft doorstep! I saw people sitting around making noise... it was going to be a long journey!
I felt the fresh pleasant air conditioner... opened the book and start reading again, but my mind was flying who knows where!
A tall blond foreign girl and a boy sitting next to me ... talking in a language that I could hardly understand a word ... I fell asleep... was so tired... so exhausted... Then I looked out the window and saw the same type of plane speeding and crash then our plane started speeding really fast and was all bumpy i was the only one who was scared to death.. everyone else stayed calm and did not say a word...Then bumpy landing the airplane bumped onto the ground... And then I was out of the airplane running to enter the terminal... everything was bleakness. No one was there! Scared to death! Then I woke up! I look at the pictures album with Mattias for a moment and let myself involved, but then again the clock, and finger sweating on the pages of the album... five minutes to 22 .. oh my .. we're almost there ... announcement that we are about to land!!! My heart beats fast, I can hardly breath! With my heart in my throat and I step out of the aircraft...
Entering in the bus... I see people smiling... but I am anxious, I can see my face reflecting in the bus window... so tired!
After 20 min of waiting for the luggage, I go out, the arrival door opens... People waiting, I was looking for Mattia in the middle of the crowd... NOTHING!!! still searching still NOTHING!!! the bar smells of croissants, and rumors... bored ... angry... and sad!!!!
Crying... I get out of the airport main door... staying there I put my hand in the pocket finding a cigarette, I start smoking... still crying... confused...
... then...
I feel
A hand
on my shoulder!
I stop for a moment... then i turn around
and I see Mattia... (...) smiles
Hugs... tears and kisses... more tears

Created by: ophelias_rue

5/3/11 @ 9:45pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

|-----------------------------un rancard amoureux (deux)------------------------------|

From the passenger front seat we watch as the blonde walks down the sidewalk. She walks carefully, the sidewalk here is cracked and the tree roots have made it an uneven surface, and nearly dangerous with the heels shes wearing. The shadows of the overhead tree branches wash over her as she makes her way toward the intersection and its improved paving. As we pull beside her we can see that she is crying softly. Inside the vehicle we hear only the soft sigh of the air conditioning system; and then the voice of the passenger in the rear of the vehicle, a womans soft and yet commanding voice Rapidamente tirare all'incrocio e ottenere la sua qui un largo dei suoi piedi. Siamo troppo tardi per eventuali ulteriori ritardi. The young, clean shaven, attractive male in the passenger seat turns his head toward the blonde making her way slowly forward; his face and its clear green eyes reflected in the glass of the doors window. Yes Miss, immediately. His voice is precise and only slightly accented, an English speaking Canadian precision to it.

A sparrow in the tree above cocks its head and watches as the long black car pulls slowly to the curbed sidewalk, It eyes the shine of the sun from the dark smooth metal and is reminded of how thirsty it is at this moment; then it fluffs its feathers and in a display of nonchalance, designed to trick its prey into believing it is unwatched, it twists its head to its right wing and eyes the human moving in white slow blurs, then, in surprise, it hops up a branch when a large dark human swiftly emerges from the flowing pool of black water and makes a noise as it pulls at the side of the water. Mademoiselle veuillez ici. Joignez-vous nous. Please. The white covered human turns, her hair spinning in the light, the sparrows eyes focus on the details of small black dot moving rapidly through the light from behind her toward his dominant wing side. It launches and catches the insect in its beak as it breaks through the final shadow into the light near the stone of the building. The sparrow swoops up toward the bright sky, excited and full of its own strength.

The blonde looks and sees the tall well-tailored male, holding the rear door of the sedan open; inside she sees the woman she has travelled so far to meet. She bursts into tears and approaches the car, kicking her heels off she practically leaps into the rear of the car, her view a rush of the beauty of the brunette, the darkness of the interior leather of the vehicle, and then the sound of the outside world, the bird song, the soft city noises, are shut off by the quiet solid sound of the door behind her closing and she is at last in the arms of her lover. We hear the song Clear Day by Hope Sandoval being brought into the scene.

