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Poetry (original.or.attributed)
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Female Performer Chat: Poetry (original.or.attributed)
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/7/11 @ 7:31am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122


*waits* will it be a weapon? an embrace? or something less than either? will you kiss my face?
*waits* will you want some reassurance? am i the one left quivering, wondering?

*waits* how long now? this one, this moment spreads; wider, like your legs.
*waits* unnoticed, the question passed by, intention or error of vision?
*waits* did you.. did you .. did you... did you... loooovvvveeeee?

*waits* smoking, i watch you sleep. sitting here on your table, wondering
*waits* did you .. did you.. did you.. did you..

*waits* was it a happy poem for you? a happy moment? will it haunt?
*waits* in the morning, when you wait, what will you, think then? what will you want?
*waits* did you?.. did you? .. did you?.. did you?.. love?

Amanda 2011

Created by: ophelias_rue

5/7/11 @ 10:10pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122


Wanting you so much.. wanting to touch you *there* and *there* and under *THERE* i want to lick you suckyou eat you feel you clench your pussy on my fingers lick your hands and kiss you hold your head in my hands look in your eyes and kiss you until my lips split i want your hands on my tits squeezing lifting feeling their weight slapping them put your hand on my pussy i'm so wet for you right now fuck.. WHERE are you make me cum fuck i want you where ARE you shit.. i want to run my hands over your legs to feel how long and strong and smooth they are bend them see how they move in my hands lay on top of you licking you spreading your lips opening you looking inside see all the tiny ridges and turns in your skin feel how soft and smooth and LICK them and taste your cunt in my mouth and love you for days and hold you sweating and panting and weeping in my arms where ARE you i want to hold you over me your pussy dripping on my face and mouth and ease you down and slide my tongue in you my face soaked and loving you and let you cum again and again whenever you feel it i don't CARE about me i want you to CUM please hold me for a while and wake me with your hands touching my face and your mouth on mine i love your nose and i want to touch it and feel it's shape actually THERE and kiss me ohhh my god i want to kiss you everywhere we go.. i'll carry you if you get tired and i'll love you like i'm on fire and i want you all over me like a bath of you so wet and sweating and exhausted but wanting more of me i never want you to feel like you've had enough, always want more of me as i want you NOW!

Amanda 2011
Created by: easyfellow

5/8/11 @ 11:06am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 372

|---------------------------------------WANT----------------------------------------- ---|Wanting you so much.. wanting to touch you *there* and *there* and under *THERE* i want to lick you suckyou eat you feel you clench your pussy on my fingers lick your hands and kiss you hold your head in my hands look in your eyes and kiss you until my lips split i want your hands on my tits squeezing lifting feeling their weight slapping them put your hand on my pussy i'm so wet for you right now fuck.. WHERE are you make me cum fuck i want you where ARE you shit.. i want to run my hands over your legs to feel how long and strong and smooth they are bend them see how they move in my hands lay on top of you licking you spreading your lips opening you looking inside see all the tiny ridges and turns in your skin feel how soft and smooth and LICK them and taste your cunt in my mouth and love you for days and hold you sweating and panting and weeping in my arms where ARE you i want to hold you over me your pussy dripping on my face and mouth and ease you down and slide my tongue in you my face soaked and loving you and let you cum again and again whenever you feel it i don't CARE about me i want you to CUM please hold me for a while and wake me with your hands touching my face and your mouth on mine i love your nose and i want to touch it and feel it's shape actually THERE and kiss me ohhh my god i want to kiss you everywhere we go.. i'll carry you if you get tired and i'll love you like i'm on fire and i want you all over me like a bath of you so wet and sweating and exhausted but wanting more of me i never want you to feel like you've had enough, always want more of me as i want you NOW!
Amanda 2011

sick mind

Created by: easyfellow

5/8/11 @ 11:19am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 372

*w aits* will it be a weapon? an embrace? or something less than either? will you kiss my face?
*waits* will you want some reassurance? am i the one left quivering, wondering?

*waits* how long now? this one, this moment spreads; wider, like your legs.
*waits* unnoticed, the question passed by, intention or error of vision?
*waits* did you.. did you .. did you... did you... loooovvvveeeee?

