I'm a new model here and still getting the swing of things. Starting off is hard to do especially with so much pretty competition. Luckily I have made some great friends/regs and I find myself being entertained as well as entertaining others.
I feel like there is much to learn about this industry and where it could take someone. It's more than tits and ass on cam. It's more than getting pleasure. You learn about yourself, stepping out of your comfort zone and insecurities, and at the same time grow personal confidence.
Let's face it... we have the power in our panties ladies. We should stick together. I'm curious if anyone will reply to this but I would like to hear about your experience starting out and how far you've come. Pro's/Con's, details.
I will definitely say that after a week I managed to hold down my top 5% rating, sometimes up to 3% on good days. I have a normal day job so I started here for company mainly, but the cash is definitely a bonus
Anyway! Nice to be here! Hope to meet some nice chicks too!

I need ideas!