An elderly man, dressed in his worn brown wool suit coat, frayed blue work shirt, patched trousers, and well used ankle boots watches the tall, strong, young man bend and fetch the two white high heels from the side walk, and reenter the vehicle. As the door closes and the vehicle leaves the curb pulling into the intersection and proceeding east the elderly man identifies the males type as a well-paid body guard, the pistol bulge under his coat almost perfectly concealed by the coats near perfect tailoring; and remembers his wife, at 22, with white open toed heels very like those the blond had left on the sidewalk. His 35 years as a police officer and government investigator had trained his mind well. Though he would never need the information, the image of the woman, her size, shape, face, hair color and length, the clothing she wore, the vehicles type, permit issuance, country of ownership, the males height weight hair color and cut, probable age, the slight favoring of his left leg from some knee damage suffered, and the type of insect that the sparrow had so fiercely captured, were all logged in his voluminous memory now. Five years from now, as he lay in an extended care facility bed, talking to his son, he would recall this moment, and wonder at the tears in the blondes eyes.

Amanda 2011
Created by: kertus

5/3/11 @ 9:56pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: The Planet Piiiing
Posts: 880

Mattia... love story!! PART 3

This morning, eyes still closed, immersed in half asleep, I found myself at the airport the people sitting on chairs .. then, as I turned
towards the glass door of the room .. after only a moment I found myself 3 hours before the flight .. I was there sitting on a cold blue metal bench, with a open book between my fingers, the emotions of that day was about to begin .. I was there, just exhausted, still having the flavor of cappuccino that i took at the bar. Impatient.. waiting to fly and meet Mattia
All the time I was looking at the clock it was 9 in the morning There was still time ...

The memories at this point became more intense and vivid as never before, I was inside with my whole being, while my eyes watering behind closed eyelids...
.. immersed in reading .. interminable minutes .. and then .. it was 11 o clock ... "It's time to go ".. shut the book and puts it with slow movements in my bag, hands shaking, and heart that was jumping in my chest .. and then...long to the exit, and head into the confusion ... an other hour before the plane would fly in the blue sky...
and I would see Mattia... I would meet (...) again... the terminal doors that open... doors that close... dry sounds .. the hot morning of this July day... suffocating! With a smile on my lips, and those steps which lead me to the bus ... People rushing to take a seat... people talking laughing! 3 min and we all were at the aircraft doorstep! I saw people sitting around making noise... it was going to be a long journey!
I felt the fresh pleasant air conditioner... opened the book and start reading again, but my mind was flying who knows where!
A tall blond foreign girl and a boy sitting next to me ... talking in a language that I could hardly understand a word ... I fell asleep... was so tired... so exhausted... Then I looked out the window and saw the same type of plane speeding and crash then our plane started speeding really fast and was all bumpy i was the only one who was scared to death.. everyone else stayed calm and did not say a word...Then bumpy landing the airplane bumped onto the ground... And then I was out of the airplane running to enter the terminal... everything was bleakness. No one was there! Scared to death! Then I woke up! I look at the pictures album with Mattias for a moment and let myself involved, but then again the clock, and finger sweating on the pages of the album... five minutes to 22 .. oh my .. we're almost there ... announcement that we are about to land!!! My heart beats fast, I can hardly breath! With my heart in my throat and I step out of the aircraft...
Entering in the bus... I see people smiling... but I am anxious, I can see my face reflecting in the bus window... so tired!
After 20 min of waiting for the luggage, I go out, the arrival door opens... People waiting, I was looking for Mattia in the middle of the crowd... NOTHING!!! still searching still NOTHING!!! the bar smells of croissants, and rumors... bored ... angry... and sad!!!!
Crying... I get out of the airport main door... staying there I put my hand in the pocket finding a cigarette, I start smoking... still crying... confused...
... then...
I feel
A hand
on my shoulder!
I stop for a moment... then i turn around
and I see Mattia... (...) smiles
Hugs... tears and kisses... more tears