*waits* smoking, i watch you sleep. sitting here on your table, wondering
*waits* did you .. did you.. did you.. did you..

*waits* was it a happy poem for you? a happy moment? will it haunt?
*waits* in the morning, when you wait, what will you, think then? what will you want?
*waits* did you?.. did you? .. did you?.. did you?.. love?
Amanda 2011


Created by: ophelias_rue

5/8/11 @ 12:19pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

sick mind

omg.. you poor man.. when does your missionary work here end? still handing out bibles in the Lobby? Tell you what.. put a few on the Concession Stand with a little "Contributions Welcome" sign.. you can decide later whose pocket you want the proceeds placed in.. and darling.. you won't even have to touch either the donation.. or the pocket.. i don't mind handling either. *kisses*
Created by: easyfellow

5/8/11 @ 12:28pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 372

omg.. you poor man.. when does your missionary work here end? still handing out bibles in the Lobby? Tell you what.. put a few on the Concession Stand with a little "Contributions Welcome" sign.. you can decide later whose pocket you want the proceeds placed in.. and darling.. you won't even have to touch either the donation.. or the pocket.. i don't mind handling either. *kisses*

Read back carefully what you wrote in your posts, that i have quoted, when you are on speaking terms again.
I am almost sure you're regretting what you have posted. If not: time to seek help.

PS I am not a missionary and it's not about the bible. It's not the language i am arguing about, it's about the destructive way your mind flows.

Somebody has to say it. I am sure many agree with me, but are afraid to speak it out loud here, because they don't want to make their favorite top 20 models angry, who are buried under your (external paid) tips and pvts.

Created by: ophelias_rue

5/8/11 @ 1:19pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

lioneln.. 'Easy'fellow.. a few things you might need to think of.. this thread is a poetry/writing thread.. NOT a locaton for you to seek out some personal vendetta. if you want to flame me.. please feel free to do so in a thread you start for yourself OR feel free to rant away in any of the several threads dedicated to just such meaningless crap that have faded from the first 20 or so pages of the forum.. as much as i KNOW how many here love to see me disassemble challangers.. even some in the ranks of VS staff giggle at it occassionaly.. it has been made abundantly clear to ME.. that doing so is not viewed as 'contributing' to the "fun and more fun" that VS wishes to engender.. so.. i WILL ignore you and all of your future posts.. with the exception of those that are not so woefully off topic and merely posted to stir up this sort of trouble.. if you ever encounter a rhyme or some lovely piece of word-smithery do return and put it up for all to enjoy.. nave a nice day.. :hitit
Created by: easyfellow

5/8/11 @ 1:35pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 372

Posting in a poetry thread, and writing whatever distasteful things you like in a "poem" concept, doesn't make you immune to criticism. You know what a forum is, right?
Next time i will post my disagreement about one or more of your "poems", in the "technical support" forum, okay? But i doubt if anyone would see the clue then.

You're lining up against people and their thoughts many times, so don't be a sissy when someone gives it back.
High trees are catching the most wind. (to say it poetic enough for this thread)

i KNOW how many here love to see me disassemble challangers.. even some in the ranks of VS staff giggle at it occassionaly..

I am sure the VS staff is giggling about your posts, who doesn't... :winkwink
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/8/11 @ 3:24pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

and all one need do.. to appreciate the 'value' of your criticism.. and the origin of it lioneln.. is query the forum threads for your posting name 'EasyFellow'. the sad thing about it is.. even here.. and now.. you raise the issue of my tipping models, which is precicely what you so desperately dislike me for. you then attempt to spin yourself into providing 'poetic critisim' .. odd.. my 'distateful' verbage... hmmm in all of the rooms i've witnessed you in lioneln.. in none.. and in no other forum thread.. or with no other model/chatter.. have you so vehemently posted your synthetic 'horror' at sexual expression.. not in any of the lesbian category rooms.. nor in any of the 'Couples' rooms with female on female models.. not even in the model's room you so avidly declare your 'love of'.. not with any request by any of the chatters on the site for even more 'horrid' acts than those i have described.. not in the VIP forum where there are multiple 'suggestion' threads for making your opinions about what YOU consider to be deviant behavior known.. again lioneln.. the conradictions in your own pathetic rants are amazing.. and suggesting thet it's 'I' who need to review my years long commentaries here? stunning.. simply stunning.. illuminate us ALL lioneln.. or the few who bother to pore through the contributions here, exactly WHY are you a client on THIS or any other sexually oriented site?
Created by: rheza111

