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Do i need to demonstrate who has it all?
Apr 15th @ 6:23pm EDT
Hello there :P
Every night on my way to work I stop and get my coffee to help me make it through the night. For months now, this one cashier has been so shy, but in that sexy sort of way. It made me look forward to my cup of coffee every day. Well, tonight the weather was bad and I ran in quickly so I wouldn't get soaked. I filled my cup and went to the counter to pay. All of a sudden there was this loud bang and the place felt like it was shaking off of the ground. We both jumped and my hand instinctively grabbed his as I was handing him my money. The lights went out and we were in complete dark except for the flashes of lightning. The building was hit by lightning, power was out and with electric doors not working I was locked inside with him. I tried to release my hand, but he held it firm and still holding it, hopped over the counter to stand right next to me. I jumped as lighting his close again and this time he pulled me up against him. Let me take your mind off of this, we could be here a while he said as his hand searched my body, pulled down my pants and found me, teasing me touching me. He took me right there through half the night, over and over again, bent over that counter, on the floor, on a chair. Still the best cup of coffee I ever had.
Apr 5th @ 9:57am EDT
Different faces of celebrities and the small screen have publicly confessed his homosexuality in different media. The most recent case, the Puerto Rican Ricky Martin cantate has caused a stir with this news from thousands of fans for years because it was considered to Mexican Rebeca de Alba as his girlfriend. Surprise that there are no consequences because fortunately we live in an advanced society and free. However, precisely because of this issue, it is surprising that the sexual status of a person to be considered a story.Homosexual love is also the theme of the novel by Iigo Sota Pamplona named: Heras short distances. A novel edited by Coco featuring young characters who frequently use virtual media to flirt and meet new people. In a clear manifestation that that literature takes as inspiration social reality. A reality that has undergone a revolution as a result of technical progress and technology. On the Internet, communication is different, more direct, has less ado and the tone is more informal.Diferentes personajes famosos y rostros de la pequea pantalla han confesado pblicamente su homosexualidad en diferentes medios de prensa. El caso ms reciente, el cantate puertoriqueo Riky Martin que ha provocado cierto revuelo con esta noticia entre sus miles de fans puesto que durante aos se consider a la mexicana Rebeca de Alba como su novia. Una sorpresa que no tiene mayores consecuencias puesto que afortunadamente vivimos en una sociedad avanzada y libre. Sin embargo, precisamente por esta cuestin, resulta sorprendente que la condicin sexual de una persona sea considerada una noticia.El amor homosexual tambin es el tema central de la novela del escritor pamplons Iigo Sota Heras que lleva por titulo las Distancias Cortas. Una novela editada por Coc que presenta a personajes jvenes que utilizan con frecuencia los medios virtuales para ligar y conocer a gente nueva. En una manifestacin ms que evidente de que la literatura toma como fuente de inspiracin la realidad social. Una realidad que ha sufrido una verdadera revolucin como consecuencia del progreso de la tcnica y la tecnologa. En internet, la comunicacin es diferente, es ms directa, tiene menos prembulos y el tono es ms informal.
Apr 4th @ 8:38am EDT
:P sexy guys .. Hi
Every night on my way to work I stop and get my coffee to help me make it through the night. For months now, this one cashier has been so shy, but in that sexy sort of way. It made me look forward to my cup of coffee every day. Well, tonight the weather was bad and I ran in quickly so I wouldn't get soaked. I filled my cup and went to the counter to pay. All of a sudden there was this loud bang and the place felt like it was shaking off of the ground. We both jumped and my hand instinctively grabbed his as I was handing him my money. The lights went out and we were in complete dark except for the flashes of lightning. The building was hit by lightning, power was out and with electric doors not working I was locked inside with him. I tried to release my hand, but he held it firm and still holding it, hopped over the counter to stand right next to me. I jumped as lighting his close again and this time he pulled me up against him. Let me take your mind off of this, we could be here a while he said as his hand searched my body, pulled down my pants and found me, teasing me touching me. He took me right there through half the night, over and over again, bent over that counter, on the floor, on a chair. Still the best cup of coffee I ever had.
