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ChitChat Café - Discussions, ideas and thoughts about current, future and past games
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Games: ChitChat Café - Discussions, ideas and thoughts about current, future and past games
Created by: chrisdk

7/27/16 @ 12:20am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

I see your point, ronnie, buuuut only the last three games on the first page are not being actively played. The rest is usually 1+ responses once a day or week :thumbsup.

I remember LickaU saying he wanted to add games as soon as performers would join ... ?!?!? :party

Anyway, yes, for anybody joining for the first time, the activity here can be overwhelming. There are 6-12 highly popular games that are played daily for sure, but only the song game is played by pretty much everybody with a page a day. :drinkup

Anyway, maybe some other opinions on this? Should we put a hold on games that only LickaU and me are playing :P?
Created by: derek99

7/27/16 @ 5:10am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,152

Overall, I know how many games I play, and I keep track. Without naming people, there is one person, who plays, with anyone, and it doesn't go at least one round for ones, who have been. This has been said. Anyone, can join in to play by posting anytime.
Created by: ourjeffie

7/27/16 @ 7:39am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 45,382

I had a few minutes "live" today with Jeffie, on the other side of the world, adding alternate posts within a minute of each other. That aspect of this forum is always good fun :)
Yes, Ronnie, it is good fun. However I would like to point out that it is you, not me, who is on the other side of he world :)

Anyway, maybe some other opinions on this? Should we put a hold on games that only LickaU and me are playing :P?
A good thing about the Games Forum is that all games are open to all players without restriction. Basically a player can choose the games he wants to play, whether it be just one game, or a few games, or many games, and he can play the games he likes when he feels like playing regardless of who else might be playing. Let's not put any restrictions on this
Created by: lickau

7/27/16 @ 3:48pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

I usually "try" to respond to most topics .
I will "slack off" some and do 20 - 25 at a time instead of all .
I do try to put the more popular topics on top if someone has played as a courtesy .

Only 46 games that are active . 3 or 4 not played in a month .
ALL active games remain on 1st page of game forums .

I will wait for input from members and models before adding new games .
Anyone can suggest a game and we will attempt to make the game happen .
Chris is the MAIN reason the game forum got a nice makeover :bowdown

I love we have a topic to discuss here .
Most important thing is to have fun :twocents
cOOkies , ch0c0late , rOOtbeer and cake for all :party :guitar :drinkup
Created by: derek99

7/28/16 @ 1:45am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,152

Jeff, remember, and don't forget that there are other people's opinions, and not just yours to consider.
Created by: outbackprince

7/28/16 @ 6:34am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Some where in a world of fantasy and intreauge wit
Posts: 318

So first a personal announcement *coughs*, Chris is now officially str8 and not hiding anymore, so stop his'sing and start her'ring. :drinkup
Thank you gentlemen :thumbsup.

Now for the games, I created (including restarts):
Double posts allowed:
> [Reloaded] Kinky Words Game
> The ABC of Classical Music, Opera and Instruments
> *** REMOVED GAME ***
> Flirt4Free Gazette - New issue! :)
> ChitChat Café - Discussions, ideas and thoughts about current, future and past games :)

one-by-one posts only:
> [Reloaded] What would you do?
> Don't Touch that!!!
> My cOOkie!
> Alien Invasion!
> Three curious facts about ...
> [Do-it-yourself] Impractical DIY Projects

Personally, I don't like double posts on ABC/A-Z games, because that makes me feel like I will NEVER get to a certain letter. However, I follow LickaU's example and make this suggestion on the basis of competiveness or degree of dialogue.

I don't think LickaU has to worry about the Model Name Game any time soon. Did you see we had another player during the July 4th weekend?

I am not a fan of double posting and would prefer if its not done in any game i created..

Thank you!! :)
Created by: derek99

7/28/16 @ 6:49am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,152

I will start with a few games that I started or help to start them .
These games may have multiple entries .
I won't chose games started by other people at this time .
This is a compromise .
OurJeffie and OutBackPrince prefer no back to back replies .
Chris and I think it is ok with some games .
Later Chris may add games that he started later .