5/9/11 @ 2:46pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: just to the left of center
Posts: 2,431

some bad poetry written by me in college it's not meant to be judgmental
man knows a misery
made for the strongest heart
souls sent to the lost sea
as his loved ones depart
he asks "who can tell me"
"what lies in the great deep"
"how can faith better me"
"when i lie down to sleep"
"Faith is truly your own"
"live your life to provide
the answers once you've grown
and for the young who divide
long before it is right
will climb higher than might
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/9/11 @ 2:49pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

some bad poetry written by me in college it's not meant to be judgmental

it is not bad.. it's lovely, has a meter, a foot, a paced rhyme, and moves what it touches.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

5/10/11 @ 1:56am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

Darius' horse: "Shit. Didn't know I was gonna get that kinda workout today."

Custer's horse: "Man... That's a lot of indians."

Fetterman's horse: "Give me 80 mares and I will populate the Sioux nation."

Funghis Khan's horse: "Better to lead a horde than to follow it."

The first horse: "What the fuck is wrong with my toes?"

Horse: "To err is human..." (eyes widen a bit)

A man called horse: "Better that than Sue." (but then he flinches at a shadow passing)

Caesar's horse: "Et tu Ed?"

Ed: "Et tu Wilber?"

The horse that flew over the cuckoo's nest: "I want to watch the fucking world series and I want to watch it now!!!"

Created by: lickau

5/10/11 @ 2:02am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

A widow whose singular vice
Was to keep her late husband on ice
Said, "It's been hard since I lost him---
I'll never defrost him!
Cold comfort, but cheap at the price"

By Anonymous

Created by: ophelias_rue

5/10/11 @ 9:40pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

Darius' horse: "Shit. Didn't know I was gonna get that kinda workout today."

Custer's horse: "Man... That's a lot of indians."

Fetterman's horse: "Give me 80 mares and I will populate the Sioux nation."

Funghis Khan's horse: "Better to lead a horde than to follow it."

The first horse: "What the fuck is wrong with my toes?"

Horse: "To err is human..." (eyes widen a bit)

A man called horse: "Better that than Sue." (but then he flinches at a shadow passing)

Caesar's horse: "Et tu Ed?"

Ed: "Et tu Wilber?"

The horse that flew over the cuckoo's nest: "I want to watch the fucking world series and I want to watch it now!!!"

lololol. thanks for making me smile darling
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/11/11 @ 4:31am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

|--------------------------un rancard amoureux (cinquime)---------------------------|

The bedroom is a single long rectangle of a pastel blue green; rectangles of cream colored moldings are laid out upon each wall, framing areas of hung paintings, seating for a small couch and table, wall sections between four large French windows, closet doors, an entry to a loo and bathing room, and to the right framing a large greyed wrought iron bed from which hang throws of light weight white lace. The lighting is diffuse, subtle glows from sunken focal spots in the ceiling illuminate sections of the room, the couch area, a small cream colored and embellished French writing desk and chair, two cream colored fabric covered chairs beside the windows with a small country French style reading table and lamp between them. The small table has a serving platter of fresh fruits and 2 small gold trimmed china plates, a small crumple of linen napkin, two silver forks and a small fruit knife, scattered across its surface.

