Hi Everyone!!! This is a re-post from a different thread that I wrote about GROUP CHATS in the male & model forums. I have been asked to repost it to the female forums. (Please just ignore the male pronouns and imagine female pronouns instead--

Group Chats is an exciting new feature on Flirt 4 Free that came to the site in August 2011 and I wanted to offer members a "How To Guide" in order to help make sure that everyone knows how it works, and has a great time using it. Love you guys!
--Adam Foxx
I would like to offer a couple of suggestions/pieces of friendly advice to everyone (in order to make sure that everyone has a GREAT Group Chat experience--and I'll eventually add these + expand upon them to my sticky thread about having a positive experience with a model):
#1--Please read the Group Chat topic during the pledge drive. It is there that you will find out what a model is communicating will be the "theme" of his show. For instance (and I'll just use myself as an example, so I don't accidentally upset any models): Last night I offered a Group Chat that said, "Fucking hot ass play with FOUR fingers!" That is what I said I would do if we reached the credit goal (we did

). I did not say I would play with my cock, use dildos, cum, or bake cookies (although I REALLY wanted to bake cookies). So using that example, a member should not ask (or command) a model to "cum" or "get hard" or "shove a 40 foot dildo up your smooth hole". LOL An example of what a member COULD ask for (using this example) would be, "Adam, would you give us a close up of your hole while you shove your fingers in, please?" Sure!!!! "Adam, would you please throw you legs up over your head while you pummel your hole with your fingers?" SURE!!!!! See what I mean?
#2--Please be respectful of both the model AND other members in the Group Chat with you. NO ONE likes a mean person--especially when we are all horny and want to have a hot time! Please say, "please" and "thank you" when asking something of the model or when the model does what you ask him to do. Plus manners are VERY HOT!!!
#3--Group Chat is NOT a 1-on-1 Private Chat. This seems pretty obvious, but unfortunately for many members (and MANY models!!), it is not. A model that focuses on only 1 member in Group Chat is very rude (in my book) to his other fans that have paid good money to see the show. On the flip side, a member that acts like it's his 1-on-1 Private Chat show is being very rude to both the model and other members. The one exception to this "rule" is when a member has pledged the vast majority of the goal--and every member agrees that it should be "his show" and they are just along for the hot ride. In that case, it's alright. But again--everyone has to agree so that everyone is happy!
#4--Tipping: While tipping a model in Group Chat is NOT required, it is ALWAYS appreciated by a top model. It's a great way to say "thank you" for a great show or to just show your love and appreciation for a model. Also, if you would like a model to add something to his Group Chat (for instance--if you want them to slip an extra finger in his hole or whatever), you could ask the model, "If I tip you 250 credits, would you also do this______?" It never hurts to ask.
#5--Entering the Group Chat AFTER the Show Has Begun: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE say hello to the model (either as a whisper or to the entire room)!!!!! It is friendly.

Also, often times there are SEVERAL members in the Group Chat and the model may not have noticed that you have come in. A top model will want to welcome you to his Group Chat and at the very least say hello to you as well.

However, if the model is VERY busy performing, he may not be able to stop what he is is doing and call you out by name. He is NOT trying to be disrespectful...he's just focused on putting on a damn good Group Chat for you all. I know you all understand that...and we top models APPRECIATE IT!!!!
#6--Members Encouraging Other Members: Want to know how to earn a special place in a model's heart if you are not able to join a Group Chat? Stick around the model's room while he's in Group Chat and encourage other members to join the Group Chat in progress. That's team work and models REALLY appreciate it. Top models know that members can not spend credits on every single Group Chat (even though we all dream that they could

haha), so when we see several members appear in our Group Chat after it starts, we are very grateful for the love and support of our long-time fans/friends that help us out in this way. (BIG HUGE HUGS!!!!!)
#7--The Group Chat "Contract": Models say that they will do this or that in Group Chat. Members who want to see what the model is offering pledge credits to see that show. If a model does NOT do what he has promised, that model has broken his "contract" with those members--and that is NOT right. :

Top models always keep their word (to the best of their ability). Please understand, however, that sometimes our unpredictable male anatomy (LOL) may not always want to cooperate (getting hard or being able to cum, for example). If a model says that "I will cum in Group Chat within 5 minutes," well that's generally not realistic and you should probably be suspicious--and generally avoid those Group Chats. However, if a model is performing a 40 minute Group Chat and is VERY CLEARLY giving his members a GOOD FAITH EFFORT to make that happen...and unfortunately, it does not...please don't hate us or get mad. As long as a GOOD FAITH EFFORT has been given, please give the model the benefit of the doubt. THAT SAID--and again using this example--if a model in 40 minute Group Chat has promised a cum shot...and couldn't get it done in that time frame, a TOP MODEL (and/or one that cares about his fans) WILL find a way to make sure that he delivers on that promise. I know that it has happened to me before (not being able to cum), so what I did (and I've seen other top models do this as well) to IMMEDIATELY switch over to PARTY CHAT and finish the job there. In this case, the model should NOT NOT NOT NOT ask for additional tips (from members that were in the Group Chat), because that would be VERY RUDE. If a member that was not in the Group Chat wishes to tip--great--but please do not feel the need to tip if you were in the Group Chat (unless you want to). Top Models are not switching over to Party Chat to "make more credits"...we're switching over to Party Chat so that we can fulfill our "contractual" promise to you out of respect to you!!!
#8--VODs--Many members have asked about VODs for Group Chats. At this time, Flirt4Free does NOT record Group Chats. They are NOT turned into VODs. I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows this so that there is no confusion or disappointment.
#9--How Group Chat Works: There has been a LOT of confusion (mainly from new members) about how Group Chat works. Group Chat is a relatively NEW chat experience that began in August 2011. Flirt 4 Free worked VERY hard on this new enhancement to the site and I believe that most of us agree that it has been a wonderful experience once most of the kinks were ironed out.