Apr 3rd @ 10:50am EDT
:P sexy guys .. Hi
Every night on my way to work I stop and get my coffee to help me make it through the night. For months now, this one cashier has been so shy, but in that sexy sort of way. It made me look forward to my cup of coffee every day. Well, tonight the weather was bad and I ran in quickly so I wouldn't get soaked. I filled my cup and went to the counter to pay. All of a sudden there was this loud bang and the place felt like it was shaking off of the ground. We both jumped and my hand instinctively grabbed his as I was handing him my money. The lights went out and we were in complete dark except for the flashes of lightning. The building was hit by lightning, power was out and with electric doors not working I was locked inside with him. I tried to release my hand, but he held it firm and still holding it, hopped over the counter to stand right next to me. I jumped as lighting his close again and this time he pulled me up against him. Let me take your mind off of this, we could be here a while he said as his hand searched my body, pulled down my pants and found me, teasing me touching me. He took me right there through half the night, over and over again, bent over that counter, on the floor, on a chair. Still the best cup of coffee I ever had.
Apr 2nd @ 9:57am EDT
Deep throat
There is nothing more pleasurable in the moment of having sexual relationship na feel a warm wet mouth and a long tongue savoring every inch of my penis and my balls, the soft rose lips with my foreskin and feel that all my liquid pre-cum is spilling over his face and down to her nipples. And the more pleasant it is put in the position of 69: meet the other and also receive pleasure. At the end when the excitation level is extreme no feeling warmer than ejaculate on the face, back, buttocks, face or nipples of the other person, not a fetish that I have is pretty hot and I like the climax of sex oral hope you liked my fetish and I hope someday we can carry out you and me. A kiss on your cock crazy.No hay nada mas placentero en el momento de tener na relacion sexual que sentir una boca humeda y caliente y una lengua larga saboreando cada centimetro de mi pene y de mis bolas, el suave rose de los labios con mi prepucio y sentir que todo mi liquido preseminal esta derramandose sobre su rostro y bajando hasta sus pesones. Y lo mas delicioso es ponerse en la posicion del 69: satisfacer a el otro y recibir placer tambien. Al final cuando ya el nivel de excitacion sea extremo no hay sensacion mas caliente que eyacular sobre la cara, espalda, nalgas, boca o pesones de la otra persona, No se es un fetiche que tengo y me caliente bastante es como el climax del sexo oral espero que les haya gustado mi fetiche y espero que algun dia lo podamos llevar a cabo tu y yo. Un beso en tu loca polla.
Apr 1st @ 6:30pm EDT
Good Afternoon lol
Every night on my way to work I stop and get my coffee to help me make it through the night. For months now, this one cashier has been so shy, but in that sexy sort of way. It made me look forward to my cup of coffee every day. Well, tonight the weather was bad and I ran in quickly so I wouldn't get soaked. I filled my cup and went to the counter to pay. All of a sudden there was this loud bang and the place felt like it was shaking off of the ground. We both jumped and my hand instinctively grabbed his as I was handing him my money. The lights went out and we were in complete dark except for the flashes of lightning. The building was hit by lightning, power was out and with electric doors not working I was locked inside with him. I tried to release my hand, but he held it firm and still holding it, hopped over the counter to stand right next to me. I jumped as lighting his close again and this time he pulled me up against him. Let me take your mind off of this, we could be here a while he said as his hand searched my body, pulled down my pants and found me, teasing me touching me. He took me right there through half the night, over and over again, bent over that counter, on the floor, on a chair. Still the best cup of coffee I ever had.