Games that can have back to back replies :
1 - Word Association - Fictional Character [ Started with Derek's ideal ]
2 - Song OR Artist - A to Z
3 - The Food Chain
4 - TV Show OR Movie - A to Z
5 - Celebrity Chain Game
6 - CRAZY Emotions Song Thread

Games that have only 1 reply at a time :
1 - Rhyming game
2 - New Word Game - Change 1 Letter
3 - Never ending 4 letter challenge [ Started by Sweet ]
4 - Numbers Game

This is NOT set in stone :twocents
OurJeffie like to compete and should be allowed to continue .
Derek likes to do multiple replies ; 6 identified games that is ok to post more than 1 reply .

Other people speak up and discuss . We will see how it works .
Topics started by other people will stay 1 reply until otherwise designated .
Chris stated some threads are ok .
I hope this will make game forum be smoother and without arguments/protests :drinkup

Remember a NEW THREAD can be started and the person starts it with their rules ***HINT***
I will occasionally "bump" a topic with a back to back reply . It takes me 30 minutes to play most the games in the forum . I am getting slower every year .

Chocolates and icey fruit drinks are still here to CELEBRATE Chris' 1st Flirtversaru :drinkup

This is the other posting, which is what LickaU (Bart) did. Outback, if you do go back, and read a few previous posts in the threads you started, then you would know more about it. It's a thought, too. :) :twocents
Created by: chrisdk

7/28/16 @ 8:52am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

I will wait for input from members and models before adding new games .
Anyone can suggest a game and we will attempt to make the game happen .
Chris is the MAIN reason the game forum got a nice makeover :bowdown

Thank you, thank you. Just trying to have fun :). I was hoping we'd not get to the second page with actively played games ...

(1) I just saw a reply of Derek that made me think of a new game: Come up with what an abbreviation might mean.
Someone posts an abbreviation or an actual word in BIG letters, in the reply make up some funny and or clever full name of it. Example: BIG - Best In Grinding

(2) Another song game could be to not answer with a song title but with a line or two from the lyrics of a song. It COULD have the restriction similar to the "Next phrase" game, that the last word of one post has to the first word in the next one OR an "open" conversation. OR any question could be asked (similar to have you ever or the question game) and the answer has to be in lyrics from a song.
Giving the actual song and artist would be nice to have, too.
[that's actually three different games, soooorry.]

(3) A game I saw on a different forum is "The Vending machine", which works similar to the "Don't touch" or "Alien Invasion". One poster inserts something and the next poster says what comes out. You can insert anything, and anything can happen. Example: I insert Dracula - You get squirted by blqqd.

(4) In the "Pick a path" game one poster offers two possibilities, in the reply one is picked and the outcome presented and the next two possibilities are given. This CAN develop into a longer story or be unrelated.
You only have a stick to defend yourself, you go near a river ,you decide to take a sip of that epic water when......A FREAKEN EVIL WHALE JUMPS OUT OF NO WHERE, do you fight it or do you run away?

I decide to fight the whale with the stick, and after a well aimed stab, the whale falls back into the river, never to be seen again. I then walk into a dark mysterious forest where I see a green and blue mushroom growing on the forest floor... Do I eat it or do I mush it into the ground?

(5) A self-explanatory title of a game for the kings (and queens) of nerdom: "101 ways to die in games". We could think about something more closely related to this community though ... "101 ways to get into trouble in a models room" :). Could be fun for models to play (I hope).

(6) Another fun game, that might in particular spark the fantasy of models could be "Report a (fake) user". Here, one would make up any screennames, and explain what they did to be reported. An example in the original thread I found was "ChrisEatsPoop" as the user name ... "Today I saw Cheez in the room. He stole ALL my cheese!!!"
I guess it would be similar to the "Ban" game, but offence goes to names and scenarios made up :).

Okay. That's all I still had noted down somewhere. (Okay, all but one ... :)). Curious to see, if any of this sounds interesting to you.
Created by: lickau

7/28/16 @ 3:43pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

ALL the games sounds fine Chris .
Maybe add 1 a week and see what happens .
It will be strange here when a 2nd page has active games .

I value ALL opinions :twocents I think we all should do our best to respect sometimes there will be a difference in opinions and thoughts .
It is great that differences are voiced in this topic .
ronnieuk suggested not to reply to all topics . I will try to do about half at a time and the other half the next day .
I sometimes was not as accurate reply when I did all 40 + games at once .

