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Female Performer Chat: FOR ALL THE NEW MODELS
Created by: gdiddy

5/22/09 @ 7:13pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,812

i've noticed we've got a crop of new models in here and i wanted to start a thread for some advice to the new models on how to be successful!

here's just a few things i've noticed some of the new girls don't know about:

1) if you're here then you've already discovered the forums. stay active in them and you're bound to attract more members into your room! once you develop regulars, try to comment when they write in the forums - it's cool for me to know that my fav girl actually cares about what i'm writing about and not just looking at me as two big dollar signs!

2) make sure your profile is finished and creative. make sure you list things that you specialize in: bondage, ATM, wet & sloppy blow jobs, etc. the guys who are going to come on here just to get off on a pretty face are going to come into your room regardless, but lots of members read through a models bio before ever stepping foot in their chat and it's those guys who will keep coming back!

3) find your messaging/e-mail and USE IT! thank your members for their pvts or just for being a regular. you'd be amazed at how many girls don't and that's one surefire way to keep guys coming back!! so you know, a member can message a model by clicking on the envelope box below the models pic in her bio. (FYI, this chat is linked through a bunch of different sites - i.e. hustler live, digital playground live, flirt 4 free, etc. but the only site (i think) that has messaging for the members is flirt4free. so if you're talking to a member and he can't find that messaging button on your profile, it's because they are here through a different site.)

4) remember your regulars!! when i first came to this site i went through a bunch of models rooms finding out which one's i liked, the one's who remembered me were the ones i went back to. take notes if you need to - one of the girls i talked to on here had a little notebook with all her regulars fantasies, birthdays, and all sorts of info. guess who's room is always packed?

5) invest in a good camera and a good mic. i know camera's are expensive so start with a good mic and work your way up to a good camera! it's hard to get excited when it looks like i'm dialed up on a 56k modem and i'm talking to a blur!

6) try to develop a schedule, stick to it and post it in your bio. it's going to be damn near impossible to develop regulars when they're having to guess when your on. if it's possible, having some day and night times would be cool as most of us members have "regular" schedules and don't get to see half the models cause they're always on at opposite times.

7) yellow is VIP members, white are regular paying members and gray is reserved for those who have yet to buy credits. each model has their own philosophy on how to treat each color but do remember that all of us members were gray at one time too! something or someone had to inspire us to become members (and if a gray buys their first credits through your room you do get some sort of incentive).

8) there WILL be some jackass's that come through your room, do your best to ignore them and continue on with the people in your room that matter. if someone comes in your room and is spamming (ex: hi everyone, i'm penny 21 f from FL message me P3nny aT y@h0o), you can ban them by right clicking on their name and hitting eject/ban (or something similar). i think you have to list a reason, but usually "spam" is good enough. banning is only to be used on spammers, DO NOT ban a member just because you don't like them...

8) HAVE FUN! if you aren't having fun people can pick up on it, no matter how much you smile and say you're having a good day. if this isn't fun, it might not be the place for you.. sorry to be blunt but as the old saying goes "you'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"!

the first few weeks will be exciting and filled with ups and downs. you'll be excited for your first pvt, depressed on the first day you don't get one, and at some point wonder why that guy took you pvt for 35 seconds and was a complete dick! as you're name becomes more familiar more people will drop through you're room. don't let the bad times get to you.

this truly is an awesome site and i've met quite a few cool people on here, both members and models, which i call friends!


since they updated the site a few months ago they added a few features that i wanted to make everyone aware of:

first, members now can have bios too!! if you see a little pac-man looking object next to a members name in your room that means they have a bio made, just right click the name and you can select the option to see it! there are still a few bugs in the system though and i have a bio, but it doesn't show that i do, but if you click on my name you can read it. kinda screwy still so it might be worth checking for fun.

second, you can also now write notes about each member that only you can access. this would be a good place to put notes about that guy who keeps promising to take you pvt and won't or to list what the member wanted in your last pvt so it'll be easier to make their dreams come true next time!