Mar 30th @ 1:01pm EDT
Sitting here
Sitting here on my own, my feet in the cool water of the creek, I tried, ten million times, there was no reason why I should have such problems. I was a normal kid every day, no better or worse than most. I was not on drugs, did not smoke or drink. I worried about my grades and my lack of a flat stomach, and if ever I was going to be a little higher or would grow hair on my chest. No big deal, but it\'s important to me.When I was about eleven, I began to realize that I have lost focus on what the teacher said it was seeing Teddy Gleason who drew cartoons in his notebook. Now, that in itself is nothing because a teacher who talks about energy pyramids and food chains can not hold our interest for long. The attention span of a guy is almost as long as the language of a mosquito. But, it really began to bother me was that not only were the figures that drew Teddy. It was his hand. The way they closed around his pencil and then how he had taken his hair back with the other hand equally attractive. Why watching Teddy\'s hands? I could have put my attention on Marybeth Kelly and watch his fingers twisting her long red hair waiting to feel the same little tingle. Should not interested Marybeth hands more than Teddy?Sentado aqu yo solo, mis pies metidos en el agua fresca del arroyo, lo intent, diez millones de veces, no haba razn por la qu yo deba tener estos problemas. Yo era un chico normal todos los das, ni mejor ni peor que la mayora. Yo no le haca a las drogas, no fumaba ni tomaba. Me preocup por mis calificaciones y por mi falta de un abdomen plano, y si alguna vez yo iba a ser un poco ms alto o si dejara crecer pelo en mi pecho. No es gran cosa, pero es importante para m.Cuando tena unos once aos, empec a darme cuenta de que he perdido el enfoque en lo que deca el maestro porque estaba viendo a Teddy Gleason que dibujaba caricaturas en su cuaderno. Ahora, eso en s mismo no es nada porque un maestro que habla de pirmides de energa y las cadenas alimenticias no puede mantener nuestro inters durante mucho tiempo. El tiempo de atencin de un nio es casi tan largo como la lengua de un mosquito. Pero, lo que realmente comenz a molestarme fue que no solo eran las figuritas que Teddy dibujaba. Fue su mano. La forma en que se cerr en torno a su lpiz y, a continuacin la forma en que haba quitado su pelo de la cara con la otra mano igualmente atractiva. Por qu miraba las manos de Teddy? Pude haber puesto mi atencin sobre Marybeth Kelly y mirarla torciendo con sus dedos sus largos cabellos rojos esperando sentir el mismo pequeo cosquilleo. No deberan los manos de Marybeth interesarme ms que las de Teddy?
Mar 28th @ 9:35am EDT
Sitting Here
Sitting here on my own, my feet in the cool water of the creek, I tried, ten million times, there was no reason why I should have such problems. I was a normal kid every day, no better or worse than most. I was not on drugs, did not smoke or drink. I worried about my grades and my lack of a flat stomach, and if ever I was going to be a little higher or would grow hair on my chest. No big deal, but it\'s important to me.When I was about eleven, I began to realize that I have lost focus on what the teacher said it was seeing Teddy Gleason who drew cartoons in his notebook. Now, that in itself is nothing because a teacher who talks about energy pyramids and food chains can not hold our interest for long. The attention span of a guy is almost as long as the language of a mosquito. But, it really began to bother me was that not only were the figures that drew Teddy. It was his hand. The way they closed around his pencil and then how he had taken his hair back with the other hand equally attractive. Why watching Teddy\'s hands? I could have put my attention on Marybeth Kelly and watch his fingers twisting her long red hair waiting to feel the same little tingle. Should not interested Marybeth hands more than Teddy?Sentado aqu yo solo, mis pies metidos en el agua fresca del arroyo, lo intent, diez millones de veces, no haba razn por la qu yo deba tener estos problemas. Yo era un chico normal todos los das, ni mejor ni peor que la mayora. Yo no le haca a las drogas, no fumaba ni tomaba. Me preocup por mis calificaciones y por mi falta de un abdomen plano, y si alguna vez yo iba a ser un poco ms alto o si dejara crecer pelo en mi pecho. No es gran cosa, pero es importante para m.Cuando tena unos once aos, empec a darme cuenta de que he perdido el enfoque en lo que deca el maestro porque estaba viendo a Teddy Gleason que dibujaba caricaturas en su cuaderno. Ahora, eso en s mismo no es nada porque un maestro que habla de pirmides de energa y las cadenas alimenticias no puede mantener nuestro inters durante mucho tiempo. El tiempo de atencin de un nio es casi tan largo como la lengua de un mosquito. Pero, lo que realmente comenz a molestarme fue que no solo eran las figuritas que Teddy dibujaba. Fue su mano. La forma en que se cerr en torno a su lpiz y, a continuacin la forma en que haba quitado su pelo de la cara con la otra mano igualmente atractiva. Por qu miraba las manos de Teddy? Pude haber puesto mi atencin sobre Marybeth Kelly y mirarla torciendo con sus dedos sus largos cabellos rojos esperando sentir el mismo pequeo cosquilleo. No deberan los manos de Marybeth interesarme ms que las de Teddy?
