10/17/09 @ 5:22pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: forgotten backroad standing still in time
Posts: 761
Rather hard to believe there wasn't a forum topic celebrating one of the sites most popular and charming models ... thought I'd start one.

Her hair is a rich shade of brown. It flows in waves adorning her glowing, smooth as silk-like skin. Her eyes, framed by long lashes, are a bright, emerald-green and seem to brighten the world. A straight cute little nose, full lips - she seems the picture of perfection. And mmmmmm what a goregeous little _ _ _ (butt). When she smiles, the world would sigh with contentment. When she laughs, the world would laugh with her. And if she wept, the whole world would want...
A Nymph when as the Summer's beams
Made hot the colder air,
Into a fountain's Crystal streams,
To bathe her did repair:
And by degrees she boldly did at length
Those parts unhide:
Which to be bashful, nature made
So curious to be spied.
Oft downward would she cast her head,
And blushing look away;
Then twist her arms, and twine her thighs,
As fearful to betray
Her self unto her fearful self:
Thus frighted she at last,
Into the fountains swiftest streams,
Her purest body cast.
The waves did proudly bear her up,
And as she waded in the silver-brook,
Seem'd not to cleanse her as she swam,
But from her purifying took.
And underneath the Crystal streams,
As she did gliding pass,
She seemed like a Lily fair,
That's sunk into a glass.
And as she did her dainty arms
In sundry sort display,
Ofttimes she would Narcissus-like
With her own shadow play.
Oft would she lie upon her back:
With legs and arms both spread,
And imitate those wanton joys,
That women use in bed.
Women their modesty forget
And often lay aside;
This Nymph, that thought herself unseen,
Was by a Shepherd spy'd:
Who ravished with the sight he saw,
No longer staid to woo her,
But flung away his hook and scrip,
And boldly stept unto her.
She shrieking dived, thought to have hid
Herself, but all in vain,
The Waters to preserve her life,
Did bear her up again;
The Shepherd caught her in his arms,
And laid her on the brink,
And what he did without delay,
You know, or else may think.
You're awesome Kali

10/17/09 @ 8:46pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Practicing my Lotto 6/49 Happy Dance !
Posts: 3,143

She does more than represent CANADA on flirt she literally puts us on the MAP in the world of WebCam Models

Truly one of the most BEAUTIFUL women around the Globe and one of Flirt's "BEST"

Gotta love everything about Miss Katt !!!
Even her fellow models want a piece of her

Love this Canadian Bunny

her wit and charm are hard to match.
there was a thread about her but i got a typo in title so i'm not bumping it up.
the best 2 time motw winner. Quote


10/19/09 @ 2:17pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: forgotten backroad standing still in time
Posts: 761
If she was ill, I'd be there to comfort her, if not in body then in spirit...

You're awesome Kali

10/19/09 @ 7:37pm
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Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285
http://www.flirt4free.com/models/?model_id=2924&service=girls&mp_code=0000&source_code=default&PH PSESSID=3eanrgaks0uqk562labo3oaq92
Timeless classic beauty

I need to visit Miss Kalikatt .

10/20/09 @ 4:10pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: forgotten backroad standing still in time
Posts: 761
anywhere you want to go is fine
just get well sweety

I miss my perfect angel in public...

i think i know just the place...

10/22/09 @ 5:51pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: forgotten backroad standing still in time
Posts: 761
I wish I had a magic wand
To make it go away;
I'd wave my scepter over you
Until you were okay.
I'd think good thoughts; I'd send you love;
I'd transmit healing vibes;
My wand and I would surely beat
Whatever the doc prescribes.
But there is no magic scepter, so
I cannot cast a spell;
Just know you're often in my thoughts,
And I hope you'll soon be well!

10/22/09 @ 7:58pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: forgotten backroad standing still in time
Posts: 761

Trust me ... I've tried ... lots and lots and lots; magic wands = pfffffffffffftttttttt

And scepters are simply a mid point between a Magic Wand and a Magic Staff.
Now magical (staffs) staves are fantastic for circle casting, summoning, opening portals, long range energy magic or for simply demanding presence. A staff is a grand wand, instead of a tool of manifestation (like a wand) a staff is a companion, a guide, a summoner, a magic staff has a lot more presence than a magic wand and can create/alter much more. A staff can also be a defensive tool to both astral and physical nasties.
Heck, a Poet-Laureate would have written staff or stave instead of specter in the first place
(and of course, pen a different ending for the poem)
Me the novice: I need to be better educated on staves and physical nasties

Hmmmmm ...


Kali get well

Mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm

10/24/09 @ 9:00pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: forgotten backroad standing still in time
Posts: 761

and though she'd tell you it's just being physic, did you know she's into magic too?
especially in the use of long range energy magic, summoning, demanding presence, and opening portals

10/25/09 @ 6:11am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,282