4/22/15 @ 8:57pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
For me movie wise it's 1 of the following I prefer watching, Horror, Sci-Fi or Film Noir.
Musically I am into Classical ( Mozart, Beethoven), 80s New wave and metal.
*JEFF please note the S to denote plural genres accepted

4/23/15 @ 3:10am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 45,477
My favourite movie types would be action, adventure and drama. I also watch a lot of documentaries.
Music-wise I enjoy the Russian composers especially Tchaikovsky. I also like 50's and 60's rock n roll, particularly Australian artists. Quote

8/31/15 @ 10:18am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768
He created an iconic character that was portrayed on screen by Robert Englund - the character was the maniac with the bladed glove Freddy Krueger who 1st burst into our nightmares in 1984. He also created a new kind of terror in the Scream movies of a kn1fe* wielding psychopath known as Ghostface.
Among his other movies are Last house on the Left, The people under the stairs, the original versions of The hills have eyes, Red eye and Vampire in Brooklyn. As well as being a director he was also a producer, writer, actor ( appearing in the 1st Scary Movie 9 a parody of his own scream franchise ) as the Fred the janitor in Freddy Kruegers red / green striped jumper.
May he live on in the nightmares of people everywhere.
*Damm site censorship Quote