Mar 27th @ 12:30pm EDT
Different faces of celebrities and the small screen have publicly confessed his homosexuality in different media. The most recent case, the Puerto Rican Ricky Martin cantate has caused a stir with this news from thousands of fans for years because it was considered to Mexican Rebeca de Alba as his girlfriend. Surprise that there are no consequences because fortunately we live in an advanced society and free. However, precisely because of this issue, it is surprising that the sexual status of a person to be considered a story.Homosexual love is also the theme of the novel by Iigo Sota Pamplona named: Heras short distances. A novel edited by Coco featuring young characters who frequently use virtual media to flirt and meet new people. In a clear manifestation that that literature takes as inspiration social reality. A reality that has undergone a revolution as a result of technical progress and technology. On the Internet, communication is different, more direct, has less ado and the tone is more informal.Diferentes personajes famosos y rostros de la pequea pantalla han confesado pblicamente su homosexualidad en diferentes medios de prensa. El caso ms reciente, el cantate puertoriqueo Riky Martin que ha provocado cierto revuelo con esta noticia entre sus miles de fans puesto que durante aos se consider a la mexicana Rebeca de Alba como su novia. Una sorpresa que no tiene mayores consecuencias puesto que afortunadamente vivimos en una sociedad avanzada y libre. Sin embargo, precisamente por esta cuestin, resulta sorprendente que la condicin sexual de una persona sea considerada una noticia.El amor homosexual tambin es el tema central de la novela del escritor pamplons Iigo Sota Heras que lleva por titulo las Distancias Cortas. Una novela editada por Coc que presenta a personajes jvenes que utilizan con frecuencia los medios virtuales para ligar y conocer a gente nueva. En una manifestacin ms que evidente de que la literatura toma como fuente de inspiracin la realidad social. Una realidad que ha sufrido una verdadera revolucin como consecuencia del progreso de la tcnica y la tecnologa. En internet, la comunicacin es diferente, es ms directa, tiene menos prembulos y el tono es ms informal.