OutbackPrince - all the games you create are 1 reply .
Only games started by Chris or me allow more than 1 reply .
That was a compromise .

I prefer all to have patience with new members and models .
Some of the games have many pages of replies since the "rules" were last posted in 1st reply .
I want everyone to have fun and know their opinion is valued . I know we will always have some disagreements . That is normal .
I will try to recruit models to play games . It will be a slow process . It would be nice to see 10 to 100 people that play games . :bulb

Special thanks to ALL of you .
Keep up the great ideals and communication . :thumbsup
Created by: chrisdk

7/29/16 @ 4:31am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

ronnieuk suggested not to reply to all topics . I will try to do about half at a time and the other half the next day .

I prefer all to have patience with new members and models .

With this decision, I'll most likely HAVE to do the same :orglaugh, fine with me of course.

I will try to recruit models to play games . It will be a slow process . It would be nice to see 10 to 100 people that play games . :bulb
I posted in both Female and Male Performer Forums about this new opportunity. I have seen at least one model posting today, who I believe has read and followed this. Talking to models directly and making this suggestion will be slower, but most likely have a better impact. :thumbsup

Just got another flash of a self-ironic game idea "Some Games should be played in private ;)" - Nothing more fun than making up names for ... uhm ... unusual sex practices :thumbsup
Created by: derek99

7/30/16 @ 11:42am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,152

This is NOT set in stone :twocents

(Jeff, it is more appropriate to say somethings like that in this thread, than in game ones. In the same thread Licka(Bart) posted, it has what is said above this. Unless, there are changes you are aware of in that I don't know.)
Created by: ourjeffie

7/30/16 @ 12:11pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 45,382

Derek, 'This is not set in stone' does not mean 'This can be ignored at will', it means it is open to discussion and negotiation, but there has been no discussion regarding this game. If you want to be able to make multiple posts in this game you need to discuss it with LickaU and he needs to agree to it

Created by: derek99

7/30/16 @ 12:45pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,152

Jeff, if I have to, than not just me, who would need to, but you, and other people, who are playing by posting in that game. I'm not the one, who wants to start getting into arguments, and conflicting personalities, and attitudes.
Created by: ourjeffie

7/30/16 @ 6:13pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 45,382

Derek, this has nothing to do with getting into arguments or with conflicting personalities or attitudes. The fact is that you are the only one wanting to make back-to-back posts in any game
Created by: lickau

7/30/16 @ 7:27pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

As it stands now , respect is needed to follow the rules when possible .
Not set in stone did mean anything can be negotiated .

OurJeffie has the right for SOME games to be competitive .
Derek has the right to post more than 1 reply in the games that state it is ok .

If Derek accidently posts more than one reply in competitive posts , it should not be a big problem .
It should be the same as new players will make a few mistakes .

Thank you BOTH for discussing things here .

Change 1 Letter Game will remain for 1 reply .
I am not taking sides .
I am trying to go with the compromise that was stated .

It is wonderful to see a model starting a new topic :bowdown
Created by: ourjeffie

8/1/16 @ 9:52pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Brisbane Australia, home of the 2032 Olympic Games
Posts: 45,382

Created by: derek99

8/2/16 @ 2:17pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,152

Jeff, you've put that "removed by" in this thread, and another game thread, which shouldn't belong in them.
Created by: lickau

8/12/16 @ 10:16pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Moving slowly but surely somewhere sometime
Posts: 29,285

41 games played by more than 1 person today :bowdown
48 active games this month .

It has been VERY nice to see new people .
Thank you everyone for welcoming and helping as needed .

I hope the Gazette will be active again :)
Created by: chrisdk

8/13/16 @ 12:52am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Spain, longing for Denmark
Posts: 2,447

Indeed the first page is full ... I am not sure if we could handle more games :).

The Gazette's staff is on an adventurous field research trip ... *blushes*
There are a few ideas, but everybody is welcome to submit articles at any time :thumbsup.
Created by: derek99

8/15/16 @ 5:06pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Living, and stranded on an island in Canada
Posts: 71,152

LickaU (Bart), I haven't posted in any of the games in a week, and a half. I've took a break from doing that. Chris, this has been said, and I've said it, too. There are enough games to join in to post, and play in.

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