...luvly... amazin' ... tears ... can i go ta bed now?!!
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/3/11 @ 11:39pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

|---------------------------un rancard amoureux (troisime)----------------------------|

The black sedan moves smoothly east through the city, the traffic flows around, pale shapes and dark and sudden glimmers of light through the tinted windows of the rear seating. A dividing glass, almost completely obsidian, now separates the interior into two separate compartments. From behind the passengers we see them holding each other tightly; then from the brunettes point of view we see the blondes face, our lips press against her mouth and we hear the brunette say in a softly accented voice Ohhhh now mia cara ragazza, Im so sorry we were held up so long; the Russians, they want so much.

We watch the face of the blonde struggle to regain composure, and then she says I was so frightened, and so alone. Im exhausted from the flight and the wait. Can you please just kiss me and hold me while I sleep until we get there? The blonde lays her head, face up, in the brunettes lap. She stares vacantly toward the brunettes face; we see a small vertical tattoo on the back of the brunettes neck, through a parted fall of her hair. She puts her hand on the blondes folded hands, and the blonde slowly smiles, sighs and becomes unfocused. A cascade of partially overlaid views of the sky, of buildings, of intersections and traffic blurs in the blondes mind as she gradually slips to sleep. Clear Day again takes background play.

Now on a coastal road the vehicle accelerates, a black shining blur as the sun settles to the horizon behind it, the sound of its tires a soft hiss on the asphalt of the pavement. The sky is first afire with oranges and dark greys and bright yellows against the blue; then suddenly pale grey and silently black. The head lamps of the sedan pick out flashes of detail as the car surges forward. The tall body guard points to a turn off, and the vehicle takes a rising road up toward the coastal cliffs. Bushes, trees, and shadows line the two lane road. Both men pay very close attention to the road and the details on either side of the car. The bodyguard hisses and points to the left where an even narrower one lane gravel covered road curves further up the heights toward the Mediterranean. Stars appear overhead and the sky-glow of villas and apartments along the coastal highway below can be seen. Ahead a low long structures shadowed silhouette can be seen against the darkening sky. The sedan finds a smooth paved drive and circles to the front entrance of the long stone villa. The driver pulls the car to a stop, presses a series of buttons on the dash, and lighting inside, and outside the villa spring on, washing the vehicle and its surrounds in hard white light.

The bodyguard exits the vehicle shutting its door behind him; the driver relocks the doors. The opaque seperating glass lowers and the brunette speaks to the driver quietly Ci sono problemi Phillip? The drivers deep voice answers quickly "Ci sono nessuno che riesco a vedere mia sorella". The bodyguard stands at the front entrance of the villa pressing codes into a small panel inset into the wall beside the large French entry doors. He turns and nods to the vehicle. The driver throws the door locks and triggers the trunk.

The blonde opens her grey eyes and stares up at the brunettes face, lit now by the bright exterior lights of the villa. The brunette is gently stroking the blondes mouth with her index finger; the blonde opens her mouth and the finger goes in. The brunette sighs and says Quickly now, I am hungry; and want desperately to make love. Sucking the finger the blonde nods, releases it, and opens the door to the vehicle. She slides out in her bare feet, turns and holds her hands out to the brunette who slides across the seat and grasps the offered pale white hands with her own.

Standing in front of the blonde, who wraps her arms around her, the two walk slowly to the now open entry doors to the villa. Behind them we hear the doors to the car being closed, the sound of a mans leather shoes on the pavement, a grunt and the sound of a piece of luggage being placed on the pavement, the sound of the trunk of the vehicle being shut, and the approaching steps of the driver. Around us, in the dark, the sound of crickets and frogs rises and falls like a wind in the light wooded growth.

Amanda 2011
Sara Lynn
Created by: Sara Lynn

5/4/11 @ 1:11am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Miles said he was gonna post this.... but seein as his lazy ass hasn't... l will.... bah!