Mar 27th @ 12:30pm EDT
Different faces of celebrities and the small screen have publicly confessed his homosexuality in different media. The most recent case, the Puerto Rican Ricky Martin cantate has caused a stir with this news from thousands of fans for years because it was considered to Mexican Rebeca de Alba as his girlfriend. Surprise that there are no consequences because fortunately we live in an advanced society and free. However, precisely because of this issue, it is surprising that the sexual status of a person to be considered a story.Homosexual love is also the theme of the novel by Iigo Sota Pamplona named: Heras short distances. A novel edited by Coco featuring young characters who frequently use virtual media to flirt and meet new people. In a clear manifestation that that literature takes as inspiration social reality. A reality that has undergone a revolution as a result of technical progress and technology. On the Internet, communication is different, more direct, has less ado and the tone is more informal.Diferentes personajes famosos y rostros de la pequea pantalla han confesado pblicamente su homosexualidad en diferentes medios de prensa. El caso ms reciente, el cantate puertoriqueo Riky Martin que ha provocado cierto revuelo con esta noticia entre sus miles de fans puesto que durante aos se consider a la mexicana Rebeca de Alba como su novia. Una sorpresa que no tiene mayores consecuencias puesto que afortunadamente vivimos en una sociedad avanzada y libre. Sin embargo, precisamente por esta cuestin, resulta sorprendente que la condicin sexual de una persona sea considerada una noticia.El amor homosexual tambin es el tema central de la novela del escritor pamplons Iigo Sota Heras que lleva por titulo las Distancias Cortas. Una novela editada por Coc que presenta a personajes jvenes que utilizan con frecuencia los medios virtuales para ligar y conocer a gente nueva. En una manifestacin ms que evidente de que la literatura toma como fuente de inspiracin la realidad social. Una realidad que ha sufrido una verdadera revolucin como consecuencia del progreso de la tcnica y la tecnologa. En internet, la comunicacin es diferente, es ms directa, tiene menos prembulos y el tono es ms informal.
Mar 26th @ 5:57pm EDT
Hotel sex
El sonido de una sirena a lo lejos y el ruido incesante y creciente proveniente de la calle entraban a raudales por la ventana del cuarto de hotel, la luz del da apeThe sound of a siren in the distance and the incessant noise from the street growing were pouring through the window of the hotel room, daylight was just leaked by an old gray curtain, dirty and poorly hung, would be approximately eleven o'clock, however, despite the noise and the lateness of the morning the man lying in bed just signs of life, slept heavily, face down, completely naked. Hammering on the door alerted the occupant of the room that the time was up and slowly pulled it from its lethargy, moved very slowly turning in bed getting up to sit with narrowed eyes as he looked around.nas era filtrada por una vieja cortina gris, sucia y mal colgada; seran aproximadamente las once de la maana, sin embargo, pese al ruido y a lo avanzado de la maana el hombre tendido en la cama apenas daba seales de vida, dorma pesadamente, boca abajo, completamente desnudo. Golpes fuertes en la puerta avisaron al ocupante del cuarto que el tiempo haba terminado y lo sacaron lentamente de su letargo; se movi muy lentamente girando en la cama incorporndose hasta sentarse, mientras con ojos entrecerrados miraba a su alrededor.
Mar 24th @ 8:14pm EDT
It all started when starting the tenth grade bone last year there, that great day when I met the person who would change my life completelyThat day I got up early Mui did everything as usual it was already 7 am to and everything would change for better or for worse we drove eachThe courses that we belonged to enter the mine saw his penetrating gaze, his face all. It was the perfect man but I was wrong last dayWe knew his name could not stop seeing each time I approached me nervous and ran jum the first time we went throughTo our wallets that day were in the computer room so happened that I took the four took the computer and then look to the floor belowAnd I saw a wallet to see it as identical to mine and I took it because it was at the end when I realized it was not mine is the mine told me you look and toldSorry I thought it was mine told me not to worry and thanked me then was the best would be the first and last time I would speak well. In classesTodo comenz cuando inicie