only rules.. all normal thread rulez pertain.. have fun blah blah blah.. an additional and customary rule frequently overlooked by college freshmen.. works of others should be attributed, usually naming the author is fine; original works.. lions and tigers and bears oh my.. (mouth.waters) face it.. other than quoting lovingly rough lesbian songs it's what i thrive on...
have fun my tender lumplings
Beaten And Blemished
by AngelFireLAgurl
You are floating above me
Never really touching my body
A completely severed layer
Connected only by tooth and nail
You protect me from burns
And from cold
You are water-absorbent
But only by circumstance
On occasion you break and bleed
Hard impacts turn you soft and brown
Like over-ripe bananas
Sharp objects pierce and cut right through you
And for a moment you show me
What I really look like inside
I can bandage you
Stitch you up sideways
Cause the blood to delay
Before it spews out of me
Green in the vein
Red on the streets
You wrinkle and scar
Pink and purple cross-hatch
You will never be the same
But I will love you solidly
As long as you keep me covered

*holds him close. kisses him on his mouth. slides my tongue in* we wont be loud
missed you baby, how have you been? where were you hiding? *ignores the crowd, just then*
I know I left you, alone in this space, but just kiss me baby, for a change of pace.
*leans in close, arms around you tight* can we be like this baby? For just one night?
*knowing it wont last, and youll be gone soon*come on baby, lets not be alone.

"Harley has gone haywire!!" (panic.button)(pushed)
"Call out all the admins!!" "She's grown a hairy bush!"
"Committee meeting set for eight! Please don't you be late!"
"VS must now uncover, the hairy bush's fate!"
"We'll have to reconsider, all the categories broached!"
"We'll have to put our focus, on whether it should be roasted!"
They all sat down for tea at eight Pacific Standard Time,
to examine all the agreements, to see if it was a crime.
They quickly did discover, that she'd done it for a thrill, "Oh!"
She'd found her self in love with, a lovely blondie's Brillo.

3/17/11 @ 8:59am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
The Emporer, Dat Dark Dude bb
by Johny 2 Times, Just Johny 2 Times bb
All he wanted was a univoise dat woiks, dat really woiks bb.
He spent a lifetime planning, just planning it bb.
He wacked maybe tree apprentices, yeah it was about tree bb.
He started long wars, really long wars, with clones and robots, clones and robots bb.
He became the elected leader of the republic, elected bb.
But then his heart did him in, betrayed him bb.
Because he fell in love with his last apprentice, he must of bb.
The ute had power, dat was da truth, da truth bb.
But how did he ever tink dat he could control him, control him forever bb?
I mean didn't he forsee attempts on his life, maybe in his sleep bb?
Did it never occur to him, dat maybe, just maybe, he might not kill his own son, when commanded bb?
Did he have to do de act in front of him, the act of slowly killing de said son with bluish light beams, blueish bb?
What a maroon, a maroon bb! What an ignorananimalus, yeah dat bb!
But love can make idiots of us all, us all bb.
After all, how did the Emporer get to be Sith lord anyway, how bb?
I'll tell ya how, it's simple bb... He wacked his boss, while he slept, deep in sleep bb.
And dis is how our beloved Costra Nostra is better than the Empire, much better bb.
We don't look at the meetoclondreeans or whatever, those teeny bits of cell stuff bb.
We don't look so much at how powerful or how bright our boys are, how they are bb.
We value loyalty... respect... above all else, these are our most important values bb.
And family, just family bb.
If the emporer had simply taken the time to have a lot of kids, hundreds of kids bb.
Maybe, just maybe, some of doz kids would have had lots of meetocloreean stuff, jet juice in da cells bb.
And he coulda had loyalty and power in his apprentice, had em both bb.
He forgot family bb, completely bb.
Don't let dat happen to you, never bb.

3/17/11 @ 9:14am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

3/17/11 @ 10:05am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: the fez on the wall
Ancient History
(desert.heat)(ru sted.fencing)(empty.street)
(he.sat)(groaning)(belly.he ld)(me.howling)
Amanda *giggle* 2011
*kisses suggs* Quote

3/17/11 @ 10:50am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
I + j Am ( i am complex)
Me > I + j0 ( there is more to me than meets the eye)
one + j infinite ( pure imagination in the individual)
0 (fuck... cancelled myself)
Me + j Her ( Venus, mars. left/right brain. opposites)
(jbeih . ibrs!) (what do you think it is pilgrim! ) Quote

(dont.believe)(coincidental.simult aneous.views)
(what.th e.hell.am.i.doing.here)