Here is the sequence for how Group Chat Works.....
Step 1) A model gives members in his chat room a credit goal to reach, a time limit to reach that credit goal, and informs members in his chat room how long the Group Chat will be and what the model wants to do for his performance in that Group Chat.
Step 2) Members "pledge" credits towards that credit goal.
Step 3) At the current time, the MAXIMUM time limit for the pledge drive to reach the goal is 15 minutes.
Step 4) An interesting development that has been noticed by Top Models is that when members pledge early in the pledge drive, other members are encouraged to also pledge...and it is more likely that the pledge goal will be met. When members wait until the last minute, the livelihood of reaching the goal is significantly less. The moral? Pledge early and try to get most of the pledge goal on the early side of the countdown clock and don't wait until the end, if you would like to see the show.
Step 5) Pledges are NOT tips. The model does not earn ANY credits unless the pledge goal is reached. Further, if the pledge goal is NOT reached, the pledged credits NEVER leave the member's account. It is risk-free (from that perspective). To test this out, pledge 50 credits towards a model's Group Chat (that clearly isn't going to happen) and then once it does not, check your member account. You will notice that your credits are still there!!!!
Step 6) Further, once a model has reached the pledge goal and the Group Chat has begun, IF the model exits the Group Chat BEFORE the clock has finished, that model will NOT have earned ANY CREDITS. Your credits will be returned to you. Again, a model has a "contractual" obligation to fulfill his promise to his paying members!!! Please understand however, that a (very rare) technical glitch may happen from time to time (which is NOT the model's fault). If you experience this--and the model has CLEARLY given a GOOD FAITH EFFORT to perform what he has promised!!!!--please be kind and just tip the model what you had originally pledged so that he is not discouraged. That said, you are not obligated to do so--it is however, very kind and the model would very much appreciate it.
Step 7) Members that have pledged credits towards a Group Chat may enter and exit a Group Chat whenever and as frequently as they so desire. For example, once the Group Chat has begun, you may leave and re-enter again without having to pledge additional credits. I'm not sure why you would want to (grin) but you are free to do so. Please know, that if the pledge goal has been reached, the credits that you have pledged WILL be taken out of your account, whether or not you decide to watch the show. Further, BEFORE the pledge goal has been reached, you are free to exit and re-enter the model's Open Chat. Your pledge will still "count" whether or not you are actually in the model's room. There has been a LOT of confusion on this point, so I hope this clears it up.
Step 8) Members that pledge credits towards a Group Chat DO earn power boost points for the show!!! Again, check your member account to discover your increased power boost points!!!
Step 9) During the Group Chat Show, members that are NOT in the Group Chat show CAN see what members that ARE in the Group Chat show are typing. Flirt 4 Free has designed the chat feature in this way so that members that are NOT in the Group Chat can see all the fun that they are missing and be encouraged to also join the Group Chat.

So typing in the model's room during Group Chat actually HELPS that model both credit wise--and for the model to be more fully engaged with the members in the Group Chat. So type away and have fun!!!!
Step 10) When the pledge goal has been reached, ALL members that have pledged credits towards the Group Chat are taken to Group Chat (behind the curtain) to enjoy the show. At this time, the curtain will be closed for non-pledging members. And UNLIKE other chat options, there are NO "sneak peaks" for non-pledging members. The curtain will NOT temporarily be raised.
Step 11) After the Group Chat has begun, members that have not pledged credits may pledge 50 credits (at the time of this post's writing) and join the Group Chat with the other pledging members. Members may do this up until 50% of the Group Chat's clock is complete. For instance, if the Group Chat is scheduled to be 10 minutes, a non-pledging member may pledge 50 credits to join the Group Chat for the first 5 minutes of the Group Chat. (Please note that some models find this annoying and hate this feature--and have lobbied aggressively to Flirt to either raise the credit amount or eliminate the feature entirely. The reason for this is that it is viewed by some models (and members!!!) as a way for "cheap" members to take advantage of members that have pledged for the show initially and basically get a super cheap show. Not all models (or members) feel this way, however. I am just presenting "the reality" for a lot of members and models. If I may humbly suggest a way to avoid these negative feelings: If you enter the Group Chat AFTER the show has begun, as a gesture of GOOD FAITH and kindness, you may want to consider tipping an additional 50 credits to show the model (and other members) that you're one of "the good guys".

(But please know you have no obligation to do so.)
Step 12) HAVE FUN!
ON BEHALF OF ALL OF MY FELLOW TOP-MODELS, I wish ALL members (and models alike) a very happy Group Chat experience. Have fun and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (or any other Top-Model). Most of us would be VERY happy to answer your questions and/or clear up any confusion.
xoxo --Adam Foxx