el grado decimo sea el ao pasado all, ese gran da en que conoc a la persona que me cambiaria la vida por completoEse da me levante mu temprano hice todo como de costumbre eran ya las 7 de la maana ay todo cambiaria para bien o para mal cada uno nos dirigamosA los cursos que nos corresponda al entrar al mo lo vi su mirada penetrante, su rostro todo. Era el hombre perfecto pero me equivocaba pasado los dasYa conoc su nombre no poda dejar de verlo cada vez que se me acercaba me pona nervioso y sala corriendo jum la primera vez que hablamos fue graciasA nuestras billeteras ese da estbamos en la sala de sistemas dio la casualidad que yo cog el 4 computador y el cogi el siguiente despus mire al pisoY vi una billetera al verla tan idntica a la ma pues la cog y al final no era cuando me di cuenta que no era la ma el me dijo es la ma lo mire y le dije aPerdn pens que era la ma me dijo que no me preocupara y me agradeci ese momento fue el mejor sera la primera y ltima vez que hablaramos bien. En las clases
Mar 23rd @ 10:10am EDT
Gay History
It all started when starting the tenth grade bone last year there, that great day when I met the person who would change my life completelyThat day I got up early Mui did everything as usual it was already 7 am to and everything would change for better or for worse we drove eachThe courses that we belonged to enter the mine saw his penetrating gaze, his face all. It was the perfect man but I was wrong last dayWe knew his name could not stop seeing each time I approached me nervous and ran jum the first time we went throughTo our wallets that day were in the computer room so happened that I took the four took the computer and then look to the floor belowAnd I saw a wallet to see it as identical to mine and I took it because it was at the end when I realized it was not mine is the mine told me you look and toldSorry I thought it was mine told me not to worry and thanked me then was the best would be the first and last time I would speak well. In classesTodo comenz cuando inicie el grado decimo sea el ao pasado all, ese gran da en que conoc a la persona que me cambiaria la vida por completoEse da me levante mu temprano hice todo como de costumbre eran ya las 7 de la maana ay todo cambiaria para bien o para mal cada uno nos dirigamosA los cursos que nos corresponda al entrar al mo lo vi su mirada penetrante, su rostro todo. Era el hombre perfecto pero me equivocaba pasado los dasYa conoc su nombre no poda dejar de verlo cada vez que se me acercaba me pona nervioso y sala corriendo jum la primera vez que hablamos fue graciasA nuestras billeteras ese da estbamos en la sala de sistemas dio la casualidad que yo cog el 4 computador y el cogi el siguiente despus mire al pisoY vi una billetera al verla tan idntica a la ma pues la cog y al final no era cuando me di cuenta que no era la ma el me dijo es la ma lo mire y le dije aPerdn pens que era la ma me dijo que no me preocupara y me agradeci ese momento fue el mejor sera la primera y ltima vez que hablaramos bien. En las clases
Mar 22nd @ 9:56am EDT
Crazy Mouth
There is nothing more pleasurable in the moment of having sexual relationship na feel a warm wet mouth and a long tongue savoring every inch of my penis and my balls, the soft rose lips with my foreskin and feel that all my liquid pre-cum is spilling over his face and down to her nipples. And the more pleasant it is put in the position of 69: meet the other and also receive pleasure. At the end when the excitation level is extreme no feeling warmer than ejaculate on the face, back, buttocks, face or nipples of the other person, not a fetish that I have is pretty hot and I like the climax of sex oral hope you liked my fetish and I hope someday we can carry out you and me. A kiss on your cock crazy.No hay nada mas placentero en el momento de tener na relacion sexual que sentir una boca humeda y caliente y una lengua larga saboreando cada centimetro de mi pene y de mis bolas, el suave rose de los labios con mi prepucio y sentir que todo mi liquido preseminal esta derramandose sobre su rostro y bajando hasta sus pesones. Y lo mas delicioso es ponerse en la posicion del 69: satisfacer a el otro y recibir placer tambien. Al final cuando ya el nivel de excitacion sea extremo no hay sensacion mas caliente que eyacular sobre la cara, espalda, nalgas, boca o pesones de la otra persona, No se es un fetiche que tengo y me caliente bastante es como el climax del sexo oral espero que les haya gustado mi fetiche y espero que algun dia lo podamos llevar a cabo tu y yo. Un beso en tu loca polla.