Oh, I Wish I'd Looked After Me Tits
By Pam Ayres

Oh, I wish I'd looked after me dear old knockers,
Not flashed them to boys behind the school lockers,
Or let them get fondled by randy old dockers,
Oh, I wish I'd looked after me tits.

'Cos now I'm much older and gravity's winning.
It's Nature's revenge for all that sinning,
And those dirty memories are rapidly dimming,
Oh, I wish I'd looked after me tits

'Cos tits can be such troublesome things
When they no longer bounce, but dangle and swing.
And although they go well with my Bingo wings,
I wish I'd looked after me tits.

When they're both long enough to tie up in a bow,
When it's not the sweet chariot that swings low,
When they're less of a friend and more of a foe,
Then I wish I'd looked after me tits.

When I was young I got whistles and hoots,
From the men on the site to the men in the suits,
Now me nipples get stuck in the zips on me boots,
Oh, I wish I'd looked after me tits.

When I was younger I rode bikes and scooters,
Cruising around with my favorite suitors.
Now the wheels get entangled with my dangling hooters,
I wish I'd looked after me tits.

When they follow behind and get trapped in the door,
When they're less in the air and more near the floor,
When people see less of them rather than more,
Oh, I wish I'd looked after me tits..


kisses on all your best tit bits..

Created by: ophelias_rue

5/4/11 @ 3:58am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

lol @ 'miles says'

(whispers)( ick)
Sara Lynn
Created by: Sara Lynn

5/4/11 @ 4:07am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

lol @ 'miles says'

(whispers)( ick)

hahaha... yeah.. really yumping around enyoying himself.... dang.... where did all those snow angels come from in LA?...
meh... la la land.. is oh well... but hey... l did have to remind him that he don't have "tits"
so only fitting that l post it... let's see how he likes that... BAH...

kisses on all yer titless bits..
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/4/11 @ 10:01pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

|--------------------------un rancard amoureux (quatrime)---------------------------|

The bodyguard sits still, concentrating on the glowing monitors in front of him. The eight starlight and infrared alternating cameras glow greenish. Each of the sixteen full color high definition internal cameras pans their carefully selected locations. Every window and door on the first level is alarmed and all the carpeted rooms are under-laid with pressure sensor arrays. The out buildings are likewise motion and intrusion alarmed. The expense for this level of defense had been immense, but the brunette had many debts owed to call upon. And the blonde seemed to be made of funds.

Todays meeting with the Russian female had not gone well; she had been insistent and unaccommodating from the very first introduction. As beautiful as she was he had sensed her fury and anger immediately; he knew there was no possible complete defense from any attack launched by the principals she represented; he had subcontracted to them briefly much earlier in his career. What he was providing was a moving shield of defense that would allow them to almost certainly escape from any rapidly adjusting attack against them. Only in Spain would they be able to rest; there, the defenses in place with local residents, businesses, and the government were certain to defeat an assault before it could be put into motion.

The headphones he wears feed him a shifting array of sound sources from inside and out of the structure, he listens to the sound of the insects and frogs in the lightly wooded areas around the structure, then shifts through the lower floors rooms one at a time, keeping his eyes always on the views offered in front of him. His suit coat is folded neatly across the back of the second chair in front of the control board, his now wrinkled white cotton dress shirt glows in the shifting light that plays across him. His eyes narrow as the audio channels pass through the large bedroom on the second floor. He listens for a moment, smiles and then the smile is lost as he concentrates on other rooms, other sounds. The blue glow of the monitors flickers and moves in the room, making it seem an overlarge aquarium for some strange deep ocean creature.

Amanda 2011
Created by: mrsmiley

5/5/11 @ 2:41am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 8

omg i just got here to post it and totes got ninja'd..
BOOOOO on u sara lynn *crosses arms* *taps foot*
*goes to make some noodles*

ur mom goes to college
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/5/11 @ 7:34am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

omg i just got here to post it and totes got ninja'd..
BOOOOO on u sara lynn *crosses arms* *taps foot*
*goes to make some noodles*

ur mom goes to college

lol @ mom goes to college

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