I smell everything food, beverage , clothes , paper ,make up ,people ,anything that I get in contact with. Quote

4/4/15 @ 4:37pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
I smell everything food, beverage , clothes , paper ,make up ,people ,anything that I get in contact with.
My chemistry teacher taught me a trick... if u don't know what is in the glass, wave a hand over the top to blow the air to your nose. Never stick your nose in the glass to smell. lol He was teaching k1ds so this was like the 2nd thing out of his mouth after "hello"
If I am tired and really needing to concentrate, I will talk out loud to do the procedure I am trying to do. I don't care if anyone else is there. Numbers get repeated to hold them in memory as I go to other pages... "what are you doing now?" comes up every so often as eyes stare stupidly at page and fingers rest... heh heh bad for my image but gets accurate answers

My chemistry teacher taught me a trick... if u don't know what is in the glass, wave a hand over the top to blow the air to your nose. Never stick your nose in the glass to smell. lol He was teaching k1ds so this was like the 2nd thing out of his mouth after "hello"
If I am tired and really needing to concentrate, I will talk out loud to do the procedure I am trying to do. I don't care if anyone else is there. Numbers get repeated to hold them in memory as I go to other pages... "what are you doing now?" comes up every so often as eyes stare stupidly at page and fingers rest... heh heh bad for my image but gets accurate answers
I think I should try that out, especially the loud pep talk -) could help me with my work assignments

4/5/15 @ 3:51pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
I think I should try that out, especially the loud pep talk -) could help me with my work assignments

lol loud, other language, with occasional table pounding. Sounds like way to get carted off sooner than usual. ; )

Just like the worst musical notes order you can possibly ever imagine. For some reason it seems to increase my efficiency Quote

Just like the worst musical notes order you can possibly ever imagine. For some reason it seems to increase my efficiency
yess..loud pep talk or unnatural songs, I should try both..anything that can keep me alert when I work long hours(ok so maybe not thaaat loud ;p)

4/16/15 @ 7:17am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
Just like the worst musical notes order you can possibly ever imagine. For some reason it seems to increase my efficiency
my version of this is to whistle quietly to myself in a nonsensical manner

are you a brain surgeon? dang..i shud have studied harder in school

totally flatterin', don't ya think? ... but not that weird I guess. ... hmmm those sandals .. ladies? an addition to the wardrobe? (wats with the garden rake do ya think?) (and the ROOTS poster?)
HEY ADMIN CHAPS! watta about a 'BAD HABIT DAY?' ... notthin' like a lady with a bad habit!

4/17/15 @ 3:46am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: yeah baby ... i'm faking it again
Posts: 1,793

4/17/15 @ 10:21am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

or worse, making the bad taste jokes during breakfast to people who do not take kindly to hearing about cutting open cranial bones. and then the worst, not knowing you're doing it until others tell you....