Mar 20th @ 6:21pm EDT
Hello babies
Every night on my way to work I stop and get my coffee to help me make it through the night. For months now, this one cashier has been so shy, but in that sexy sort of way. It made me look forward to my cup of coffee every day. Well, tonight the weather was bad and I ran in quickly so I wouldn't get soaked. I filled my cup and went to the counter to pay. All of a sudden there was this loud bang and the place felt like it was shaking off of the ground. We both jumped and my hand instinctively grabbed his as I was handing him my money. The lights went out and we were in complete dark except for the flashes of lightning. The building was hit by lightning, power was out and with electric doors not working I was locked inside with him. I tried to release my hand, but he held it firm and still holding it, hopped over the counter to stand right next to me. I jumped as lighting his close again and this time he pulled me up against him. Let me take your mind off of this, we could be here a while he said as his hand searched my body, pulled down my pants and found me, teasing me touching me. He took me right there through half the night, over and over again, bent over that counter, on the floor, on a chair. Still the best cup of coffee I ever had.
Mar 19th @ 7:57am EDT
Hi Boys
Every night on my way to work I stop and get my coffee to help me make it through the night. For months now, this one cashier has been so shy, but in that sexy sort of way. It made me look forward to my cup of coffee every day. Well, tonight the weather was bad and I ran in quickly so I wouldn't get soaked. I filled my cup and went to the counter to pay. All of a sudden there was this loud bang and the place felt like it was shaking off of the ground. We both jumped and my hand instinctively grabbed his as I was handing him my money. The lights went out and we were in complete dark except for the flashes of lightning. The building was hit by lightning, power was out and with electric doors not working I was locked inside with him. I tried to release my hand, but he held it firm and still holding it, hopped over the counter to stand right next to me. I jumped as lighting his close again and this time he pulled me up against him. Let me take your mind off of this, we could be here a while he said as his hand searched my body, pulled down my pants and found me, teasing me touching me. He took me right there through half the night, over and over again, bent over that counter, on the floor, on a chair. Still the best cup of coffee I ever had.
Mar 16th @ 9:55pm EDT
Sexy Guys
As you know I am a boy very hot and tastes delicious quieri today I talk about my uncontrollable taste for American men, their blond hair blue eyes athletic bodies and their crazy penises only make me shudder to imagine an American cock inside my ass. All American boys who are reading this blog and want to play with me in my chat. I hope you visit me in my room so that together we fulfill our wildest fantasies and our hottest fetishes that make us fun and pleasure flying uncontrollably. And if you're not American then also you are welcome to my room and feel comfortable in my UNOP hottest sex shows.Como ya saben soy un chico muy caliente de gustos exquisitos y hoy les quieri hablar acerca de mi gusto incontrolable por los hombres americanos, sus ojos claros su cabello rubio sus cuerpos atlticos y sus locos penes que me hacen estremecer de solo imaginar una polla americana dentro de mi culo. Todos los chicos americanos que estn leyendo este blog y que quieran divertirse conmigo en mi chat. espero que me visiten en mi sala para que juntos hagamos cumplir nuestras mas locas fantasas y nuestros mas calientes fetiches que nos hagan volar de placer y diversin sin control. Y si no eres americano pues tambien estas bienvenido a mi sala y a sentirte comodo en unop de mis mas calientes espectaculos sexuales.