3/18/11 @ 11:23am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
The baby velociraptor lifted head and haunches up to the sky, for mommie had returned from the hunt. Mommie always brought home lots of good kill for him to fill his young belly with.
Today was no exception. As soon as she appeared, good cuts rained down, and the happy baby pounced on the nearest and began to messily devour it.
Mommie was in excellent spirits. She grinned a toothy grin and began to recite -
"Little Bo..."
Instantly the little raptor protege lifted his blood covered muzzle and fixed mommie with a bright, curious eye. He, by the way, was siblingless for a dark and brutal reason. A reason that anyone familiar with the habits of such birds as the cuckoo can already guess. But I digress...
His bright little eye fixed. His sharp little brain whirred. "Bo" he thought. "How deucedly clever."
"Peep" continued mommie "Had gotten separated from her sheik."
"Ah I can see where this is going" thought the little one. His grin widened. He scratched his claws contentedly through the damp jungle soil.
"She was all alone in the jungle."
"She sat down and began to frown"
"For she had lost her tube anti-fungal"
"Nice" thought the babe. He reflected upon how he came to avoid the extremities of the less sophisticated humans he dined... with. The jungle always seemed to dine on them a little first before he got his chance. This made him pout a little.
The mommie was sharp. She sensed his thought process. "No junior." she scolded "Not humans,
hominids. These furry things have a lot more growing to do."
"Yes, yes, yes" sulked back the little one. "So much care for such an insignificant thing."
"The jungle was still"
"Then came a trill"
"Three dozen raptors jumped out"
"And cured her gout."
"Ever so finally......."
She paused long for effect.
"The sheik came by"
"And began to sigh."
"So they jumped out again"
"and left him with a grin."
"On his poor poor fleshless skull,"
"sans anything for kites to pull."
She bowed. The raptor danced around with delight for a little while. But then returned to his meal.
Never was a baby more sure that all was right and good with the world.

(arms.up) (wave.wildly) (spin)(jump)(laugh.loudly)(run.at.waves)(flee)
(driftwood.climb)(jump)(scream)(sandpiper)(chase)(sc ream)
(grab)(you)(we.laugh)(drop.to.knees)(kiss.on. sand)
(grabs.hand)(pull.you.up) (spin.dizzy)(roaring.drunk)
Amanda *giggle* 2011

3/19/11 @ 11:57am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
She was sweet sixteen on the village green
Pure and innocent was Angeline
A virgin still never known a thrill
Poor little Angeline
At the village fair the Squire was there
Masturbating on the village sqare
When he chanced to see the dainty knee
Of poor little Angeline
Now the village Squire had but one desire
To be the biggest fucker in the whole damn shire
He had set his heart on the vital part
Of poor little Angeline
As she lifted up her skirt to avoid the dirt
She slipped in a puddle of the Squire's last spurt
At the sight he saw how his cock grew raw
For poor little Angeline
So he raised his hat and said "Miss, your cat
Has been run over and is squashed quite flat
Now my car is in the square and I'll take you there
Oh poor little Angeline
Now the filthy old turd should have got the bird
But she climbed right in without a word
As they drove away you could hear them say
"Poor little Angeline"
They had not gone far when he stopped the car
And took little Angeline into a bar
Where he gave her gin just to make her sin
Poor little Angeline
When he oiled her well he took her to a dell
There to give her bloody fucking hell
And he tried his luck with a low down guck
On poor little Angeline
With a cry of "Rape" he raised his cape
Poor little Angeline had no escape
Now it's time someone came to save the name
Of poor little Angeline
Now the village blacksmith was brave and bold
And he had loved little Angeline for years untold
And he vowed he'd be true whatever they'd do
To poor little Angeline
But sad to say that very same day
The blacksmith had gone to jail to stay
For coming in his pants at the local dance
With poor little Angeline
Now the window of his cell overlooked the dell
Wher the Squire was giving little Angeline hell
And there upon the grass he observed the arse
Of poor little Angeline
Now he got such a start that he let out a fart
And blew the whole bloody jail apart
And he ran like shit lest the Squire should split
His poor little Angeline
When he got to the spot and he saw what was what
He tied the villain's balls in a granny knot
For there upon the grass was the imprint of the arse
Of poor little Angeline
"Oh blacksmith true I love you I do
And I can tell by your trousers that you love me too
Here I am undressed come and do your best"
Cried poor little Angeline
Now it would be wrong here to end this song
For the blacksmith had a cock fully two foot long
And his natural charm was as thick as your arm
Lucky little Angeline
As said before - writer and date of writing is unknown.

3/19/11 @ 12:06pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
The baby velociraptor lifted head and haunches up to the sky, for mommie had returned from the hunt. Mommie always brought home lots of good kill for him to fill his young belly with.
Whoops sorry. This story was found scratched into a cave somewhere in Zaire. We can only estimate the era, not the date.
As best we can tell the author was something like One Claw Pete. But is difficult because there hasn't really been a Rosetta stone for raptor.

