Wel excuse me! But as YOU have been putting your proper name as a copyright to your poetry / stories there is nothing you can complain about.
She was just trying to control you Suggs again..and try to manipulate you.....fuck her!....

so you'll look infinitely better than your skinny assed pinched face does NOW.
he's a duck. he can't do much about the shape of his bill. that was a low blow.
and lol@real name ...sounded more like a cutesie pie petname to me Quote

6/5/11 @ 9:02pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

he's a duck. he can't do much about the shape of his bill. that was a low blow.
and lol@real name ...sounded more like a cutesie pie petname to me
Idiot you dont even know or understand whats going on!...shut up and go to bed!!...or wait ask your mistress to put your collar on and take a walk so you can train behind!!....then come back home and hang your self!! Quote

6/5/11 @ 9:05pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the bled dry dusts of Troy

tit for tat boyo.. and btw.. AMANDA starts with an A.. durrrrrrrr and is NOT my real name.. *tucks the identity card safely in my underoos*
ppfft..what?...stop trying to sound better then other people bitch!...your just a fuckin psycho!! Quote

Fuckin psycho... Quote

?? is this dude for real ?? Quote

6/5/11 @ 9:16pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the bled dry dusts of Troy

no.. he only plays a dude on the internet
and what do you play ?...a bitch who hates 99% of people?...ppfft ...hang your self too i dont care anymore! Quote

Im still here asshole?..wanna keep going lil dog?...
ok. go back to the last thread you got RIP'd. Look at the shit that got removed. then REALIZE what didn't. then think about it. hard. like actual thought. then have a beer watch some footy on the tele. pet your dog. call ur grandma. do something that makes you happy.
oh yeah...anger ...

ok. go back to the last thread you got RIP'd. Look at the shit that got removed. then REALIZE what didn't. then think about it. hard. like actual thought. then have a beer watch some footy on the tele. pet your dog. call ur grandma. do something that makes you happy.
oh yeah...anger ...

thats the easy stuff!...go back and see!..blah blah blah...ppfft if i could i would take posts back from 2 years that you started BS on the forums...so shut the fuck up with the ..oh look at this thread!...you just wanna sound bright to new poeple but your just a fuckin ass kisser!..keep your collar on 24/7...no need to take it off she will train you better soon!!...lmao.. Quote

6/5/11 @ 9:35pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the bled dry dusts of Troy

ok. go back to the last thread you got RIP'd. Look at the shit that got removed. then REALIZE what didn't. then think about it. hard. like actual thought. then have a beer watch some footy on the tele. pet your dog. call ur grandma. do something that makes you happy.
oh yeah...anger ...

And all the threads that has been closed you were part of it mister smart ass!!...you always start it with your friend!...idiot dont you see people will realise!!...

6/5/11 @ 9:37pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the bled dry dusts of Troy
*Hmmm.. Mr. Smart Ass and Uncle Touch Me*

have a good night bitch.....btw how many people posted on your ''wanna cause trouble again'' thread about genders?....see its coming they will know you sooner then later!!... Quote

6/5/11 @ 9:40pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the bled dry dusts of Troy
have a good night bitch.....btw how many people posted on your ''wanna cause trouble again'' thread about genders?....see its coming they will know you sooner then later!!...
"Translation Please" *waving hand loaded with credits* Quote