Mar 15th @ 8:44pm EDT
Hot Sensation
Hello good people! ..... So then I'll tell you something that happened to me this summer (January 2007) in the coastal city that brings so many good memories, Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina), clear none far as this.Omit my name, at least as long as necessary .... I have 16 years, I measure 1,79 m, 82kg weight, do not be afraid there is not much fat here, haha​​, well not a lot of various things, unfortunately, but one gets the gleanings measured 17cm ..... my cock with some more depends on the day, I have brown hair, brown eyes, and except x the features of my face and my body something dialing, might go unnoticed ..... you could say I'm something attractive; I practice swimming since age 6, and I have always liked my teammates, at least since I can remember ..... except for that blonde chick who carried my old me, of course that was in kindergarten, and I doubt that I liked really .....Hola buena gente!!!.....lo que a continuacin voy a contarles es algo que me pas este verano (enero 2007) en la ciudad costera que tantos buenos recuerdos trae, Mar del Plata (Bs As, Argentina), claro que ninguno hasta ahora como este.Omitir mi nombre, al menos mientras sea necesario....tengo 16 aos, mido 1,79 m, peso 82kg, no se asusten no hay mucha grasa ac, jaja, bueno no hay mucho de varias cosas, lastimosamente, pero uno se las rebusca.....mi verga mide 17cm con algunos ms depende del da; tengo el pelo castao, ojos marrones, y salvo x las facciones de mi rostro y mi cuerpo algo marcado, podra pasar podra decir que soy algo atractivo; practico natacin desde los 6 aos, y siempre me han atrado mis compaeros, al menos desde que recuerdo.....salvo por aquella piba rubia con quien mis viejos me cargaban, claro que eso fue en jardn de infantes, y dudo que me haya gustado verdaderamente.....
Mar 14th @ 11:57am EDT
My Summer
Hello good people! ..... So then I'll tell you something that happened to me this summer (January 2007) in the coastal city that brings so many good memories, Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina), clear none far as this.Omit my name, at least as long as necessary .... I have 16 years, I measure 1,79 m, 82kg weight, do not be afraid there is not much fat here, haha​​, well not a lot of various things, unfortunately, but one gets the gleanings measured 17cm ..... my cock with some more depends on the day, I have brown hair, brown eyes, and except x the features of my face and my body something dialing, might go unnoticed ..... you could say I'm something attractive; I practice swimming since age 6, and I have always liked my teammates, at least since I can remember ..... except for that blonde chick who carried my old me, of course that was in kindergarten, and I doubt that I liked really .....Hola buena gente!!!.....lo que a continuacin voy a contarles es algo que me pas este verano (enero 2007) en la ciudad costera que tantos buenos recuerdos trae, Mar del Plata (Bs As, Argentina), claro que ninguno hasta ahora como este.Omitir mi nombre, al menos mientras sea necesario....tengo 16 aos, mido 1,79 m, peso 82kg, no se asusten no hay mucha grasa ac, jaja, bueno no hay mucho de varias cosas, lastimosamente, pero uno se las rebusca.....mi verga mide 17cm con algunos ms depende del da; tengo el pelo castao, ojos marrones, y salvo x las facciones de mi rostro y mi cuerpo algo marcado, podra pasar podra decir que soy algo atractivo; practico natacin desde los 6 aos, y siempre me han atrado mis compaeros, al menos desde que recuerdo.....salvo por aquella piba rubia con quien mis viejos me cargaban, claro que eso fue en jardn de infantes, y dudo que me haya gustado verdaderamente.....
Mar 13th @ 4:57pm EDT
In the Hotel
El sonido de una sirena a lo lejos y el ruido incesante y creciente proveniente de la calle entraban a raudales por la ventana del cuarto de hotel, la luz del da apeThe sound of a siren in the distance and the incessant noise from the street growing were pouring through the window of the hotel room, daylight was just leaked by an old gray curtain, dirty and poorly hung, would be approximately eleven o'clock, however, despite the noise and the lateness of the morning the man lying in bed just signs of life, slept heavily, face down, completely naked. Hammering on the door alerted the occupant of the room that the time was up and slowly pulled it from its lethargy, moved very slowly turning in bed getting up to sit with narrowed eyes as he looked around.nas era filtrada por una vieja cortina gris, sucia y mal colgada; seran aproximadamente las once de la maana, sin embargo, pese al ruido y a lo avanzado de la maana el hombre tendido en la cama apenas daba seales de vida, dorma pesadamente, boca abajo, completamente desnudo. Golpes fuertes en la puerta avisaron al ocupante del cuarto que el tiempo haba terminado y lo sacaron lentamente de su letargo; se movi muy lentamente girando en la cama incorporndose hasta sentarse, mientras con ojos entrecerrados miraba a su alrededor.
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