third, gifts are a fun way that members can say thank you or celebrate a special occasion with you! you can (and should) respond to the message they send along with the gift, or even send a gift back. members can only send one per model, per day. i'm not sure if models have a restriction or not. one thing i love about my favorite is her creativity when sending a gift :)

fourth, if the members side of the chat or video freezes they have a button under the chat screen that can refresh the video and or chat on their side. so i would ask or type that before you assume it's your computer.

fifth, if a member wants to change their screen name they need to scroll under the chat window to where it says 'change your screen name'. if they've registered a different name they can select it and it will change to that name, or they can just click the down arrow and type right over where it says 'choose a nickname' and make up something new!!

sixth, if you want to give a member a free 15-day trial of VIP then they need the code: SYBIAN

*make sure to scroll through the rest of this thread as other members and models have added some great advice as well!*

GOOD LUCK to all of the new models.. i will try to drop in and say hi to everyone who responds to my posts just to be nice, so hopefully i'll see you all soon!
Created by: gdiddy

5/22/09 @ 7:21pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,812

oh and also whispering is something that members can do in chat and the message is not seen by the other members in chat. it's just seen by the model.

for a member to whisper they need to type "/MEMBER NAME blah blah blah"

models can't whisper back though :( so try to type/say your response without giving away what the member just said (and members can't whisper to each other either, lol).
Brandi Luv
Created by: Brandi Luv

5/22/09 @ 7:31pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

aww yay gdiddy =)

you rock =) :bowdown

I like being able to have feed back on somethings like hey your pvt show was really good next time why dont we...
or hey you seem like your really down to earth and continue the convo from there
even a hey your tits looked rockin in the bra you had on today

Im a social person, i like advice its that simple lol

Im trying to stay active on the forums only comp issues have caused me not to be able to work for long amnts of time and have kept me from coming on here
My profile, my bio kicks ass (seriously go look at lol) my pics, b/c im new i know i need to post new ones and ill do it i promise just gotta fix my comp.
B/c of the fact that I am a social person i try to absorb all that I can but its up to you guys to make yourselves stand out a bit, you can't just say hi n leave there are alot of guys who just say hi n ask how we are doing and thats that, yes it is cool that you guys do that b/c it gets us talking and everything but its ok to carry on a convo even about random things lol

the whispering, i wish i could b/c i end up responding to them out loud which makes me seem really random lol but i always say hey i cant whisper so anything you guys whisper to me i will respond with out loud.. or if its something personal (like asking me hey have you worked on a diff site (which i have) Ill email you guys back when im out of work.

thank you g for taking the effort to write this =)
Crystaal & Masari
Created by: Crystaal & Masari

5/22/09 @ 7:59pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

We are new models and are having sooo much fun and yes we have met some really cool people too, and of some not so but thats ok it balances out. Your advice was great and very useful and I will definitely be using some of your tips.
Take care all and have fun!
Created by: Saphira

5/22/09 @ 8:03pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Excellent advice gdiddy darling! Resounding :thumbsup from me.
Created by: Christi

5/22/09 @ 9:05pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Is that ever nice of you Gdiddy to put this post in here. I am still new and posts like these are very helpful to a new model. Thank u very much
You seem to be a real sweetheart from all the posts I see you write about your favorite models they are very lucky to have a loyal person like you around.

It would be a pleasure for you to stop by one day and just say hi.

Cali V
Created by: Cali V

5/22/09 @ 9:41pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

:) Always a pleasure reading your forums and you make me :bulb when I see you come in my room. ~1 Cali
Created by: gdiddy

5/23/09 @ 3:27am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,812

You seem to be a real sweetheart from all the posts I see you write about your favorite models they are very lucky to have a loyal person like you around.

you get that kimee? lol :guitar

i hope this can help all the new models. it seems like the studios just set you up and send you on your way without telling you about the inner workings of the site.. which kinda seems BS to me, but that's why i'm the :jerkoff and not a model :)

for the new models, what has been the best part of the site thus far? the most challenging?
Mary Tate
Created by: Mary Tate

5/23/09 @ 3:53am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Thanks for the advice. I am a new and can use all the advice anyone has to give. :thumbsup
Created by: gdiddy