The voices of the blonde and the brunette can be heard speaking softly as we approach the bed. Their forms are partially obscured by the lace throws; it is clear that they are unclothed, lying on their sides facing each other with their heads propped up on their hands. Closer still and we approach the lace, seeing clearly through the openings in its Mechlin pattern. The brunette strokes the blondes shoulder, speaking to her quietly You will see my kitten, they have both arrived safely from the Ukraine, we met the price required, she is free of her contract obligations; Sonyas daughter is with her and they are settled in with the others. The blonde sighs and whispers to the brunette as she leans closer I know my darling; I trust you and that green eyed madman. Her lips touch the brunettes nose, move to her lips and the pink of her tongue can be seen tracing the shape of the brunettes lip. The blonde moves her head beside the brunettes head, her mouth beside the curving shell of the brunettes ear; her lips move and she whispers Ti amo, vorrei fare lamore con te. The brunette laughs and reaching around pushes the blonde against her pillow, Maintenant nous jouerons damn it! The blonde laughs loudly and wraps her arms tightly around her lover. Kissing they collapse together. Hands, soft curved shadows, blurs of white skin, pink lips, dark hair sliding across a sun brown shoulder, a bent reflection of the brunette across the surface of a dilated pupil surrounded by a sunburst pattern of grey, Now withdrawing through the lace we see the two pressing together, legs spread and scissoring, we hear sighs, a catch of breath, the murmured words Now please, inside; yes, more. Withdrawing further there is a flurry of motion in the bed; from the left, through the window, the headlights of a vehicle approaching the house under the thin canopy of tree leaves and branches over the gravel drive can be seen. In the distance, is the black ink of the night sea. The sky is now obscured by an approaching band of clouds.

Next door the brunettes brother raises his head from the pillow. He rubs at his ear as he sits up; the speaker on the wall beeps softly again, and the green eyed mans voice announces We have visitors.

Amanda 2011
Created by: ophelias_rue

5/11/11 @ 1:55pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: floating just beneath the surfaces
Posts: 5,122

|--------------------------un rancard amoureux (sixime)---------------------------|

The gold and ivory antique French styled phone, gleaming in the lamp light on the desk in in the bedroom, rings twice quickly. The blonde rises from the bed where the brunette lays on her stomach asleep, the cream colored sheet spread across her midsection in a seeming flow of soft sand across the brown of her back and legs. The blonde moves quickly to the desk in a dancers toe step, silent, light, smooth bordering on a blur in the dim light. Yes Phillip, all right, Ill wake her immediately; yes, the nine millimeter will be fine for me. She hangs up the hand set, her lower lip between her teeth, and moves quickly to the bedside My dove, we need to get up now, there is news, and we must move quickly. Oh come, mi piace guardare il sonno, ma deve svegliare ora. The brunette stirs, lifting her head and looking up sideways at the blonde, who stands naked beside the bed. Leaning over the brunette with her hands on the edge of the mattress the blonde whispers Phillip says we must leave quite soon, hes downstairs with that green-eyed horror show, they have everything ready as soon as weve spoken with his men. We have to decide how to handle the trip.

The brunette murmurs Do I have time to bathe, youve left me smelling like sex and she laughs lightly. The blond smiles, Je crains que vous n'avez le temps de se baigner dans le style franais. She moves away from the brunette and we hear the sound of an opening chest drawer.

The brunette groans and lifts the sheet, exiting the comfort of the warm bed, she stretches and we see the long lean curve of her back, her brown and highlighted hair spilling in layers across her shoulders and down the skin of her back. Her hands lower to lift and fluff her hair, her strong shoulders and arms displayed. She walks slowly toward the door to the bathroom, spins once, her hair a fan around her, rotating in a shadowy dark spiral. Her breasts are large, well-shaped and firm; her build is athletic, strong, her abdomen and legs particularly well developed. She moves from the shadowy bedroom into the glare of the bathroom where we can see the blonde, now dressing in black jeans and a t-shirt, fitting herself into a bullet resistant vest, which seems too tight for her breasts. The blonde shrugs the vest on, kisses the brunette and moves further into the bathroom and out of our sight. The brunette stands in the doorway, her arms propped against the jam on either side, legs wide, hips cocked, silhouetted in the bright light.

Amanda 2011
Created by: kertus

5/13/11 @ 12:13am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: The Planet Piiiing
Posts: 880

how do ya say 'brilliant' in french?
Created by: slvlasl-l

5/13/11 @ 12:28am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 790

'brilliant' in french :thumbsup
Created by: kertus

5/13/11 @ 12:57am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: The Planet Piiiing
Posts: 880

'brilliant' in french :thumbsup

...why they copy the english?? or did i jus' speak french?
Created by: jerkinmycock-1

5/13/11 @ 1:07am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

...why they copy the english?? or did i jus' speak french?

uhmm ill be happy to in french means like ''magnifique''...outstanding in english..the word brilliant it self means ''shining''...french is so damn complicated..haha... :winkwink

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