Whoops sorry. This story was found scratched into a cave somewhere in Zaire. We can only estimate the era, not the date.
As best we can tell the author was something like One Claw Pete. But is difficult because there hasn't really been a Rosetta stone for raptor.
LOL @ One Claw Pete tooo funny (dudley)(pedestal) HA! Quote

Quietly at loom, weave, weave, weave words; a thread, no ones yet read;
dark or light, the tapestry grows, love, spinning emotions, confusion, woes,
movement by moment you are woven, there! In gold and blue and shadowed hair,
threads spun, lace weave chosen, lives fill, pulled taunt, shaped in shuttle race.
Rest myself against the breast beam, loving how its parts echo my own; back, knee, foot, breast, seat, and I am waft, threaded, woven for you. You can beat me, wind me, break me, dent my heart, stare in my heddle eyes, draw me to you with pencil in your hand; when you are done, brake me, fold me, read me.
Velvet told me, in her woven way, that with weaving text, we could share our days;
no time spared, with useless tea, or shared morsels, we could be truly we;
photographer she, and monster me, saved by her, and came to love
a girl of moving water.
Loom, oh darling loom, smooth grained woods, set to gleam with oils fleeing my flesh, twist and whirl and let me hear you sing; make my arms ache, my back twist, my legs wobble with strain, bring back for me, in words woven kind and bright, the girl in the moving water.
Sing loving loom, dance me; roar, slap, board and beam; in my room, motion and rhythms out flowing shapes, colors, glints; words in fluid fashion; layer desire, twining moments together; bring back the her, Aegean blue her, bruised beauty, sullen darkness of hair.
Shadowed lips, colored and canted; skin pale not so pale as mine, monster of gloom; capture loom her gaze, poise; suggest her movement, her emprise not yet complete; return her to me, her hunger for me banked high; recall her to me, wondrous loom; my girl with moving water.
Sunrise upon me, driven hurriedly, they tread; my floors creak, my hands ache, yet still one task before my bed; my heart is racked, unfurl my work, the words hard won; my weaves advance, now be undone; lest others see, my heartache clear; until my water womans near.
Amanda *giggle* 2011

A modern day warrior
Mean, mean stride
Today's Tom Sawyer
Mean, mean pride
Though his mind is not for rent
Don't put him down as arrogant
His reserve, a quiet defense
Riding out the day's events
The river
What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the mist, catch the myth
Catch the mystery, catch the drift
The world is, the world is
Love and life are deep
Maybe as his skies are wide
Today's Tom Sawyer
He gets high on you
And the space he invades
He gets by on you
No his mind is not for rent
To any god or government
Always hopeful, yet discontent
He knows changes aren't permanent
But change is
What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the witness, catch the wit
Catch the spirit, catch the spit
The world is, the world is
Love and life are deep
Maybe as his eyes are wide
Exit the warrior
Today's Tom Sawyer
He gets high on you
And the energy you trade
He gets right on to the friction of the day
Rush's 1981 ''moving piture''...sorry i love them.... Quote

We are secrets to each other
Each one's life a novel
No one else has read
Even joined in bonds of love
We're linked to one another
By such slender threads
We are planets to each other
Drifting in our orbits
To a brief eclipse
Each of us a world apart
Alone and yet together
Like two passing ships
Just between us
I think it's time for us to recognize
The differences we sometimes fear to show
Just between us
I think it's time for us to realize
The spaces in between
Leave room for you and I to grow
We are strangers to each other
Full of sliding panels
An illusion show
Acting well rehearsed routines
Or playing from the heart?
It's hard for one to know
We are islands to each other
Building hopeful bridges
On a troubled sea
Some are burned or swept away
Some we would not choose
But we're not always fre"Entre Nous"
We are secrets to each other
Each one's life a novel
No one else has read
Even joined in bonds of love
We're linked to one another
By such slender threads
We are planets to each other
Drifting in our orbits
To a brief eclipse
Each of us a world apart
Alone and yet together
Like two passing ships
Just between us
I think it's time for us to recognize
The differences we sometimes fear to show
Just between us
I think it's time for us to realize
The spaces in between
Leave room for you and I to grow
We are strangers to each other
Full of sliding panels
An illusion show
Acting well rehearsed routines
Or playing from the heart?
It's hard for one to know
We are islands to each other
Building hopeful bridges
On a troubled sea
Some are burned or swept away
Some we would not choose
But we're not always free
Rush's ''Entre Nous''...songs 1980...from ''permanent waves''.....bye all and i wish you ALL the best...specially you miss B...i love you anyway....... Quote