5/24/09 @ 12:51pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,812

Excellent advice gdiddy darling! Resounding :thumbsup from me.

thanks saphi! most of this stuff i got out of your room :) and you were wondering why i always ask so many questions... i was making a list - lol
Carli Cummings
Created by: Carli Cummings

5/24/09 @ 1:06pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

its nice to have the advice from the other end. thanks, im a week old at f4f i can use all the advice i can get :winkwink
Chanelle Taylor
Created by: Chanelle Taylor

5/24/09 @ 8:17pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

awww...thanks for opening up this topic...i am new and reading and learning alot here.

made some mistakes already.........
but i keep smiling!!!!

thanks again....

chanelle xoxox
Tiffany Dove
Created by: Tiffany Dove

5/26/09 @ 1:49pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Saphira is awesome so anything she says is good by me.

Love you, Saph!
Created by: Kimee

5/27/09 @ 1:06am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

diddy is awsome :thumbsup :bowdown :drinkup
Created by: gdiddy

5/27/09 @ 2:54am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,812

diddy is awsome :thumbsup :bowdown :drinkup

and folks, that right there is my version of the golden stamp of approval!! :angel
Carla Lopez
Created by: Carla Lopez

5/27/09 @ 8:10am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Hey there,

I am a fairly new model on this site and up until now, I assumed that the forums were ways for the models to communicate back and forth with one another; imagine my suprise when I realized that not only was this a forum for the customers to interact with the girls, but a customer was gracious enough to post the information that you have provided. I found the information very useful and you have hit a lot of nails right on the head. Thank you so much for taking time out to help us newbies!!
Lauren Vail
Created by: Lauren Vail

5/27/09 @ 10:36am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

you get that kimee? lol :guitar
i hope this can help all the new models. it seems like the studios just set you up and send you on your way without telling you about the inner workings of the site.. which kinda seems BS to me, but that's why i'm the :jerkoff and not a model :)
for the new models, what has been the best part of the site thus far? the most challenging?

Yes, this is what happened to me. It didn't leave me w/a good impression! Ty so much for posting this. I'm a MILF, and am having difficulty setting up a schedule. But I did actually get an email from a customer I've yet to meet that wants to take me pvt. I suggest to customers, since I don't yet have a "set schedule", that they go under my "bio" and click on the "email me when online"...I LOVE that feature! :thumbsup

Hope to meet you someday soon! :)

Oh, and about the best part of the site, and most challenging? The best part of the site, I think, is the fact that we are on the sites w/popular names: besides f4f...Hustler, Playboy (Spice), etc. As far as most challenging...trying to keep up the "self-talk" so that I don't think I'm not appealing if not getting pvts. Also, repeating over and over the same answers to questions, but, that's just part of the job!
Created by: gdiddy

5/27/09 @ 6:52pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 1,812

As far as most challenging...trying to keep up the "self-talk" so that I don't think I'm not appealing if not getting pvts. Also, repeating over and over the same answers to questions, but, that's just part of the job!

i'm pretty sure you can make some pre-set answers that can appear as text in the chat room. i've noticed that quite a few models will just put the text into chat instead of answering the same questions over and over verbally. (ex: location, measurements)

glad this could help all of you. if anyone has any questions about how the site is run, feel free to post them in here and we'll do our best to get them answered for you!
Prince Sinn
Created by: Prince Sinn

5/30/09 @ 6:32am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Created by: lickau

5/30/09 @ 6:50am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

i'm pretty sure you can make some pre-set answers that can appear as text in the chat room. i've noticed that quite a few models will just put the text into chat instead of answering the same questions over and over verbally. (ex: location, measurements)
glad this could help all of you. if anyone has any questions about how the site is run, feel free to post them in here and we'll do our best to get them answered for you!

Please also see MODEL FORUMS

ONLY models can see that Forum :thumbsup

Models do help each other

There are 3 "hot keys" you can program with a message . It is only 1 hint of how to make work better .

Great job gdiddy :thumbsup :drinkup

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